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Transmara East District Mock - History Paper 1 Question Paper

Transmara East District Mock - History Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2011

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E.)
History & Government
Paper 1
• This paper consists of three sections; A, B, & C
• Answer all questions in section A, three questions in section B and any two questions in section C.
• Answers to all questions must be written in the separate sheets provided.
This paper consists of 2 printed pages. Candidates should check to ascertain that both pages are printed as indicated and that no questions are
Answer all questions in this sectiont
1. State two economic reasons for the migration of the cushites. (2mks)
2. Give the collection name of the Taurkana, Samburu, and the Masaai of Kenya. (1mk)
3. Identify two functions of the higher council of elders among the Agikuyu in the
pre-colonial period. (2mks)
4. Give two reasons for the rise of city states along the East Africa coast by 1500A.D. (2mks)
5. State two achievements of the Imperial British East Africa Company in Kenya. (2mks)
6. Mention two objectives of establishing health centres in Kenya during the colonial period. (2mks)
7. Identify one method used by the Coast African Association in Kenya to present their grievances to the colonial government. (1mk)
8. Give one condition which favoured the growth of trade union movement during the
colonial period. (1mk)
9. Name the type of constitution advocated for by Ronald Ngala. (1mk)
10. Identify two pillars of Nyayo philosophy. (2mks)
11. Give two importance of cultural activities in Kenya since independence. (2mks)
12. Define the term citizenship. (1mk)
13. State one peaceful method of conflict resolution. (1mk)
14. Give one reason why there was a great need to change the old constitution of Kenya. (1mk)
15. Mention two duties of party agents during elections in Kenya. (1mk)
16. Name the local authority that administer rural areas in Kenya. (1mk)
17. Give one category of sources of government revenue in Kenya. (1mk)
Answer any three questions in this section
18. (a) Describe the social organization of the Akamba during the pre-colonial period. (5mks)
(b) Explain the political organization of the Abagusii during the pre-colonial period. (10mks)
19. (a) Give five reasons why African resistance against colonial invasion failed. (5mks)
(b) Explain why the Maasai collaborated with the British. (10mks)
20. (a) State five achievements of early political organizations upto 1939. (5mks)
(b) Explain five causes of the rise of independent churches and schools in colonial Kenya.(10mks)
21. (a) Identify the challenges facing education system in Kenya today. (5mks)
(b) Explain five changes which have taken place in Kenya as a result of re-introduction
of multi-party democracy. (10mks)
Answer any two questions.
22. (a) Identify three categories of people whose personal liberty is limited. (3mks)
(b) Explain five responsibilities of a Kenyan citizen. (12mks)
23. (a) State five duties of the children’s court in Kenya. (1mk)
(b) Explain five conditions that may lead to a child to be taken to a children’s court
in Kenya. (10mks)
24. (a) State five services provide by the local authorities in Kenya. (5mks)
(b) Explain how the government of Kenya uses the recurrent expenditure. (10mks)

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