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Thika District Mock - History Paper 2 Answers Question Paper

Thika District Mock - History Paper 2 Answers 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2011

1. One disadvantage of use of anthropology as a source of information
on History and Government
_ It is time consuming
_ It is very expensive
_ It is not reliable on its own i.e must be complemented by other
_ The researcher may find it difficult to adapt fully to the
1 x 1 = 1mk
2. Two processes of evolution of early man.
_ Mutation
_ Natural selection
_ Isolation
_ Adaptation
2 x 1 = 2mks
3. Two reasons why early agriculture started near water bodies.
_ Availability of water for domestic purposes
_ Irrigation purpose.
2 x 1 =2mks
4. State two features of Macadam roads.
_ They were cheap
_ Were durable all-weather roads
_ Had good drainage
_ Were straight
_ Had a smooth surface.
2 x 1 = 2mks
5. Name one limitation of use if fire and smoke as a form of early
_ Messages could only be sent over short distances
_ Range of messages passed were limited
_ Was restricted to weather conditions
_ Of little use if no one was on the look out to see and interpret.
_ Smoke signals could easily be misinterpreted.
1 x 1 = 1mk
6. Identify two cultural consequences of Meroe’s growth as an early
urban centre.
_ The meroitic language was developed
_ New architectural developments took place in the region.
_ Iron working and other industries developed.
_ Use of hieroglyphics writings.
2 x 1 = 2mks
7. Reasons why Egypt was of strategic importance to Britain during the
colonial period.
_ Due to the opening up of Suez-canal that opened to Indian Ocean
for trade.
1 x 1 = 1mk
8. Who waged a seven year war against France from 1891-1898 in
French West Africa.
_ Samoure Toure.
1 x 1 = 1mk
9. Two duties of Native Affairs Department in Zimbabwe during the
colonial period.
_ Allocation of land to Africans
_ Collection of taxes
_ Recruiting African labour
2 x 1 = 2mks
10. State one contribution of Nyerere towards the attainment of
independence in Mozambique
_ Invited different liberation groups in Mozambique to relocate and
set up headquarters in Tanzania.
1 x 1 = 1mk
11. Name the underground movement that spearheaded the armed
resistance in South Africa during the Apartheid system.
_ Umkhonto we Sizwe (Spear of the nation)
1 x 1=1mk
12. Give two reasons why the league of nation failed
_ Shortage of funds
_ Non-commitment to the covenant by members states eg USA refused
to join the league
_ Nations followed their own interests and ignored the interests of the
wider world.
_ Lacked its own military to effects its wishes
_ Certain powerful states were left out of the league eg Germany
which joined in 1926
_ League was unable to settle disputes and stop aggression
_ Failure of the world disarmament conference (1932 – 1933)
_ It was closely linked to the Versaille treaty and hence impartial
_ Britain and France adopted the appeasement policy towards
_ Rise of dictators in Japan and Germany who refused to obey the
rules of the league.
2 x 1 = 2mks
13. What is acronym of UNHCR
_ United Nations High Commission for Refugees.
1 x 1 = 1mk
14. Who was the founding leader of the Non-Aligned Movement
_ Jawaharlal Nehru
1 x 1 = 1mk
15. Two factors that contributed to the collapse of E.A.C in 1977
_ Perceived unequal gains
_ Personality differences between president Nyerere of Tanzania and
Idi Amini of Uganda
_ Ideological differences- Tanzania committed to Ujamaaa policy
while Kenya and Uganda pursued capitalist economy
_ Political instability in Uganda
_ National pride and interests
_ Inadequate compensatory and corrective measures
_ Boundary closures.
2 x 1 = 2mks
16. What is Ujamaa as applied in Tanzania
_ Mobilization and distribution of resources on communal basis in
nation building.
1 x 1 = 1mk
17. Two Ways in which one can become a member of the House of Lords
in Britain
_ Being appointed by the Monarchy
_ Through heredity
_ Appointment by virtue of their position in the society.
2 x 1 = 2mks
18a) Three disadvantages of barter trade.
_ They lacked a common language of communication
_ Lack of measure of value
_ Lack of double coincidence of want
_ Indivisibility of goods
_ Hard to transport bulky goods
_ Some goods were perishable
3 x 1 = 3mks
b) Explain the factors that led to establishment of Trans-Saharan trade
_ Availability of trade goods
_ Existence of local trade among the Berbers and Tuareg
_ Existence of powerful kings who encouraged the trade by providing
markets and security
_ The presence of oasis in the desert provided watering points
_ Availability of capital from Arabs and Berbers
_ Spread of Islam in the region became a unifying factor i.e viewed
each other as a brother
_ Presence of Tuaregs who acted as guides
_ Increased demand for goods in Europe and middle East
_ Development of transport eg camel and trade routes.
6 x 2 = 12mks
19a) What were the changes that marked the Agrarian revolution in Britain
_ Land enclosure system i.e fencing, hedging etc
_ Mechanization inventions of machines e.g seed drill ploughs
_ Establishment of large scale farming
_ Abolition of fallows
_ Irrigation of land
_ Reclamation of waste and Moorland
_ Use of fertilizers
_ Inter-cropping
_ Breeding of livestock
_ Establishment of the royal agriculture society
5 x 1 = 5mks
b) Describe the effects of the Agrarian revolution in U.S.A
_ It led to increased food production
_ Many parts of U.S.A were opened up for settlement
_ Led to development of towns
_ Led to development of industries
_ Led to increased wealth and improved standards of living
_ Led to diversification of agriculture with introduction of new crops
_ Enhancement of research and scientific inventions
_ Increased in trade between U.S.A. and Western Europe
_ Led to colonization of Africa
_ It gave rise to black Americans communities in U.S.A.
_ Led to unemployment due to introduction of machines.
5 x2 = 10mks
20a) Functions of the Omanhere in the pre-colonial period
_ They were heads of Amatoo states
_ They gave rights of declaring war
_ They attended the annual festival to pledge loyalty to the
_ To grant their own subjects to appeal to the high court set up at
3 x 1 =3mks
b) Explain six factors that led to the rise and growth of the Asante
_ There emerged strong rulers eg Osei Tutu
_ The odiwira festivals held annually made the state more cohensive.
_ Strong permanent army with modern arms
_ The kingdom was at the centre of trading in the Trans-Saharan
_ The centralized political system under the AsanteHene provided
_ The area had a variety of trading items
_ Disintegration of Denkyira kingdom made Asante to assert their
_ They were united under the golden stool the kingdom had a strong
Agricultural base.
6 x 2 = 12mks
21a) Five factors that facilitated scientific revolution
_ The period of Renaissance in Europe that encouraged research
_ Government support in scientific research
_ Demand for goods due to high population led to research and
_ Due to discovery of the printing press publication of books, journals
led to dissemination of scientific knowledge
_ Religion was not able to answer all questions and hence people
turned to science
_ Oversees explorations and discovery of new lands stimulated
5 x 1 = 5mks
b) Discuss the positive contribution of scientific revolution on industry
_ Has led to the production of industrial goods on large scale
_ Developed efficient sources of energy necessary for industrial
_ Improved standards of living e.g TV, radio
_ Led to growth of trade
_ development of satellites used in space exploration
_ it has revolutionalized military technology i.e manufacturing of
dangerous military weapons
_ Employment creation in industries.
_ Discovery of the steam engine has led to the development of
factories and transport system.
5 x 2 = 10mks
22a) Why did the Versailles treaty fail to bring lasting peace to the warring
_ The severe punishment meted on Germany made her bitter.
_ The interest of minority groups were not considered e.g Serbia,
_ Italy which was considered a major power was treated like a minor
_ U.S.A did not sign the versilles treaty
_ The interest of the colonized people was largely ignored together
with other colonial powers.
5 x 1 = 5mks
b) What were the social results of the First World War?
_ Many people died i.e women were widowed and children orphaned
_ Many people contracted diseases e.g soldiers suffered phnuemonia
and S.T.D’S
_ Mass starvation as strong men’s went to wear
_ Thousands of people were displaced and rendered homeless
_ It led to separation of families
_ The art of surgery advanced due to many injuries.
5 x 2=10mks
23a) State the objectives of the Pan-African movement
_ To unite all the peoples of Africa origin in the struggle for
emancipation from social discrimination
_ To challenge the ideology of white supremacy
_ To improve the African conditions in the Diaspora and in African
_ To create a forum through which protests against European
colonization and racial discrimination could be channeled.
_ To fight neo-colonialism in Africa,
_ To educate Africans on their rights
_ Establish friendly relations between Africa.
5 x 1 = 5mks
b) Describe the challenges faced by the Pan-Africa movement
_ Lack of adequate funds to run its operation
_ Division arising independent African states
_ Lack of base in Africa, since most African countries were still under
colonial rule
_ Division among leaders
_ Most African countries remained dependent on their colonial masters
for economic support
_ After 1960 the movement was limited to the Africa continent leaving
African American
_ Most Europeans who fought for Pan-African were imprisoned e.g
Marcus Earvey
_ Illiteracy and ignorance among African hindered them from
supporting pan-African movement
_ European powers exploited their dominations of the international
media to water down the
5 x 2 = 10mks
24a) Outline the role of the civil service in the U.S.A. Government
_ Implement government policies
_ Explains and interprets government policies
_ Maintains government records
_ Collection of government revenue
_ Advicing politicians on matters of policy
_ Provided continuity between government and the next after general
_ Draws up development plans and government budget.
5 x 1 = 5mks
b) Explain the merits of the federal government in the U.S.A.
_ It enables different states to live together but retain their distinct
_ Helps the states to form a large market together
_ States are able to tackle their common problems e.g terrorism
_ The existence of a joint defence force ensures security from small
_ It ensures that the interest of small states and minority groups are
better protected
_ It enables member states to benefit from the federal pool of resources
_ It eases trade by eliminating custom duties and use common currency

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