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Thika District Mock - English Paper 1 Question Paper

Thika District Mock - English Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2011

Name……………………………………………………… Index No………………………….
School …………………………………………………… Candidate’s Signature……………
Paper 1
(Functional Skills)
July 2011
2 Hours
Paper 1
2 Hours
Write your name and index number in the spaces provided above.
Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided above.
Answer ALL the questions in this question paper.
All your answer must be written in the spaces provided in this question paper.
1. Last year, you read a thrilling novel. You surely wish that your friend would read it. Write a
synopsis that you wish to send to your friend so that he/she may be persuaded to read it.
(20 marks)
Q2. CLOZE TEST (10 marks)
Civil Society and especially non-governmental organisation (NGOs) play a -----------------------------------(1) role in our Social-political ---------------------------------------(2).
During the historic agitation ---------------------------------(3) the one-party state in the 1990s, NGOs and civil society were at the -------------------------------(4) of the struggle. Some paid the highest -----------------------(5) – death - for the freedom we ------------------------------------(6).
Today, their -------------------------------------(7) is similarly crucial. We need members of the civil society to agitate, audit ------------------------------(8) interrogate the excesses of government.
During the nineties, a lot of financial support ---------------------------------(9) given to members of the civil Society. Donors were, ---------------------------(10) from well known and respected foundations, UN bodies and contributions were above board.
Q3.(a) Construct two sentences per word listed to bring out two different meanings. (5 marks)
(i) dear
(ii) woods
(iii) race
(iv) saw
(v) buffet
3. (b) Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow. (8 marks)
The broom seller
He peddles his bicycle down the street
Dust on his face, dust on his feet,
Broom! Broom!
Look at him ride!
His feet stick out on either side
Broom! Broom! See him go.
Riding fast or riding slow.
His cap is yellow and green and red.
The brooms are balanced on his head.
I really think if you or I.
Tried that trick, we would fail!
But there he goes, head held high
Walking the streets with his clear long call.
Buy my brooms.
To sweep your rooms
i) Comment on the rhyme scheme of the above poem. (2 marks)
ii) Identify TWO aspects in the poem that enhance musicality. (2 marks)
iii) What is the role played by the exclamation marks in the poem. (2 marks)
iv) Why do you think the last word in the poem is written that way? (2 marks)
3.(c) Read the oral narrative below then answer questions that follow.
(The setting of the story is in Kibiro, Uganda in the Western Rift Valley near Lake Albert.)
A long time ago, there lived Cock and his family as well as Kite and his family. The former
was hardworking while the latter was lazy. It then happened that the place was hit by a famine. People from far used to travel a long way to go to Kibiro to barter food for salt. It also happened that both families ran short of salt.
Cock’s wife informed her husband that they had run short of salt and asked him to take some
finger millet to Kibiro. He agreed, went to Kibiro, obtained salt and set upon the return journey.
The other family got wind of this. Mrs. Kite also asked her husband to go to Kibiro and try to get salt since the lazy family did not have anything to take. Kite set off to Kibiro. On the way, he met cock resting on his way home with the salt beside him. He was standing on one leg having hidden one of his leg in his wing, as cocks do many times when resting. Kite asked Cock how he had managed to get the salt, whereupon Cock told Kite that the salt miners had cut off one of his legs in exchange for the salt. Kite accepted the lie and proceeded towards Kibiro ready to do the same. Cock continued on his journey and got home safely.
On arrival at Kibiro, Kite offered his leg for a bundle of salt which the miners readily accepted.
His leg was consequently amputated rendering him immobile, even unable to carry home the salt.
Poor Kite flew back home, where he was received by his family in much grief, especially when he narrated to them the ordeal he went through. Later Kite’s family was to receive the traumatizing news that Cock had actually ill-advised Kite, leading to loss of his leg.
Henceforward, great enmity ensued between the two families with Kite’s family swearing to
retaliate by hunting Cock’s family down and eat them. This goes on to date.
(i) What would you do in order to capture the audience’s attention before you begin to tell this story?
(2 marks)
(ii) Explain how you would make the narration of the first two paragraphs effective.
(2 marks)
(iii) Mention two ways in which you would know that your audience in this story is fully
participating in the performance. (4 marks)
(iv) Mention TWO problems encountered during the collection of this oral literature material.
(2 marks)
3.(d) Read the following conversation and answer the questions that follow. (7 marks)
Mbaire meets her former teacher, Mr. Katana, at a street in Nairobi.
Mbaire: Hi Mr. Katana, long time no see.
Mr. Katana: Hello Mbaire, how have you been for so long
Mbaire: I’m fit as you can see.
Mr. Katana: What a surprise to see you here! Do you live around this area?
Mbaire: Zi, just popped in to have a glimpse of some associates of mine. And you?
Mr. Katana: Well, I came to visit a colleague who has been ailing for some time. You
remember Mr. Kwach.
Mbaire: Yes, the leopard! Who can forget him? He used----------
Mr. Katana: Well, I must be going. Goodbye
Mbaire: See you.
(i) Identify one shortcoming in Mbaire’s responses. (2 marks)
(ii) Give three aspects of speech that Mbaire needs to consider so as to communicate effectively
and in an appropriate manner. (3 marks)
(iii) Give two possible reasons for Mr. Katana’s exit before Mbaire finishes speaking.
(2 marks)

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