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Dis 302 Question Paper

Dis 302 

Course:Bachelor Of Commerce

Institution: University Of Nairobi question papers

Exam Year:2010

University of Nairobi
School of Business
Department of Management Science

July 13th 2011
Continuous Assessment Test Time: 9:00 AM-10:20 AM
Answer all questions. Note that the questions do not carry equal marks.
a) Compare and contrast the following E-Commerce business models in terms of the main concept, and possible revenue models.
i) Portal and E-tailer
ii) Service and community provider
iii) Net-marketplace and net-exchange (12 marks)

b) Why is it at times difficult to classify e-commerce business models? (3 marks)

2) A large bank recently installed new enterprise applications, but then got into serious difficulties associated with this change. It was supposed to assist staff at all levels, both administratively and professionally. Many long serving managers were retrenched which killed staff morale, leading to lower worker productivity. At the same time the expected efficiency gains were not easy to see because the best practices incorporated in the system adopted were alien to the local work culture.
a) What type of systems would have been included in the new systems to serve the following? In each case give an example of usage.
i) Loan officers
ii) Tellers
iii) Human resources manager
iv) Marketing Director
v) Managing Director (15 marks)

b) Why could it have been necessary to send many long serving managers home? Likely what level of management were they? (4 marks)

c) Discuss two factors could have contributed to the poor performance of the new systems.
(6 marks)

a) PayPal is a popular payment platform, and is an example of a peer-to-peer payment system. Explain why such systems are necessary for e-commerce in general and how it could have led to PayPal’s great success. (4 marks)

b) Explain how traditional checks and credit cards have been adapted for e-commerce payment. What type of payment system is MPesa? (6 marks)

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