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E Business Question Paper

E Business 

Course:Bachelor Of Commerce

Institution: University Of Nairobi question papers

Exam Year:2012

University of Nairobi
School of Business
Department of Management Science
February 29, 2012
DIS 302: E-BUSINESS Continuous Assessment Test Time: 9-10:10 AM
Answer all questions. Note that the questions do not necessarily carry equal marks. Write clearly and legibly. The use of examples and/or illustrations is encouraged.
1) The following concepts are important to understanding business and management today. Explain each and why it is important from an e-business perspective:
a) Business process
b) Personalization
c) Semi-structured decisions
d) Information value chain
e) Price transparency
f) IT infrastructure
g) Complementary assets
(20 marks)
a) Explain the role of information systems in achieving any three strategic business objectives. (6 marks)
b) Discuss why any self-respecting business professional must distinguish between information technology and an information system. In your answer include examples of what could happen when these are confused. (6 marks)
a) Many young technically trained IT innovators are frustrated that no one seems to appreciate their work and give them money to make their ideas real businesses. Many have no idea about marketing or pricing or even a business plan. Using the idea of an E-commerce business model, explain the essential features they should include in a business plan to make their ideas easier to sell to potential investors. (12 marks)
b) E-Commerce has grown exponentially in the developed countries. Are poorer countries like Kenya likely to follow a similar path? Explain. (6 marks)

Total: 50 Marks

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