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Sotik District Mock - History Paper 1 Question Paper

Sotik District Mock - History Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2011

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E.)
History and Government
Paper 1
2 ½ hours
• This paper consists of three sections A, B and C.
• Answer all questions in section A, three questions in section B , and two questions in section C
• Answers to all questions must be written in the separate sheets provided.
This paper consists of 2 printed pages. Candidates should check to ascertain that all papers are printed as indicated and that no questions are missing
SECTION A (25 Marks)
Answer all the questions
1. Define the term Ecofacts. (1mk)
2. Identify the site where Kenyapithecus remains were found in Kenya. (1mk)
3. Name a community in Kenya who when they were found were living a Stone Age kind of life.
4. Give two communities that contributed to the building of the Abaluhyia as a community. (2mks)
5. State two functions of the Orkoiyot among the Nandi. (2mks)
6. Give two factors that contributed to the growth of city states along the coast. (2mks)
7. Name the pilot who took Vasco da Gama to India. (1mk)
8. Give the major factor that facilitated the spread of Christianity in the interior of Kenya. (1mk)
9. Identify two types of treaties used by Europeans to acquire colonies in East Africa. (2mks)
10. State two ways of response to the British invasion and occupation of Kenya. (2mks)
11. Give the main reason why the African Land Development Programme (ALDEV) was introduced in 1946. (1mk)
12. Name the Political Association that was banned in May 1940. (1mk)
13. State two proposals made by Lennox-Boyd. (2mk)
14. Give two duties of the returning officer in general elections. (2mks)
15. List the elements of conflict resolution. (2mks)
16. Name the committee that resolves disputes concerning bills in the two houses of parliament. (1mk)
17. Who is the head of a county in Kenya? (1mk)
SECTION B (45 Marks)
Answer three questions.
18. (a) Give reasons why the Omani Arabs fought the Portuguese at the coast. (3mks)
(b) Describe six features of Swahili culture. (12mks)
19. (a) Outline five grievances by Africans in 1923 leading to the documentation of the Devonshire white paper. (5mks)
(b) Discuss the factors which enabled the Mau Mau freedom fighters to sustain the fight against the British. (10mks)
20. (a) Why did Nabongo Mumia of Wanga collaborate with the British. (5mks)
(b) Explain five results of the collaboration of the Maasai with the British. (10mks)
21. (a) What factors led to the development of Multi-Party democracy in Kenya in the early
1990s (3mks)
(b) Explain how the existence of many parties has promoted democracy in Kenya. (12mks)
SECTION C (30 Marks)
Answer any two questions.
22. (a) State the power of mercy that may be exercised by the president of Kenya. (3mks)
(b) Explain six functions of the cabinet in Kenya. (12mks)
23. (a) Identify the three groups of the defence forces (Armed forces) in Kenya. (3mks)
(b) Describe the functions of the defence forces in Kenya. (12mks)
24. (a) Give three circumstances under which a governor may be removed from office. (3mks)
(b) Explain six objectives of the devolution of government in Kenya. (12mks)

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