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History 2011 Question Paper

History 2011 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2011





~All questions are compulsory.
Q.1.a) outline the social organization of the bantu speakers in kenya.(2 marks)
b)describe the political organization of the bantu in kenya.
(2 marks)
c)list the economic activities of the bantu in kenya.(2 marks)
d)describe the political organization of the agikuyu during the pre-colonial period.(2 marks)
Q.2.a) describe the social organization of the pre-colonial luo community.(2 marks)
b)state the economic activities of the luo.
(2 marks)
c) describe the political organization of the luo in pre-colonial kenya.
(2 marks)
Q.3.a)describe the social organization of the maasai in pre-colonial kenya.(2 marks)
b) state the economic activities of the maasa.
(2 marks)
c)describe the political organization of the maasai in pre-colonial kenya.(2 marks)
Q.4.a)describe the political organization of the nandi in the pre-colonial period.(2 marks)
b)explain the role of the orkoiyot.(2 marks)
Q.5.a) describe the social organization of the somali in pre-colonial kenya.(2 marks)
b)describe the political organization of the somali in pre-colonial kenya.(2 marks)
c)state the economic activities of the cushites in kenya before the colonial era.
(2 marks)
Q.6.a) describe the political organization of the borana in pre-colonial kenya.(2 marks)
b)explain the social and economic organization of the borana in pre-colonial kenya.(2 marks)

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