Computer Studies Paper Two Question Paper

Computer Studies Paper Two 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2013

a) Create a database “KENYA COLLEGE” in the folder created. (2mks)
b) Create a table with the following fields using appropriate data types: Adm no, First name, Last name, course, date of admission and completed. Save it as STUDENTS DETAILS (8mks)
c) Set Adm No As a primary key and the default value for the date of admission to reflect today’s date. (2mks)
d) Create a columnar form that would be used to enter data into STUDENTS DETAILS and save it as STUDENTS DATA ENTRY. (3mks)
e) Use the above form to enter the following data into the database.
Adm No Fist name Last name course DOA completed
3224 John Flora IMIS 12/01/2010 yes
4455 Mary Mutual accounts 24/12/2009 yes
6677 Bernard Maingi French 15/5/2010 No
7760 David Naja IMIS 05/04/2010 No
2312 Evy Damson French 23/8/2009 yes
6547 Joy Kelly IMIS 4/3/2010 No
6579 mwangi Sam IMIS 18/4/2010 No

f) Create a table named “: FEE PAYMENT” in the same database to contain Adm No, fee paid and receipt No. (5mks)
g) Link STUDENTS DETAILS table to FEE PAYMENT table. (2mks)
h) Enter the following details into the FEE PAYMENT table. (2mks)
Adm no Fee paid Receipt number
3224 12000 100
4455 30000 121
6677 30000 152
7760 25000 134
2312 30000 145
6547 23000 124
6579 30000 150

i) Create a query to display the following details: Adm no, first name, last name, fee paid save as FEE PAID (5mks)
j) Display a list showing that the last name and the fee balance for all students who owe the college over 10000 given that the total fee for each course is 30000. Save as SEND HOME.(5mks)
k) Certificates are to be given only those who have completed their course and have paid the full amount. Create a query having the Adm no, fist name, last name and course for all students to be awarded the certificates. Save as GRADUANTS. (5mks)

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