Word Processor P2 Question Paper

Word Processor P2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2013





Answer ALL the questions
a) Create a folder with your name, class and Adm no on the desktop and save all your work inside it.
1. (a) Type the following passage in word processor exactly as it appears, spell check and format it accordingly. Use typeface Times New Romans, font size 12. Save it as NET 1 (7mks)

Networks can be organized into three basic models client/server, peer -to- peer and centralized computing. Client/server and peer-to-peer are used with PC networks. While centralized computing models are used with mid-range and main frame computers usually running a UNIX
Based operating system. The peer-to-peer model is the simplest to implement and assemble client/server is the most popular configuration, because of its versatility and power drawing mainly from the vast variety and higher performance of specialized server hardware.

Central computing networks
The host is the core of the centralized computing model. Host computers typically run the UNIX operating system and can process multiple jobs simultaneously and in a very efficient manner jobs are initiated by the terminal, which has no processing capability on its own and simply provides input/output for the host. The user logs into the host computer to process the user’s job when the job finished, the host computer sends the results of the job back to the terminal.

The main advantage of centralized computing is that they are the highest performance networks today. Its major disadvantages are:
• They are costly
• They are dependent on custom written software
• They are more complicated than PC servers

b) (i)bold face and italize all the occurrences of the words client/server (1mk)
(ii) Justify and set the left and right indents of the second paragraph at 1 inch (1mk)
(iii) Save the document as NET 2
c) (i) Copy NET1 passage to a new document.
(ii) Present the document into two columns with the line between the columns.
(iii) Save the new document as NET 3

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