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Kwanza District Mock- English Paper 2 Question Paper

Kwanza District Mock- English Paper 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2010

Name………………………………………………………. Index No……………………………
School……………………………………………………… Candidate’s sign……………………
(Comprehension, Literary Appreciation and Grammar)
Time: 2 ½ Hours
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)
(Comprehension, Literary Appreciation and Grammar)
Time: 2 ½ Hours
1. Write your name and index number in the spaces provided above.
2. Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided above.
3. Answer ALL the questions in this question paper.
4. All your answers must be written in the spaces provided in this question paper.
This paper consists of 8 printed pages.
Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all pages are printed as indicated and no questions are missing
Question 1
Read the following passage and answer the questions below (20mks)
Despite the technological and scientific discoveries and advancements by man one thing we human beings will never grasp or foretell with certainty is another person’s or own lifespan. What we do know without doubt though, is that our life on earth has to come to an end at one point. Armed with this knowledge, every person should ensure that they are not only spiritually prepared for their destiny after death, but should also make preparations for those they leave behind.
One of the best ways of ensuring that your estate will be well protected and will benefit the surviving members of your family or other persons to whom you intend to bequeath your property is to prepare a will.
However, this is a topic that is frowned upon in our society as any talk of a will is deemed to be in anticipation of death in the near future. However, this is far from the truth since writing a will cannot cut off your life.
The cost of administering an intestate estate (an estate belonging to a deceased person who died leaving a valid will) can be quite high. We are familiar with family disputes that concern the distribution of family property after someone has died, that have lingered in courts for eons. The rigour of going through the court process and the uncertainty that springs from un guaranteed outcomes is just one hurdle. Many times the tensions and the lack of harmony between families because of such disputes is another problem.
Preparing a will is not difficult. The testator (the person preparing the will) who should be o.f sound mind just needs to set out how they would like their property distributed once they die. He should also appoint an executor who would be responsible for the administration of the testator’s estate as set out in the will. If the testator has children who are below eighteen years, he may also state where they intend to be buried or whether they wish to be cremated and whether their ashes should be scattered. They should be signed by the testator in the presence of the two independent witnesses who are neither the beneficiaries nor the executors
(s) under the will.
(a) What is the importance of a will? (3mks)
(b) Explain the irony of frowning upon a will (2mks)
(c) What we do know without doubt though is that our life on earth has to come to end at one point”
Replace this statement with the most appropriate word beginning,
Death is ………………………………………………………………………………... (lmk)
(d) Explain the disadvantages of not writing and leaving a valid will (4mks)
(e) Make notes on terms and conditions that validate a will (6rnks)
(f) Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in the passage (mks)
i. Estate
ii. Bequeath
iii. Lingered
iv. Sound mind
2. Read the excerpt below and then answer the questions that follow:
The River Between
“And Joshua’s followers gathered. They talked and sang praises to God. Muthoni was an evil spirit sent to try the faithful. It was now clear to all that nothing but evil could come out of adherence to tribal customs, Joshua, their leader, was inspired. He now preached with vigour and a strange holiness danced in his eyes. He had been to Siriama and explained the situation to Livingstone.
Livingstone had understood. Now Joshua came with a new message. Circumcision was wholly evil.
Thenceforth, nobody would ever be a member of Christ’ s church if he was so much as found connected in any way with circumcision rites. The fire in Joshua gave new strength and hope to his followers.
The white men in Siriarna and others places were behind them. And with them all- God.
Waiyaki did not go back to Siriarna. His father was very ill and could not leave him alone. Waiyaki watched his father with fear. He could not visualize a home without him. What would he do? What would the hills do? He cast his mind back and saw the father he had always seen, yet had not really known.
Was it his concern for the tribe? Was that the old man’s dream to which he clung day by day, every hour of his life? Waiyaki remembered that day by day, every hour of his life? Waiyaki remembered that day in his childhood. That was the closest he had come to understanding his father. It was as if Chege had laid his soul bare for a second to the young boy. He had never again lain so exposed. It was strange that Wayaki should now recall the event so vividly, especially as it had for a long time been fading in his mind, losing its clear edges.
Had the missionary come to widen the split between Makuyu and Kameno? He saw the two ridges
glaring at one another menacingly. Were they going to fight it out between themselves, the missionary encouraging his followers?
(a) Place this excerpt in its immediate context (4mks)
(b) Is it right for Joshua to wholly condemn circumcision? Justify? (4mks)
(c) Why does the writer use question marks in the paragraph that begins with:
“Waiyaki did not go back to…………..” (3mks)
(d) Identify two traits to describe Joshua in this except (4mks)
(e) What is the main theme in this except? (2mks)
(f) “Waiyaki watched his father with fear” Has this line achieved any rhythm?
Illustrate your answer. (2rnks)
(g) It was as if Chege had laid his soul bare for a second to the young boy.
Supply a question tag. (1mk)
(h) Explain the mood in the last Paragraph (2rnks)
(i) Prove Synonyms for the words used
a. Aloof
b. Visualize

c. Menacingly
3. Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow (20mks)
He promised me heaven
As side by side walked we down the aisle
As the chime of the wedding bell brightened the day
As sweet — sounding songs soothed our souls
As he held my hand and inserted this ring into my finger
I knew that my heaven had come
For then he promised me heaven.
As we sat close and cherished our moon of honey
As he whispered cream icing into my ears
Dramatically conjuring metaphor after metaphor
Humming lullaby after lullaby
How elated I felt for being so much elevated
For here he was, my guardian angel
To take me to heaven
For he promised me heaven
As one year later he slapped me again and again
I quickly forgave and forgot
For he was my idol
Who had promised me heaven
Even as the floodgate of blow after blow
Kick after kick
Opened from its cage of disaster
Defacing and eroding the beauty he so much praised
Converting me into a shell of torture
How patiently I clung to him
Anticipating the heaven he had promised me
Now as I lie in the hospital bed
Unable to rise from his violent battery
Waiting for the Angel of Death
I realize he kept his promise
For I am soon going to heaven
Because he promised me heaven.
a. Who is the persona? (2mks)
b. Explain the main theme in the poem (2mks)
c. Using the plot of the poem, explain the major changes in the subject matter. (4mks)
d. What is your attitude towards the “he” in the poem?. (2mks)
e. Give one character trait of the persona (lmk)
f. Explain the irony in the poem (2mks)
g. Apart from irony, identify and illustrate one style used in the poem. (2mks)
h. What is the mood in stanzas 1 and 2 of this poem (2mks)
i, Explain the meaning of the following lines: (2mks)
i. As he whispered cream icing into my ears
ii. For he was my idol.
4. a. Revrite the sentences below according to instructions given after each. Do not change the
meaning (5mks)
i. Nyambura was very beautiful and Waiyaki could not help admiring her. Begin :So
ii. You have a beautiful dress. (Rewrite) the sentence ending have”)
iii. Who did this? (Rewrite the sentence in passive)
iv. I thought they were hungry. I gave them food. (Rewrite using present participle
v. He worked so well that everyone was impressed.
Begin: So well
b. Fill each blank space with the correct form of the word in the bracket (5mks)
i. The baby had ………………in the cot for hours when the mother returned (lie)
ii, His punishment will be …………………… others (deter)
iii. Sunset can be an ……………………….sight (awe)
iv. They ……………………….the tithes on the cafes floor (lay)
v. The police said it was a strange …………………………………..(occur)
c Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the phrasal verb formed from the
word given in brackets (2mks)
i. The girl had to bring up her siblings after the mother passed on. (look)
ii. Telcom Kenya has sacked most of its workers (lay)
d. Fill the blank spaces with correct preposition (3mks)
i. He has been in bed………………………Malaria for the last three days.
ii. My friends came over to congratulate me ………………my graduation
iii. The shop keeper said he doesn’t deal …………..hardware.

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