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Teso North District Mock - English Paper 2 Question Paper

Teso North District Mock - English Paper 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2010

Name……………………………………………………………. Index No……………………………..
School…………………………………………………………… Candidate’s sign…………………….
Paper 2
Comprehension, Literary Appreciation and Grammar.
July/August 2010
2 ½ Hours
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)
Paper 2
Comprehension, Literary Appreciation and Grammar.
July/August 2010
2 ½ Hours
Instructions to candidates.
1. Write your name and index number in the spaces provided above.
2. Answer all the questions in this question paper.
3. All your answers must be written in the spaces provided in the question paper.
This paper consists of 10 printed pages. Candidates should check the question paper to
Ensure that all the pages are printed as indicated and no questions are missing.
Read the following passage and then answer the questions that follow.
The Motorist and the Law The purchasing of a motor vehicle or obtaining a driving licence are a satisfying achievement for most Kenyans. Few, however, realize that this achievement can, and often does, amount to a passport to prison. A driver in prison? Yes. Far graver, an individual can be sent to jail even when he is not driving.
To curb the increasing rate of accidents in the country the courts are taking a very serious view, and as a result stiffer sentences are being imposed, including imprisonment. One of the offences for which a motorist can go to jail is causing death by dangerous driving or obstruction.
Under the Traffic Act, any person who causes the death of another, be it a passenger in the
driver’s car or a pedestrian or another motorist, by reckless driving or speeding or dangerous driving or even by leaving any vehicle on a road in such a position as to be dangerous can be convicted for the offence of causing death. The penalty for this offence was recently increased to a term not exceeding a years. The court can also cancel the licence of the offender, and disqualify him from driving a vehicle for a period of up to three years.
The offence of causing death is disclosed where the accused has been a substantial cause
of death. The driver to be convicted of this offence must be shown to have driven when at fault.
This fault has been defined to mean falling below the standard of care of a competent and
experienced driver.
The test as to whether a driver charged with dangerous or even careless driving is at fault, may be said to be whether the prosecution bad proved that the accused departed from the standard of care and skill that in particular circumstances of the case would have been exercised by a reasonable, prudent, competent and experienced driver. In order to justify a conviction there must have been a situation which, viewed objectively, was dangerous.
The motorist when driving, therefore, must always bear in mind that any act of his which
can be termed careless. reckless or dangerous can lead him to extremely serious consequences,imprisonment being one of them.
(Quoted from The Nairobi Law Monthly.)
(a) What achievement is referred to in paragraph one? (2mks)
(b) What does the writer mean by saying that this achievement can be a passport to prison. (2mks)
(c) The word passport has been ironically used. How? (2mks)
(d) What issue does the writer raise that adds gravity to the seriousness of the driver’s woes?
(e) Why are the courts taking a serious view and how are they reacting? (2mks)
(f) What are the four acts of negligence which can be punished by law under the traffic act?
(g) What is the maximum penalty of causing death by careless driving? (1mk)
(h) Explain in your own words the following statement.
Falling below the standard of care of a competent and experienced driver… (2mks)
(i) Give the passage another appropriate title. (1mk)
(j) Explain the following word(s) as used in the passage. (4mks)
(i) Graver
(ii) Obstruction.
(iii) A substantial cause.
(iv) Conviction.
2. Read the excerpt below and answer the questions that follow.
A moment too soon Kabonyi was on his feet. He did not smile but looked defiantly around him.
The battle was on. He was old but his voice was good and steady. Besides, he knew his audience well and knew what to appeal to. He could speak in proverbs and riddles, and nothing could appeal more to the elders, who still appreciated a subtle proverb and witty riddles. Kabonyi again knew his limits. He did not want to bring too many issues together. So he decided to leave the Joshua affair and come to it later as a final blow.
He reminded them of the poverty of the land. The dry months had left the people with nothing to eat. And the expected harvest would not yield much. He touched on the land taken by the white man. He talked of the new taxes being imposed on the people by the Government post nowin their midst. And instead of Waiyaki leading people against these more immediate ills, he was talking of more buildings. Were people going to be burdened with more buildings? With more teachers?
And was the white man’s education really necessary? Surely there was another way out. It was better to drive away the white man from the hills altogether. Were the people afraid? Were there no warriors left in the tribe? He, Kabonyi, would lead them. That was why he had formed the new Kiama. He would rid the country of the influence of the white man. He would restore the purity of the tribe and its wisdom.
“Or do you think the education of our tribe, the education and wisdom which you all received, is in any way below that of the white man?”
He challenged the people, appealing to their pride, to the manhood in them and to their loyalty to the soil.
“Do not be led by a youth. Did the tail ever lead the head, the child the father or the cubs the lion?”
(a) Put the above extract in its immediate context. (4mks)
(b) What’s the importance of the rhetoric questions used by Kabonyi? (2mks)
(c) Give with illustrations two character traits for Kibonyi. (4mks)
(d) Identify and explain any saying in the above extract. (2mks)
(e) From elsewhere in the novel, what are some of the things that Kibonyi does to show that he
hates Waiyaki. Write your answer in note form. (5mks)
(f) What is the Kiama and its functions? (2mks)
(g) Give at least four reasons that cause people all over the ridges to attend the marioshoni
meeting. (4mks)
(h) “Were the people afraid?” Report this question (1mk)
(i) What is the main theme in the extract above. (2mks)
3. Read the poem and answer the questions that follow.
From the night window.
The night rattles with nightmares.
Children cry in the close-packed houses,
A man rots in his snoring.
On quiet feet, policemen test doors.
Footsteps become people under streetlamps.
Drunks return from parties,
Sounding of empy bottles and old songs.
The young women come home,
The pleasure in them deafens me.
They trot like small horses
And disappear into white beds
At the edge of the night.
All windows open, this hot night,
And the sleepless, smoking in the dark,
Making small red lights at their mouths,
Count the years of their marriages.
Douglas Dunn
(i) Who is the persona? (2mks)
(ii) What is the poem all about? (3mks)
(iii) How does the poet bring out the rhythm in the first two lines of the poem. (2mks)
(iv) Identify and illustrate two vices mentioned in the poem that exist in the society. (4mks)
(v) Show that the setting is a slum. (2mks)
(vi) How does the poet appeal to the sense of hearing? (2mks)
(vii) In the lines;
“The young women come home
The pleasure in them deafens me”.
Comment on the attitude of the persona towards the subjects. (2mks)
(viii) Explain the meaning of the following phrases as used in the poem. (3mks)
(a) A man rots in cnoring.
(b) At the edge of night.
(c) Making small red lights at their mouths.
4. (a) Rewrite the following sentences according to instructions given after each. Do not change the meaning. (3mks)
I. “I have left your camera in my house,” Atieno told me. (Rewrite in reported speech)
II. There was no party. There was no meeting. (Rewrite as one sentence using Neither)
III. The electorate shall not cast more than one vote on any account. (Begin: ON…)
(b) Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the word given in the brackets. (3mks)
I. The speaker passed a remark that was…………………………………….. (Prejudice) to
the listening audience.
II. All the prisoners of war were ……………………………… (slave) by their captors.
III. The board of governors had nothing but ……………………………… (admire) for our
schools performance last year.
(c) Explain the differences in meaning between the following pairs of sentences. (4mks)
I. (a) The doctor said that the student had just passed out.
(b) The doctor said that the student had just passed away.
II. (a) The lady broke down after the burial of her father.
(b) The lady had a break down when she was going to attend the burial of her father.
(d) Correct the errors in the following sentences; (3mks)
I. Wasilwa is a very good teacher; infact, he is very tough.
II. Oliech is such a terrible player. Imagine he scored four goals!
III. The food is sweet.
(e) Punctuate the following sentence to bring out two different meaning. (2mks)
John said father is a clever boy.

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