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Butere District Mock- English Paper 1 Question Paper

Butere District Mock- English Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2011

Name…………………………………………………….. Index No…………………………..
School:…….……………………………………………. Candidate’s Sign:…………………...
Date: ……………………………………………………...
ENGLISH (Functional Skills)
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E.)
(Functional Skills)
2 hours
_ Write your Name, Index number and the Name of your school in the spaces provided above.
_ Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided above.
_ Answer all questions in this question paper.
This paper consists of 7 printed pages. Candidates should check to ascertain that all pages are printed as indicated and that no questions are missing.
1. Write an E-mail to your elder brother who came to pick you up from school when schools closed last term and paid school fees for you for a whole year. You put up with his family during which you learnt computer skills and his family was very hospitable. As a gift, he gave you new sports shoes.
Fill in each of the blank spaces in the passage below with the most appropriate word.
The housing challenge has remained a thorn (1) flesh of the government
(2) provision of affordable housing, a key pillar in the Housing Bill 2009,
remains a far fetched dream. The government has underlined the (3) role the
housing (4) plays in the overall economic (5) of the
country, as well as the creation of wealth and employment. (6) this reason, the
government (7) to make deliberate efforts to (8) the
institutions responsible for housing. The drafting of the Housing Bill 2009 has taken far
(9) long since the process (10) two years ago.
3. ORAL SKILLS. (30 Marks)
(a) Read the riddle below and then answer the questions that follow. (6mks)
Challenger: Riddle, Riddle!
Respondents: Riddle come.
Challenger: I have a wife who never returns to where she came from.
Respondent: The water in a stream.
Challenger: No.
Respondent: A baby from the womb.
Challenger: Incorrect my dear.
Respondent: Give us the answer.
Challenger: Not unless you give me a reward.
Respondents: We give you Uganda.
Challenger: Good. Ready for the answer?
Respondents: Yes.
Challenger: The answer is the leaf of a tree.
(i) What do you think is likely to take place after this particular riddling session? (3mks)
(ii) The following words are used in the above riddle. Give their equivalent in pronunciation. (1mk)
(a) Where
(b) You
(iii) What non-verbal cues would the challenger separately use in response to the offer of the
(b) Read the poem below and answer all the questions that follow. (8mks)
The Lotus Blossom cowers
The Lotus blossom cowers
Under the sun’s bright beams,
Her forehead dropping for hours,
She waits for the night among dreams.
The moon is her lover.
He waves her with gaze;
To him a lone she uncovers
The fair flower of her face.
She glows and grows more radiant,
And gazes mutely above
Breathing and weeping and trembling
With love and pain of love.
(Heinrich Hein)
(i) Comment on any two sound patterns in the above poem. (4mks)
(ii) Describe the rhyme scheme of the above poem. (4mks)
(iii) Which words would you stress in line 4 of the third stanza? (2mks)
(c) Place the following words in two columns of long and short vowel sounds. (5mks)
Weed, spit, good, floozy, span, gun, pleat, will, wheel, fit.
Long vowel sounds Short vowel sounds
(d) Imagine you are an interviewer assigned to interview Samuel Wanjiru, the famous athlete
State six things you would do to ensure you ask the questions effectively. (6mks)
(e) Give suitable responses to the following conversation. (5mks)
Judge: Why are you here?
Tom: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
Judge: Why are you being suspected?
Tom: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
Judge: …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Tom: For the last three days, your honour.
Judge: Tom Sanya Otieno? Aren’t you the mechanic who fixed the punctured tyre on my car on that
same day?
Tom: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
Judge: Then surely you couldn’t have committed the crime. I hereby set you free.
Tom: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

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