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Nyamira District Mock-History Paper 1 Question Paper

Nyamira District Mock-History Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2011

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E.)
History & Government
Paper 1
• This paper consists of three sections; A, B, & C
• Answer all questions in section A, three questions in section B and any two questions in section C.
• Answers to all questions must be written in the separate sheets provided.
This paper consists of 2 printed pages. Candidates should check to ascertain that both pages are printed as indicated and that no questions are
Answer all questions
1. State the main characteristic of clan members during the prep-colonial period (1mk)
2. Give one way in which the knowledge of iron working helped in the migration of the Bantu. (1mk)
3. Identify one cultural practice which the highland Bantus acquired from the cushites . (1mk)
4. Name two city states that developed along the East African Coast before 1200AD (2mks)
5. Mention one contribution made by Ludwig Kraft in the spread of Christianity in Kenya. (1mk)
6. State two terms of the Anglo-German agreement 1886. (2mks)
7. Name two kikuyu independent churches that emerged in Kenya during the colonial period . (2mks)
8 Name two nationalists who were elected to the legco with Daniel Arap Moi in 1957. (2mks)
9. State two types of constitutions (2mks)
10. Identify one specific group of people in Kenya recognized by the new constitution. (1mk)
11. Give the name of a Kenyan leader who was awarded the noble price for defending the
environment. (1mk)
12. State two functions of the senate as listed in the new constitution. (2mks)
13. Give two national security organs created by the new constitution. (2mks)
14. State one type of land classified in the promulgated constitution of August 2010. (2mks)
15. Name two institutions that will have control; of public revenue and expenditure in
the new constitution. (2mks)
16 State the main achievement of the coalition government. (1mk)
17. Name the officer who presides at any sitting of a house of parliament. (1mk)
Answer any three questions in this section.
18. (a) State five factors for the spread of early Christianity in Kenya. (5mks)
(b) Explain the challenges faced by Christian missionaries in Kenya in the 19th century. (10mks)
19 (a) Name the African communities that exhibited mixed responses to the arrival of the
British and their occupation of Kenya. ( 3mks)
(b) Discuss the results of the Wanga collaboration with the British. (12mks)
20. (a) State three political characteristics of political parties formed after 1945. (3mks)
(b) Explain why the British government softened her attitude towards the colonization
of Kenya, (12mks)
21. (a) State the three pillars of the Nyayo philosophy. (3mks)
(b) Discuss the factors that made the Nyayo era unpopular among the masses. (12mks)
Answer any two questions in this section.
22. (a) State five specific rights of children in the constitution. (5mks)
(b) Explain the functions of the Kenya National Human Rights and Equality Commission. (10mks)
23 (a) State five functions of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission of Kenya. (5mks)
(b) Analyze five challenges facing the prisons department (10mks)
24. (a) State the three principles of the devolved government. (3mks)
(b) Discuss the challenges that may face a county government. (12mks)

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