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History Paper 1 Question Paper

History Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2012







~All questions are compulsory

Q.1.a)List five early political organizations in kenya up to 1939.
(5 marks)
b)Identify the common grievances of these political organizations.
(5 marks)
c)State the features of the political organizations which were formed in kenya before.(5 marks)
Q.2.a)State the grievances of the following political associations: 4 marks
i)Kikuyu Central Association
ii)Young Kavirondo Association
iii)Ukamba Members' Association
iv)Taita Hills Association
b)Identify the achievements of the associations.(5 marks)
c)What problems did political organizations formed by 1940 face?
(4 marks)
Q.3.a)List four founder members of the East African Association to the British.(4 marks)
b)State the demands of the East African Association to the British.(4 marks)
Q.4.a) i)State the grievances of the Kavirondo Taxpayers' Welfare Association.
(5 marks)
ii)Give two problems that affected the Kavirondo Taxpayers' Welfare Association.
(2 marks)
b)i)Name the founder members of the Coast African Association.
(2 marks)
ii)State the demands of Coast African Association.(5 marks)
Q.5.a)Give reasons for the rise of independent churches and schools.
(5 marks)
b)Identify the characteristics of these churches and schools in kenya.(5 marks)
Q.6.a)i) Name two independent churches that emerged in colonial kenya.(2 marks)
ii)Name two school movements that emerged in central kenya during the colonial period.(2 marks)
d)State the problems encountered by the independent churches and schools in Kenya.
(5 marks)
Q.7.State the factors that promoted the struggle for kenya's Independence.(2 markr)
Q.8.a)Name three African political parties that struggled for independence in Kenya after 1945.(3 marks)
b)State the grievances of Africans in Kenya which were voiced by the Kenya African Union(KAU).(5 marks)
c)State the factors which undermined African nationalist activities in Kenya between 1939 and 1963.(5 marks)
Q.9.a)What were the causes of the mau mau uprising? (5 marks)
b)State the factors that favoured the mau mau fighters.(5 marks)
c)Give the problems encountered by the mau mau fighters.(2 marks)
Q.10.a)Identify the role of women in the mau mau uprisin.(2 marks)
b)State the results of the mau mau uprising.
(2 marks)
Q.11.a)List the objectives of KANU on formation.(5 marks)
b)i)State the role of KANU during the struggle for independence.(5 marks)
ii)State the challenges of KANU during the struggle for independence.(5 marks)
Q.12.a)List the founder members of KADU.
(2 marks)
b)What was the main difference between KANU & KADU.(4 marks)
c)i)State the achievements of KADU
(4 marks)
ii)State the problems of KADU.(4 marks)
Q.13.a)State the demands of the African workers' Federation.
(2 marks)
b)State the role the trade-union movement in colonial Kenya.
(2 marks)
c)Give the problems encountered by trade unions in kenya during the colonial Kenya.
(5 marks)
Q.14.Discuss the role of the Kenya Federation of labour.(5 marks)
Q.15.Explain the role of women in the political developments in the Kenya during the colonial rule.(5 marks)
Q.16.Explain the constitutional changes between 1954 and 1964 that led to independence.(5 marks)

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