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Mbooni District Mock- History Paper 1 Question Paper

Mbooni District Mock- History Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2010

NAME …………………………………..……………….. DATE …………………………………
INDEX NO. …………….……….……..…..… CANDIDATE’S SIGNATURE …………..…………..
311 / 1
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education
This paper consists of three sections A, B and C
Answer all the questions in section A three questions from section B and two questions from
section C.
Answers to all questions MUST be written in the answer booklet provided
This paper consists of 2 printed pages.
Candidates should check to ensure that all pages are printed as indicated and no questions are missing
Answer all the questions in this section in the answer booklet provided
1. Identify two unwritten sources of Kenyan History. 2 marks
2. Name two groups of people that form the Coastal Bantu. 2 marks
3. State one function of the age – set system among the Abagusii in the pre- colonial period.1 mark
4. Give any two Greco-Roman records which give early history of East African Coast. 2 marks
5. State two negative effects of Indian Ocean trade on Kenyan people. 2 marks
6. State two special interest groups that participated in the scramble of Kenya. 2 marks
7. Identify two ways in which colonial land policies promoted settler Agriculture. 2 marks
8. State two arguments advanced by the colonial Government in denying African academic education.
2 marks
9. Name the missionary who took over the leadership of young Kavirondo Association on 1924.
1 mark
10. Name two women who actively participated in the Mau Mau movement during the colonial period in Kenya 2 marks
11. Give the name of the colonial secretary who presided over the second Lancaster house conference in 1962. 1 marks
12. State any two elector regulations that govern elections in Kenya 2 marks
13. Name two types of government expenditure in Kenya 2 marks
14. State one function of the Kadhis court. 1 marks
15. Name one local authority that is responsible for the administration of rural areas. 1 marks
Answer any three questions from this section in the answer booklet provided
16. a. Give functions of the council of elders among the Maasai in the pre-colonial period. 3 marks
b. Describe the political organization of the Luo during the pre-colonial period in Kenya. 12 marks
17. a. State three factors that led to the abolition of slave trade in East Africa. 3 marks
b. Explain six positive consequence of long distance trade before the colonial period. 12 marks
18. a. State three characteristics of independent church movement during the colonial period. 3 marks
b. Explain the factors that influenced the formation of political organization and movements in
Kenya after 1945. 12 marks
19. a. What factors led to the introduction of multi-party democracy in Kenya in 1992. 5 marks
b. Explain how the existence of many parties has benefited the people of Kenya. 10 marks
Answer any two questions from this section in the answer booklet provided
20. a. State three political duties of a Kenyan citizen. 3marks
b. Explain six instances when the rights of a person to own property can be limited in Kenya.3marks
21. a. State the functions of a constitution in Kenya. 5 marks
b. Explain the duties of prison wardens in Kenya. 10 marks
22. a. Give any three sources of revenue for local authorities in Kenya. 3 marks
b. Explain five measures that the government of Kenya has taken to ensure that public funds are used properly. 12 marks

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