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Mathira District Mock - History Paper 1 Answers Question Paper

Mathira District Mock - History Paper 1 Answers 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2010

1. Maasai and the Agikuyu interacted through – 2mks
- conflict/war
- through trade
- intermarriages
- cultural exchange
2 x1 = 2 mks
2. Examples of a centralized society on Kenya during the pre-colonial period. (1 mks)
- The Wanga 1m k
3. Main methods of used by the British in the occupation of Kenya. (2 mks
- military conquest
- signing of treaties
2 x1 = 2mk
4. State two sources of rivalry between coastal city states. (2mks)
– Trade
- Taxation
- Enlarging their city states at the expenses of others.
5. What was the main significance of Devonshire white paper of 1923. (1 mk)
- The interests of the Africans were given priority in the case of a conflict with
other races.
6. Two political organizations in Kenya formed between 1919 – 1939. (3 mks)
- KA (Kikuyu Association)
- YKTPWA (young Kavirondo Taxpayers Welfare Association)
- YKA (Young Kavirondo Association)
- YKA (Young Kikuyu Association)
- CAA (Coast African Association)
- EAA (East African Association)
- Taita Hills Association
2 x 1 = 2mks
7. Mention two immediate causes of the Mau Mau. (2 mks)
- The plight of the world 1 soldiers.
- Closure of Karatina Vegetable market.
- The Olenguruone episode of 1947
- The upland bacony massacre of 1947.
8. State the main reason for the formation of KADU in 1960. (1 mk)
- Ideological differences/protection of the minority groups.
9. Who was the first African minister in Kenya during the colonial period? (1 mk)
B. O. Ohanga
10. Rights whose personal liberty is limited. (2 mks)
- To be informed of the reason for the arrest or detention as soon as possible.
- To be taken to court within 48 hours from the time of arrest or within 14 days
if the crime/issue is capital.
- To be presumed innocent until proven otherwise. 2 x1 = 2 mks
11. What ways does education promote unity? (2 mks)
- Mixing of students from all parts of the country.
- School curriculum stresses on importance of unity through subjects like
history and CRE.
- Through games and sports where students meet and interact.
- The students sit for the same examination. (2 x 1 = 2 mk)
12. Stages of electoral process in Kenya. (2 mks)
- Dissolution of the parliament.
- Voter registration.
2 x1 = 2 mks
13. Main function of the prison department.
- Rehabilitation of the wrong doers. (1 mk)
14. 2 local authorities in Kenya
- City council
- municipal council
- town council
- urban council
- area/county council
15. Two types of expenditure in Kenya. (2 mks)
- recurrent
- capital
Section B (45 marks)
16. (a) Causes of migration by nilotes. (5 mks)
– population pressure
– search for land for cultivation
– search for pasture and water for their livestock
– draught and famine
– internal feuds
– diseases and epidemics
– hostile neighbours / eternal attacks
– diseases and epidemic
– hostile neighbours/external attacks
– desire for adventure (5 x 1 = 5mks)
(b) Discuss the political organization of the mijikenda. (10 mks)
- Basic political unit-clan.
- Ruled by council of elders/who settled disputes/presiding over religious
- Had age set system provided various.
- Defended the community.
- Had a decentralized systems of government.
- Council of elders was divided into senior and junior.
- Council of elders was called kambi.
17. (a) Account for the defeat of the coastal city states by the Portuguese. (5 mks)
- Superior weapons/Naval and military technology.
- Well trained soldiers.
- Disunity and political rivalry of the coastal towns e.g. Mombasa against
- Reinforcement the headquarters at Goa.
- Used to suppress attacks/attacked without warning.
- They were brutal, cruel and ruthless.
- They burnt and rooted.
- Coastal city states were not assisted by the Persians who had weak armies.
5 x 1 = 5mks
(b) Discuss five positive consequences of the long distance trade on the Kenyan
communities. (10 mks)
- growth of the towns – Mombassa, pemba, Zanzibar
- Increased volume of local and regional trade in the EA interior.
- introduction of new crops e.g. rice, banana, sugarcane, mangoes
- Emergence of a class of wealthy merchants at the coastal and interior e.g.
Kivoi of ukambani.
- Spread of Islam in the interior by Arab traders
- Emergence of Kiswahili.
- Development of money economy replacing barter trade.
- Opening up of the interior through trade links.
- Emergence of strong kingdoms e.g. the wanga.
- Development of plantation agriculture
- Enhanced good relations between communities.
- Promoted cultural interruption.
2 x 5 = 10mks
18. (a) Why did Nabongo Mumia of Wanga collaborate with the British (5 mks)
– Wanted to consolidate his position and that of his kingdom.
– Wanted to secure military support against his enemies e.g. the Luo and
– Wanted to obtain material benefit from the British.
– Wanted to acquire military support to expand his kingdom.
– Wanted to gain fame and prestige by associating with the British.
(5 x 1 = 5 mks)
(b) What were the consequences of Maasai collaboration with the British? (10mks)
- Maasai were accorded favours. favoured status. They were rewarded with
cattle acquired from uncooperative communities.
- The maasai were used to pacify the resisting communities e.g. the Nandis, the
luo and the Bukusu.
- Lenana was recognized as the paramount chief of the Maasai.
- The maasai lost their land.
- They lost their independence. (2 x 5 = 10mks)
19. (a) Identify three factors which enabled the white settlers to establish farms in the
Kenyan highlands. (3 mks)
- Government policy and support e.g. providing loan, land and labour.
- Favourable climate e.g. adequate rainfall.
- Improvement in transport and communication e.g. extension of the railway
and construction of feeder roads.
- Availability of fertile soils.
(3 x 1 = 3mks)
(b) What methods did the colonial government employ to acquire labour for
European settlers. (12 mks)
- Alienation of African land-pushed to reserves which were dry and infertile.
African resulted to wage labour.
- Taxation – hut tax and poll tax were introduced so that Africans woud work for
the settlers to get money to pay tax.
- Forced labour – where chiefs and headman were forced to recruit labour both for
public and settlers/Northery Circulars of 1918 – 1919.
- Squatters system - white Africans were encouraged to settle in European farms –
given pieces of land in return for labour.
- Native registration ordinance of 1920 required all male Africans over 16 years to
carry a kipande – meant to protect employers against desertion by workers.
- Africans were not allowed to grow cash crops.
(5 x 2 = 10mks)
Section C (30mks)
20. (a) Identify three disadvantages off unwritten constitution. (3 mks)
- It gives the court too much work as they try to search for constitutional principles in
judicial decisions and customs.
- Since it is not written in a single document it is not easy to protect the rights of
individuals effectively compared to the written. It tends to be vague and indefinite.
- It assumes that people are politically alert and conscious and will ensure their rights
and freedoms are respected.
(b) Discuss the provisions of the independent constitution in Kenya. (12mks)
- Sharing of power between KADU/KANU a regional type of government
provided for a post of governor general as a head of state on behalf of the
- National assembly that was bicameral house of representatives and the same.
- Prime minister as the head of government provided for an independent
electoral commission.
- Judiciary had authority to interpret law.
- Provided for the establishment of independent service commission to
appoint, discuss, transfer and promote civil servants
- Bill of rights which stipulated the rights and freedoms of the citizen.
21. (a) What are the functions of cabinet in Kenya? (5mks)
- Formulate national and foreign policies to guide the country.
- Advises the president on issues of national development.
- To supervise the implementation of government policies by respective
- To initiate/approve government bills for discussions by the parliament.
- To initiate development projects by ministries in different parts of the
- Discuss important national and international issues.
- Prepare budgetary estimates for the respective ministries
- Collectively defend government policies.
(b) Explain the challenges facing the persons department in Kenya. (10 mks)
- Overcrowding due to increased number of prisoners there are poor living and
sanitation in prisons.
- Diseases outbreak due to congestion e.g. cholera.
- Prisoners are mistreated by prison warders.
- Beaten and killed by prison warders.
- Food shortage inadequate medical facilities.
- Inadequate budgetary allocation for operations and maintenance.
- Prison warders are poorly paid and live in dilapidated houses.
- - Corruption, nepotism, bribery cover-ups are common in prisons some
criminals bribed them way out of prisons & files for prisoners disappears.
- Drug-abuse and immoralities – drugs are finding their way in prison.
- Inadequate rehabilitation facilities and personnel in prisons to counsel
criminals and drug addicts.
22. (a) State 3 sources of government revenue. (3 mks)
– direct tax
– indirect tax
– trade licenses
– Interest from loan paid to the government.
– Land rates from land owners
– House rent – government building.
– Court fines
– Sales of treasury bills and bonds
– Loans from donors
– Fees charged
– Grants from donor communities.
(b) Explain 6 challenges the government is facing in raising revenue. (12 mks)
- Tax evasion – many fail to pay taxes.
- In wealth declaration people give wrong information reducing the amount
payable in taxes.
- Those who assess taxes are bribed so tat they give false
- Rich people keep money in foreign accounts.
- Donor states gives conditions before donations/loans are given.
- Loans are given at very high interest rates – burden.
- Reliance on foreign and increases government debts.

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