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Kwanza District Mock- History Paper 1 Answers Question Paper

Kwanza District Mock- History Paper 1 Answers 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2010

Time: 2 ½ HOURS
1. - Lake Turkana
- Olongasoil.
- Rising Islam.
- Koobi Fora.
- Fort tenan.
2. - Arbitration is the processes of separating two conflicting parties and giving solving solution i.e.
Kofi Anaan.
3. - Trade
- Intermarriage.
- Agriculture.
4. - Constitution
5. - Direct.
- Indirect.
6. - Development.
- Education.
- Spiritual.
- Movement.
- Participation in Activities.
7. - Local.
- Region
8. - Ethnic based
- Urban based.
- Formation of organizations.
- Non – militant.
9. - Political transparency.
- Strengthen political stability.
- Discourages presidential monopoly.
- Enhances checks and accountability.
10. - Population in town.
- Good infrastructure presence of elite group in town.
11. - Special tribunal.
- Khadhi courts.
- Court marshal.
- Industrial courts.
- Court of Appeal.
12. - Mombasa was centrally located.
- Mombasa was prone to seaports attacks.
13. - Maasai.
- Akamba.
- Agikuyu.
- Luo.
14. East Africa Chronicles.
15. - Court decision.
- A person is presumed innocent until proved guilty.
- Legal representation in Court system.
16. - Poor leadership.
- Lack of transparence in the Old constitution.
- Improvement of govt policies.
- Corruption.
17. a) - Hostility from neighbours.
- Population pressure.
- Outbreak of diseases & epidemics.
- Spirit of adventuring.
- Natural calamities.
- Search for green pastures for livestock
b) Social
- Socially believed in God (Enkai)
- Lived together in villages (manyatta)
- Believed in lesser gods.
- Offered sacrifices to Supreme Being.
- Initiated boys at adolescence.
- They had age – sets (Oloigunini)
- Oloibon was their Social advisor.
- Oloibon was their leader.
- Maasai lived in villages (enkiang) of un-violated people.
- Had families between 4 – 8 with population from thirty to fifty.
- Morans raided other communities.
- Maasai had scattered villages (Manyatta).
- They had council of elders.
- Morans defended the villages
18. a) Interaction of people
- Spread of Christianity.
- Enabled missionaries to establish Schools, hospitals and churches.
- Transportation of colonial troops.
- Enhanced political stability for whites.
- Protection of the British interest in E.Africa.
- To develop infrastructure in E.Africa.
- Easy transportation of Agricultural products & other Raw materials.
- For effective control and development of Uganda.
b) - To open up the interior for colonization.
- Led to rural urban migration.
- It led to co –operation of Regions.
- Led to employment.
- Led to forced labour.
- Led to loss of lives by man eaters of Tsavo.
- Displacement of people.
- Led Allienation of African land.
- Enhanced British administration.
- Led to growth of towns.
- Provided the government with source of revenue.
- Led to settlement of people or communities.
19. a) - Preserve their independence.
- They wanted protection from the British.
- Material gains.
- Establishment of a strong territory.
- Acquisition of weapons.
- Attraction of European education and Christianity.
b) - To establish mixed economy.
- Ability to make own weapons.
- Availability of capital.
- Discipline and effective army.
- Through the prophecy of Koitalel.
- They had able leaders – (Samoei).
- They had geographical skills of their land.
- Well council of elders.
- Well trained age – sets.
20. a) - Kiswahili used as major language of communication.
- Islamic was the major religion.
- Islamic Sharia laws.
- Construction of houses using Arabic Architecture.
- Trade was the main activity.
- Towns maintained their own coins.
b) - Constant conflicts.
- Coming of the Portuguese.
- Descendant ruling families.
- Poor administration.
- Decline of trading materials.
- Conflict of ruling families’ i.e.Masrui and Busaid.
- Dry spell hindered the economic activities (Agriculture).
- Frequent invasion of the coastal settlements / towns.
- Spread of Christianity.
- Poor infrastructing.
21. a) - It’s constitutional requirements.
- Gives citizen chance to exercise their democratic rights.
- Gives citizens chance to pick leaders of their choice.
- They generate new ideas by offering alternative ways of ruling the government.
- Formation of government.
b) - Government policy.
- Corruption.
- Ideological differences.
- Rigging of election.
- Lack of civic education and awareness.
- Confistication of ballot boxes.
- Lack of professionalism in security personnel.
- Influence of mass media.
- Political propaganda.
22. a) - Principal Institutions.
- District I .Prisons
- District II. Prisons.
- Detention camps.
- Youth Institutions.
- Extra moral penal employment.
b) - Escalating crime in evidences.
- Lack of public confidence.
- The formation of community security.
- Drug abuse and selling.
- Inadequate prosecuting knowledge.
- Poor housing and social boundaries.
- Low overall police to population ratio.
- The porous national boundaries.
- Inadequate and outdated facilities.
- Poor infrastructure.
- Political interference.
- Corruption.
- Poor human rights records.
23. a) - Revenue
- Expenditure.
- Donor funding organization.
- Government estimates.
- Government policy
- Population ratio.
b) - Imports & Exports.
- Infrastructure.
- Paying salaries for civil servants.
- Providing service such as medical care, Education and social amenities.
- Maintenance and repair of government vehicles and buildings.
- Improvement of social facilitaties.
- Provision of emergence services.

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