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Mathira District Mock - History Paper 1  Question Paper

Mathira District Mock - History Paper 1  

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2010

NAME: ___________________________________________________________
INDEX NUMBER____________________
CANDIDATE’S SIGN ________________
DATE: _____________________________
a. Write your name and index number in the spaces provided
b. This paper consists of three sections, A, B and C.
c. Answer all the questions in section A, Three question in section B and Two
questions in section C.
d. Ensure that all the pages of your paper are printed and that no question is missing.
e. (1 – 22 b)
f. all answers should be in the booklet provided.
Answer all the questions in this section.
1. State two ways in which the Maasai interacted with Agikuyu during the pre-colonial
period. (2 marks)
2. Mention one Kenyan society that has a centralized system of government. (1 mk)
3. Mention two main methods used by the British in their occupation of Kenya. (2
4. State two sources of rivalry between coastal city states. (2 mks)
5. What was the main significance of Devonshire white paper of 1923? (1 mk)
6. State two political organizations In Kenya formed between 1919 and 1939. (2 mks)
7. Identify two immediate causes of the Mau Mau movement. (2mks)
8. State the main reason for the formation of Kenyan African Democratic movement
Union in 1960. (1 mk)
9. Who was the first African minister in Kenya during the colonial period? (1 mk)
10. State two rights that a person whose personal liberty has been limited has. (2 mks)
11. In what ways does education promote national unity? (2 mks)
12. State the first two stages of the electoral process in Kenya. (2 mks)
13. What is the main function of the prison department? (1 mk)
14. Name two types of local authorities in Kenya. (2 mks)
15. Mention two types of government expenditure in Kenya. (2 mks)
Answer any three questions (45 marks)
16. (a) What were the causes of the migration of the highland nilotes into Kenya? (5
(b) Discuss the political organization of the mijikenda. (10 mks)
17. (a) Account for the defeat of the coastal city states by the Portuguese. (5 mks)
(b) Discuss positive consequences of the long distance trade on Kenya
communities. (10 mks)
18. (a) Why did Nabongo Mumia of Wanga collaborate with the British? (5 mks)
(b) What were the consequences of the collaboration of the maasai with the British?
(10 mks)
19. (a) Identify three factors which enabled the white settlers to establish farms in the
Kenyan highlands. (3 mks)
(b) What methods did the colonial government employ to acquire labour for the
European settlers? (12 mks)
Answer two questions
20. (a) Identify three disadvantages of unwritten constitutions. (3 mks)
(b) Discuss the provisions of the independence constitution in Kenya. (12 mks)
21. (a) What are the functions of the cabinet in Kenya? (5 mks)
(b) Explain the challenges facing prison department in Kenya. (10 mks)
22. (a) State three sources of government revenue. (3 mks)
(b) Explain six challenges the government is facing in raising revenue. (12 mks)

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