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Mathira District Mock - History Paper 2 Answers Question Paper

Mathira District Mock - History Paper 2 Answers 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2010

Answer all the questions in this section.
1. State two characteristics that distinguish man from other primates.
- Development of the speech
- Development of the brain
- Upright posture/bipedalism.
2 x1 = 2mks
2. Define the term anthropology. (1 mk)
- It is the study of social and cultural; institution of man that is his origins,
development, customs, kinship ties, marriage religions, practices and economic
3. Give the main reason why early agriculture developed in Mesopotamia. (1mk)
The presence of two rivers, Euphrates and Tigris.
o mentioning the two rivers – 1mk
o mentioning one river ½ mk
4. What was the main commodity of trade during the Trans-Atlantic trade? (1 mk)
o slaves
5. Who revolutionalised railway transport in the world. (1 mk)
- George Stephenson. (1 x1 )
6. Mention two negative impact of telecommunication in the modern world. (2 mks)
- noise pollution
- Transmission of pornographic materials/moral decay.
- Promotion of international crime/terrorism
- Erosion of cultural values.
- Violence in schools due to violent programmes.
2 x 1 = 2mks
7. Identify factors that facilitated the spread of iron working in Africa. (2 mks)
- trade
- migrations
- intermarriages
- travellers and messengers
- warfare/conquest
- development of agriculture
8. Apart from the Katikiro, mention two other chief officials who assisted the Kabaka
in the administration of Buganda. (2mks)
- Omulamuzi (chef justice)
- Omuwanika (treasurer)
9. Name two African communities that participated in the maji maji rebellion 1905 –
7. (2 mks)
- Ngoni
- Wamatumbi
- Lugulu
- Pogoro
- Ndendeule
- Ngindo
- Mbunga
- Wamwera
- Zaramo
- Bena
10. State one North African countries that were colonized by Italy (1 mk)
- Libya
11. Who introduced indirect method of administration in Northern Nigeria? (1 mk)
- Fredrick Lugard.
12. State two main factors that led to African nationalism. (2 mks)
- land alienation
- forced labour
13. Give two members of the triple alliance (2 mks)
- Germany
- Austria – Hungary
- Italy
14. Define ‘non aligned movement’ (1 mk)
It is a foreign policy initiated by the developing and independent states of Asia,
Africa and Middle East in their relationship with the two major blocks; USA, USSR
and their allies.
15. Identify two weapons used during the cold war. (2 mks)
- propaganda
- economic sanctions
- Financial aid to the enemies of the opposite side.
- Military support to the allies of the enemy.
16. What is the supreme organ of common market for East and Southern Africa?
(COMESA). (1 mk)
- The authority of the head of state and governments.
17. What is the main function of the East African court of justice? (1 mk)
- Interpretation of the community laws and implementing it in line with the treaty.
Section B (45 marks)
18. (a) State 5 reasons why early man domesticated crops and animals.
- Increase in population thus the environment could not provided adequate food.
- Change in climate made it impossible for human beings to rely on nature for food.
- Competition for food among people and animals.
- Over-hunting leading to the need for domesticating of some animals.
- Hunting and gathering was tiresome
- Some animals e.g. cattle were domesticated for sacrificial purposes.
- Some were social and learnt to tolerate and accept man e.g. dog, cattle, sheep and
- Need for security e.g. dog
(b) Discuss five effects of agrarian revolution in the USA. (10 mks)
- Diversification of agriculture through the introduction of new crops and animals
from Europe.
- Inventions like steel plough by John Deeve and the reaper by Cyrus Mccormic.
- Use of fertilizers and hybrid seeds.
- Expansion of agriculture related industries.
- Mechanization of farming to replace slave labour.
- Improved food production.
- Improvement and expansion of transport and communication.
- Increase in population due to availability of adequate food
- Enhanced research and scientific invention particularly in the field of agriculture.
19. (a) Mention 3 early urban centers in Northern Africa. (3 mks)
- Cairo
- Carthage
- Meroe
- Axum
- Memphis
- Alexandria
(b) Explain the factors hat facilitated to the growth of London as an urban centre. (12
o trade activities
o culture
o education
o religion
o administration
o finance
o growth of industries
o shipping activities/improvement of transport
o Immigrations attracted huge population from other European countries e.g.
Germany, France and Italy.
20. (a) State five factors that led to the decline of the Asante kingdom (5 mks)
- states around Kumasi struggled to regain their independence
- Several wars with the British weakened the army.
- the use of weak leaders
- wars with her neighbours weakened the kingdom
- Succession dispute after the death of Osei Tutu.
- It was too large to be ruled effectively.
- The abolition of slave trade which Asante depended on her revenue.
(b) How was the Asante Empire organized politically in the 19th century? (10 mks)
- The Asante kingdom had a centrlaised form of government headed by Asante
- It was divided into nucleus (Kumasi states). The states outside Kumasi
(amatos) and the conquered state)
- Two levels of government-metropolitam Asante directly under the King and
provincial Asante comprising of all conquered states.
- The golden stool a symbol of unity was sacred.
- The asante rules with the help of the confederacy council made of kings
(omahene) of various states. Each state had its own black stool symbolizing
their power.
- Omahene declared war on behalf of the Asantehene.
- A national festival (Odwira festival) was held annually to strengthen National
- The kingdom was a standing army.
- Had a judicial system based in Kumasi headed by the Asantehene.
- Omauhene had powers to try minor case at the provincial level.
- Kumasi was the administrative headquarters.
21. (a) Give five reasons why the Buganda collaborated with the British. (5 mks)
- To consolidate his position as the king of Buganda.
- He feared the military might of the British.
- Hoped to use the British to fight the religious grops such as Muslims,
Catholics and protestants to gain supremacy over the surrounding kingdoms
e.g. Bunyoro Kitara.
- Hoped to get military support from the British.
- He feared threats from the North i.e. Kheduve Ismael of Egypt.
- Desired to trade with Europeans to acquire firearms.
- To get western education and medicine.
(b) Explain the results of Buganda collaboration with the British. (10 mks)
- Buganda got protection from her enenmies e.g. Banyoro
- Kabaka powers were reduced.
- Buganda was given a central position in the protectorate.
- Decline of Islamic influence in the kingdom.
- Introduction of Christianity and European influence in Buganda.
- Buganda advanced economically.
- Christian missionaries introduced new technology in Buganda.
- The British used the Buganda to extend their rule over Uganda as a whole.
- The Buganda lost their independence.
22. (a) State five reasons why the British employed direct rule in Zimbabwe. (5 mks)
- Europeans were many in Zimbabwe thus field administrative posts.
- They wanted to take full control of the economy e.g. mining and agriculture.
- 1896 – 1897 – Shona Ndebele war eroded confidence in local administration.
- Traditional systems of administration e.g. Indumas were destroyed during the
process of conquest.
- British wanted complete control over African communities.
(b) Explain the effects of direct rule in Zimbabwe. (10 mks)
- Land was alienated from Africans.
- African traditional chiefs lost their authority.
- Africans were subjected to heavy taxation.
- African traditional economy was undermined.
- African culture was undermined with the introduction of Christianity.
- Africans were subjected to forced labor in mines.
- Africans freedom of movement was curtailed by being confined in reserves
and introduction of pass laws.
- Racial discrimination in government economic and social matters.
- It led to rise of African nationalism.
23. (a) Mention 5 causes of world war two (1939 – 1945). (5 mks)
- Hitler ambition to restore German dominance in Europe.
- Treaty of the Versailles which humiliated Germany.
- Weakness of the league of nations – failed to prevent German and other states
e.g. Italy
- Great depression/economic problems.
- Dictatorship in Russia, Italy, Germany, Spain and Yugoslavia.
- Rise in nationalism
- Systems of alliances e.g. Berlin – Tokyo – Rome – Axis
- The policy of appeasement
(b) Discuss the results of the Second World War (1939 – 1945) (10 mks)
- many people were killed
- Property was destroyed
- Emergence of USA & USSR as major world powers.
- Led to emergence of cold war.
- Increase arms race.
- Many people were displaced.
- Intensified nationalism as people demanded for independence.
- Division of Germany into west and East Germany.
- The economies of many countries were destroyed leading to USA being
involved through Marshall Plan.
24. (a) Why was the Economic Community of West Africa States (ECOWAS) formed?
(5 mks)
- To fasten economic cooperation.
- To promote industrial development
- To promote unity and solidarity among member states.
- Promote free movement of people.
- Promote trade by removing custom bearers
- To develop agriculture commerce and other sectors.
- Enhance communication/cultural matters
- To improve the living standards of the people.
(b) Describe the challenges affecting the operations of the ECOWAS. (12 mks)
- ECOWAS covers a wide geographical area.
- Infrastructures are poor – in some cases non existent.
- Divisions between francophonic and Anglophonics
- Member countries continue to trade with other countries.
- Political instability e.g. Liberia, Sierra Leone and Burkina faso.
- Foreign interference.
- National interests outways common regional issues.
- Members of ECOWAS are also members of other organizations.
- Different currencies of member states.
- Huge foreign debts
- Ideological differences
- Boarder disputes.

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