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Borabu/Masaba District Mock - English Paper 2 Question Paper

Borabu/Masaba District Mock - English Paper 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2012

NAME:……………………………………………………… INDEX NO:…………………………
SCHOOL:………………………………………………….. DATE:……………………………….
(Comprehension, Literary, Apprehension and Grammer)
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)
(Comprehension, Literary, Apprehension and Grammar)
1. Write your name index number in the spaces provided.
2. Answer all questions in this paper
3. All answer must be written in the spaces provided in this question paper
This paper consists of 8 printed pages. Candidates should check the question paper to
ensure that all pages are printed as indicated and that no questions are missing
Read the following passage and then answer the questions that follow .
There is nothing as important as a pregnant woman getting all the emotional support she can get during pregnancy. It makes her appreciate the pregnancy and in turn care of it well, says Dr Maxwell Okonji.
The doctor talked to Pregnant Magazine on how you can use your mental muscle to handle any
pregnancy misgivings.
“Once you discover that you are pregnant, you need to be optimistic,” says. Dr Okonji. Positive handling of a pregnancy is one of the surest ways of carrying it to term, minus health complications.
He adds: “Stress and worry, which are bound to accompany the numerous emotional and physical changes that come along with pregnancy, can lead to depression”
Depression, particularly during pregnancy, often drains your energy, which can prevent you from seeking appropriate prenatal care. Depressed pregnant women.are more likely to abuse alcohol or drugs during the term. When it is most severe, depression can lead to self harm and even suicide. Are you depressed?
Persistent feelings of sadness, self-pity and hopelessness during the pregnancy The feelings could be accompanied by difficulty in sleeping or oversleeping, weight loss or change in appetite, irritability or mood swings; difficulty in concentrating, characteristic or bizarre behaviour, and thoughts of self-harm.
You may notice that you have become unusually hostile and fighting with your spouse often with no prompt.
Feeling as though you could do without the pregnancy at that time and that it is a reason that is constantly making you angry.
Having a mental condition. Before pregnancy make depression more likely during pregnancy. Again, if during a previous pregnancy- a woman showed signs of depression, chances are that when she falls pregnant again, it will recur.
In cases where depression is severe with promptings to suicide, termination of the pregnancy may be called for. This is purely on medical grounds. This usually happens during the first three months.
Termination should, however, be a last resort, after other modes of treatment have failed.
In the first three months of pregnancy, it is not unusual for a pregnant woman to have to experience nausea and vomiting
These are normally very frustrating to the mother, particularly if it’s a first pregnancy.
During this time, it is normal to have mood changes like touchiness and irritability over-friendliness to certain people and nastiness to others is a normal occurrence. This happens to a varying extent and not to all women.
After the third month or so, those early signs of pregnancy and the mood changes disappear. The middle trimester, from four to six months, is a stable time for most women, with little or no problems during that time. The second and third trimester present more mood changes as the mother begins to feel the baby and in turn prepares to receive her.
Mood changes are quite normal and do not pose any threat to the pregnancy however, in case you as a woman notice that the moods border on the extreme, then it is recommended that you talk to a counselor.
Adapted from, Lifestyle Sunday Nation, 13th November 2011
a) According to author what are the most essential things to a pregnant woman? (2mk)
b) In note form, what are the consequences of depression to a pregnant woman? (5mks)
c) How will a pregnant woman know that she is depressed? (4mks)
d) According to the passage, a certain group of woman are likely to experience depression .
Who are they? (2mks)
e) If depression in pregnant woman becomes worse, what should be done? ( 2mks)
f) Provide an antonym of the word “angry” ? (1mk)
g) Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in the passage? ( 4mks)
i) Mental muscle
ii) Misgiving
iii) Drains
iv) Last resort
2. Read the excerpt below and then answer the questions that follow.
He was once a follower of Jushua .Now he was the leader of the Kiama and he lived in Mukuyu.
He spoke with the authority of a man who knows the secret workings, evil and good, in men’s
heart and in the country. His big accusation was that Waiyaki was unclean. He had thahu and if he continued teaching the people there would be darkness instead of light. When a girl called Muthoni died because she was visited by evil Spirits, Waiyaki had taken her to the white man’s hospital in Siriana, and was never cleansed.
As he was a leader, his thahu had visited the tribe. It was now for the tribe to take action. For waiyaki was a greater menace than the people realized. He was in league with the white man, who brought a secret religion to quieten the people while the land was being grabbed by their brothers. And taxation imposed on the men and women? He described Waiyaki’s many secret journeys to Siriana under the prtex of getting more teachers for the people should. When the Kiama said that people should take arms against the Government post ( It was very small anyway,It would not be difficult to take it)
Waiyaki opposed this and cried “Education! Education!” Will education give us back our land?
Let him answer that.
He sat down. Waiyaki noticed that Kabonyi had carefully avoided any mention of Joshua or
Nyambura. Why? He thought that he too would never get another chance. Kabonyi’s speech had
been greeted first with stony silence and then with murmuring. The sun was slowly going down.
Waiyaki’s voice was calm and compelling. His eyes shone and anger began to stir in him, for now he knew without any doubt that Kabonyi was determined to see his ruin.
“ What does Kabonyi want?” he asked. “ who first followed the white man and embraced the new faith? Who betrayed the tribe when Makuyu and Kamano and the other ridges could have risen in arms against the white man?
a) Place the above excerpt in its immediate context. ( 4mk)
b) With illustrations from the excerpt, describe the characters of .
i) Kabonyi
ii) Waiyaki
c) With illustrations from the excert, what is the underlying theme in this excerpt (3mks)
d) Identify and show the effects of any two stylistic used in this excerpt. (4mks)
e) Who is Nyambura? Briefly explain her relationship with Waiyaki. (2mk)
f) What is the “Kiama” and what role does it play in the commuity? (2mk)
g) i) “ Waiyaki noticed that Kabonyi had carefully avoided any mention of Joshua or
( Begin: It ...........................
ii) “Let him answer that”
Add a question tag.
b) What finally happens to Waiyaki. (2mks)
i) “ Who betrayed the ......................arms against the white man?”
ii) Other than Waiyaki, who else had similar opinion about Kabonyi? (1mk)
Read the below and then answer the questions that follow.
For flowers that bloom about our feet,
For tender grass, so fresh and sweet,
For song of bird and hum of bee,
For all things fair we hear or see,
Father in heaven, we thank thee!
For blue of stream and blue of sky,
For pleasant shade of branches high,
For fragrant air and cooling breeze,
For beauty of the blooming trees
Father in heaven, we thank thee!
For mother- love and father- care,
For brothers strong and sister fair,
For love at home and here each day,
For guidance, lest we go astray,
Father in heaven, we thank thee!
For this new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night
For health and food , for love and friends,
For ev’rything His goods sends,
Father in heaven, we thank thee!
a) Who is the persona in this poem? (2mk)
b) What is the poem about? (2mk)
c) Identify any two poetic devices used and comment on their effectives. (4mks)
d) Paraphrase the last stanza. (3mks)
e) Giving illustrations from the poem identify any three senses that the poet appeals
to. (3mks)
f) Explain the meaning of the following lines.
i) Blooming trees (1mk)
ii) For brothers strong and sisters fair. (2mks)
iii) Lest we go astray (1mk)
g) Comment on the mood of poem. (2mks)
a) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. ( 3mks)
i) I cannot decide what to eat
( Begin: What.....................................)
ii) The ministry of Education has warned all principals.
( Rewrite in Passive)
iii) The bridge had been weakened by successive storms and was no longer safe.
( Begin Weakened................................)
b) Complete the following sentences with the most appropriate proportions. (3mks)
i) His breath smelt ...................................................................alcohol.
ii) He has been dealing ............................................... hardware for a long time.
iii) I disagreed ...............................................................him over the issue.
c) Complete the following sentences with the correct form of words in brackets.
i) The ......................................................(Sell) of the house has been stopped.
ii) John Michuki’s death is an ......................................( repair) loss to the nation.
iii) The meat that we carried ...................................... ( stink) after only two days.
d) In the sentences below, choose the correct pronoun to fill in blanks.
i) Temu gave Ombiro and ...................................................... ( I, me) birthday gifts.
ii) It was ................................................... ( she, her) who was rewarded.
e) In the following sentences identity the verbs and state whether they are transitively or
intransitively used. (2mk)
i) Mirang’a shut the door.
ii) The baby slept soundly the whole night.
f) Complete the following sentences with the correct order of adjectives in brackets.
i) The principal sank into his ..................................................................................
(leather, new ,comfortable, Kenyan, ) chair.
ii) I had to wear .......................................................................................................
( Grey, woolen, executive ) Jacket.

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