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Nakuru District Mock - English Paper 2 Question Paper

Nakuru District Mock - English Paper 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2011

Index No…………………/…….
Candidates Signature………….
(Comprehension, Literary Appreciation and Grammar)
Paper 2
July 2011
2 ½ Hours
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)
(a) Write your name and Index Number in the spaces provided above.
(b) Sign and write date of examination in the spaces provided above.
(c) Answer ALL questions in the question paper.
(d) All your answers must be written in the spaces provided in his question paper.
(e) This paper consist of 12 printed pages
(f) Candidates should check the question papers to ascertain that all pages are printed as
indicated and no questions are missing.
1. Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow.
I also did not always understand what your grandfather thought. It was difficult,
because he did not like people to know him so well. Even when he spoke to you, he
would look away for fear that you would know his thoughts. So it was with his
attitude towards the white man.
One day he would say one thing, and the next day it was as if he was saying something
else. I know that he respected the white man for his power, for his machines and
weapons and the way he organized his life. He would say that the white man was
always improving himself, whereas the African was suspicious of anything new.
“The African is thick,” he would sometimes say to me. “For him to do anything, he
needs to be beaten.”
But despite these words, I don’t think he ever believed that the white man was born
superior to the Africans, he did not respect many of the white man’s ways or their
customs. He thought many things that they did were foolish or unjust. He himself,
he would never allow himself to be beaten by a white man. This is how he lost many
jobs. If the white he worked for was abusive, he would tell the man to go to hell
and leave to find other work. Once an employer tried to cane him, and your
grandfather grabbed the man’s cane and threatened him with it. For this he was
arrested, but when he explained what had happened, the authorities let him off with a
fine and a warning.
What your grandfather respected was strength. Discipline. This is why, even
though he learnt many of the white man’s ways, he always remained strict about Luo
traditions. Respect for elders. Respect for authority. Order and custom in all his
affairs. This is also why he rejected the Christian religion. I think. For a brief time,
he converted, and even changed his name to Johnson. But he could not understand
such ideas as mercy towards your enemies, or that this man Jesus could wash away
a man’s sins. To your grandfather, this was foolish sentiment.
(Adapted from Barrack Obama: Dreams from my Father
New York: Three Rivers Press, 1996.)
(a) Explain why the grandfather in this passage respected the white man. (3mks)
(b) Why do you think the grandfather did not want people to know him so well? 2mks)
(c) What did the grandfather dislike about the white man? (4mks)
d) In a summary of 25 words, write on what we learn from the passage about Luo
traditions and beliefs? (3mks)
(e) Identify two character traits of the grandfather that came out of this passage
(f) What is the narrator’s attitude towards the grandfather? (4mks)
(g) Explain the meaning of the following expressions as used in the passage (4mks
Let him off …………………………………………………………………………………………
Read the excerpt below and then answer the questions that follow:
1st CITIZEN (to HOVSTAD): I say, what has come over the Doctor? What are we to
think of it?
HOVSTAD: Oh, you know how headstrong he is.
2ND CITIZEN (to BILLING) Billing, you go to their house – have you ever noticed
if the fellow drinks?
BILLING: Well I’m damned if I know what to say. There are
always spirits on the table when you call.
3RD CITIZEN: I think he goes quite off his head sometimes.
1st CITIZEN I wonder if there is any insanity in his family?
BILLING: I shouldn’t wonder if there were.
4TH CITIZEN: No, it is nothing more than sheer malice; he wants to
get even with somebody for something or other.
BILLING: Well, he suggested a rise in his salary on one occasion
lately, and did not get it.
THE CITIZENS (TOGETHER): Ah! – then it is easy to understand how it is!
THE DRUKEN MAN(who is among the audience again): I want a blue one, I do!
And I want a white one too!
VOICES: It’s that drunken chap again! Kick him out!
MORTEN KIIL(going up to DR.STOCKMANN): Well. Stockmann, do you see
what these monkey tricks of yours lead to?
DR.STOCKMANN: I have simply done my duty.
MORTEN KIIL: What was that you said about the tanneries at
DR. STOCKMANN: You heard well enough. I said they were the source of
all the muck,
MORTEN KILL: My tannery too?
DR. STOCKMANN Unfortunately your tannery is by far the worst.
MORTEN KILL: Are you going to put that in the papers?
DR. STOCKMANN: I shall hide nothing.
(a) Place the extract in its immediate context (4mks)
(b) “I have simply done my duty”. What duty is Dr. Stockman referring to? (2mks)
(c) Explain what Dr. Stockmann means when he says that Mortein Kiil’s tannery at
Molledal was the source of all the muck (2mks)
(d) Well, he suggested a rise in his salary on one occasion lately, and did not get it.
(Put a question tag) (1mk)
(e) Which two lies about Dr. Stockmann are mentioned in the extract? (4mks)
(f) Elsewhere in the play, Mortein kill tries to blackmail Dr. Stockmann. How?(2mks)
(g) What shows that Billing used to be close to Dr. Stockmann at one time? (2mks)
(h) Identify and illustrate one aspect of style used ins the excerpt (2mks)
(i) Give the character traits portrayed in the excerpt of the following people (4mks)
(i) Dr. Stockmann
(ii) Billing
(j) Which theme is evident in the excerpt (2mks)
3. Read the poem below and then answer the questions on it
Men in Chains
The train stopped
At a country station,
Through sleep-curtained eyes
I peered through the frosty window,
And saw six men;
Men shorn
Of all human honour
Like sheep after shearing,
Bleating at the blistering wind,
“Go away! Cold wind! Go away!
Can’t you see we are naked?’
They hobbled into the train
On bare feet,
Wrists handcuffed,
Ankles manacled
With steel rings like cattle at the abattoirs
Shying away from the trapdoor.
One man with head
Shaven clean as a potato
Whispered to the rising sun,
A red eye wiped by a tattered
Handkerchief of clouds,
“Oh! Dear Sun!
Won’t you warm my heart
With hope?
The train went on its way to nowhere
By Oswald Mtshali
(a) Briefly explain what the poem is about (3mks)
(b) Identify and illustrate any three literary devices that the poet uses (6mks)
(c) (i) who is the persona in the poem (2mks)
(ii) What is the attitude of the personal towards the subject? (2mks)
(d) Explain the meaning of the following lines
(i) Sleep-curtained eyes (2mks
(ii) Bleating at the blistering wind (2mks)
(e) Explain the meaning of the words below as used in the poem
(i) Hobbled……………………………………………………………………….(1mk)
(ii) Handcuffed ………………………………………………………………… .(1mk)
(iii) Manacled……………………………………………………………………..(1mk)
4. (a) Rewrite the following sentences accord to the instructions after each (3mks)
(i) The twins score high marks. They have been admitted to a national school.
(Join into one sentence using a relative clause.)
(ii) The girl with chocolate skin was runner up.
(Rewrite using a compound adjective attributively.)
(iii) The coach was not allowed to select the team, that’s why they lost.
(Rewrite beginning with: If the coach………….)
(b) Use the correct proposition in the blank spaces (3 marks)
(i) The members disagreed…………………the amount of money each should
receive for expenses.
(ii) At the battle of Waterloo, Wellington counted…………..the support of the
Prussians, but they were very late in arriving on the field of battle.
(iii) I am afraid I cannot consent……………………….your proposal
(c ) Rewrite each of these sentences, turning the underlined words into participle
phrases (3mks)
(i) He took the book back to the library when he had finished it
(ii) When the boy reached the top of the tree, hen cut off a few coco-nuts and threw
them down to his friends waiting below
(iii) When the policeman saw the thief, he blew his whistle.
(d) Put the correct question tag (3mks)
(i) Let us pray, …………………………………………………………………….
(ii) I’m rather late , ………………………………………………………………
(iii) We ought to go, ……………………………………………………………….
(e) Explain the difference in meaning between the following pairs of sentence(3mk
(a)(i) Papa Tom is a good man
(ii) Papa, tom is a good man
(b) (i) The students who performed well were awarded certificates
(ii) The students, who performed well were given certificates
(c) (i) A box of wood stood near the front door
(ii) A wooden box stood near the front door

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