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Nakuru District Mock - English Paper 1 Question Paper

Nakuru District Mock - English Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2011

Index No…………………/…….
School………………………………………… Candidates Signature……………
Paper 1
July/August 2011
2 Hours
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)
(Cloze test, Functional Skills, Dialogue)
Paper 1
July/August 2011
2 Hours
_ Write your name and index number in the spaces provided
_ Answer ALL questions in this paper
_ All answers must be written in the spaces provided in this paper
This paper consists of 5 printed pages
Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all the
Papers are printed as indicated and no questions are missing
1. Functional writing (20 marks)
You are the school captain of Amani Secondary School. You have just received some information that there are some students in the school, bullying the new form one students which is against the school rules
Write a memo to all school prefects informing them of the negative effects of buying
and the disciplinary measures that will be taken against such students.
2. Coze Test (10 marks)
Read the passage below and fill in the each blank space with an appropriate work
When Eva went into the consulting room, she found the (1) __________sitting at (2)__________
large brown desk. He looked (3)____________ and asked her to sit down and tell him what was
(4)______________________with her.
(5)_________________________ sat( 6)___________________ the edge of a heavy wooden
chair and explained that she had been having headaches off and one for over four weeks. The
doctor enquired where the aches were and she pointed to her temples (7)____________________
rubbed the back of her head. He then made her turn round and read from a reading card that was fixed to the wall, ordering her to shield each eye in succession.
She was very (8) __________________to find that she could much (9)______________________
Print with one eye than with the (10)___________________________________
3 (a) Read the following genre and answer the questions that follow
slipperiness knows no King
(i) Identify the genre above (1mk)
(ii) Identify and illustrate the sound pattern used in the genre above (2mks)
(iii) Give three characteristics of the genre above (3mks)
(iv) Who would be your target audience for the genre above (2mk)
3(b) In the following paragraph, the writer has utilized one of the genres of oral literature to express his feeling about the subject. Answer the following questions based on it
The prince was their, idol
Though he was enjoying the peas,
He was bored and need parhing,
The regency took the queue
To enjoy from the generous air,
The kind sun of the kingdom.
(i) Replace the underlined words with appropriate homophones to bring our the intended
surface/literal meaning (3 marks)
(ii) Give the name of the genre used (1 mark)
3(c) In each of the following sets of words identify the odd one (6mks)
(i) fool pool full
(ii) Thin either thunder
(iii) Lone Loan Lorn
(iv) Hard Heard Herd
(vi) Measure pleasure sure
(vi) cell sell sale
3(d) In each of the following sentences, identify and show the stressed word (6mks)
(i) We suspect that he is a thief
The suspect was arrested by the police
(ii) The city council is supposed to collect and dispose refuse daily
I cannot refuse such a generous offer
(iii) He subjects his workers to a lot of suffering
The King was furious with his unruly subjects
3(e) You were sick the previous day and was granted permission by the duty master to
go to hospital. You met the Principal in town and tried to hide from him but he saw
Complete the following dialogue between the Principal and you when he
summoned you to his office the next day. (6 marks)
Principal: What were you doing in town yesterday at ten when you were supposed to
be at school?
You: __________________________________________________________________
Principal Okay. I will find out from her. But why didn’t you go straight to the
You: __________________________________________________________________
Principal: And who were those boys you were with?
You: __________________________________________________________________
Principal: (smiling) I see. I thought your mother told me you were an only child!
You: (Hesitating)_________________________________________________________
Principal: So now they have become your cousins. Why don’t you learn to
speak the truth?
You: __________________________________________________________________
Principal: I forgive you. Next time be truthful. You can go.
You: ___________________________________________________________________

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