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Rarieda District Mock - English Paper 2 Question Paper

Rarieda District Mock - English Paper 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2010

Name……………………………………………………………. Index No……………………………..
School…………………………………………………………… Candidate’s sign…………………….
Paper 2
(Comprehension, Literary Appreciation and Grammar)
July/August 2010
2 ½ Hours
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)
Paper 2
(Comprehension, Literary Appreciation and Grammar)
July/August 2010
2 ½ Hours
Write your name, name of your school and index number in the spaces provided above.
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Answer all the questions in this question paper.
All your answers must be written in the spaces provided in this question paper.
This paper consists of 12 printed pages.
Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all pages are printed as indicated and no questions are missing
1. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
One aspect of the major religions of the world, which has surfaced from time to time, is the ascetic tradition. This means the idea of withdrawing oneself from the struggle of life to live in seclusion, poverty and sometimes hunger in order to find true holiness. This tradition implies withdrawal from full participation in the challenges of the life process, with its risks and dangers,with its joys of success and brief sorrows of failure and loss.
Such a tradition, however, is wholly meaningless in African thought. In fact, the African approach is to live in the thick of the battle of life here and now. The African’s religion involves full participation of sectors of the community - Man, Nature, Spirits - in the life process. Similarly, in people’s songs at rituals of birth, death and marriage, at the beginning of rains, at harvest, and during the hunt, we see the philosophy or world view is celebrated and confirmed. John S. Mbiti has written: ‘Because traditional religion permeates all departments of life, there is no formal distinction between the sacred and the secular, between the religious and the non-religious,between the spiritual and the material areas of life.’ What the professor has called ‘African religions’ is akin to what I understand by the phrase, the ‘philosophy of life of a people. Indeed, it is the living and celebrating of these fundamental ideas which constitute culture.
Understood in this way, then, culture cannot be what the Romans made of it something cut off from a people’s daily life. The Western tradition has sustained this practice to the present day.
African governments on their part, have not only followed suit, but turned it into ‘commodity, ‘a ‘thing’ which can be bought and sold, imported and exported, imprisoned in museums, cathedrals and art galleries, where people do not normally live, but visit when there is a show. What is the meaning, the significance, of a Yoruba religious mask hanging on a concrete wall of an apartment building in Los Angeles, USA? The chiefly regalia of a Kabaka or a Mukama do not make sense in a museum at Oxford, heaped together with all types of royal artefacts collected from other parts of the continent. The funeral drums and the rattle-gourds grow tired for lack of proper care (for which curator can, by heating, tune the drum for a dance?). Moreover the spirits of these drums must die because of the everlasting silence. Drums are for drumming and not merely for gazing at;they are for dancing and celebrating life in festivals. What message do visitors to these museums and art galleries get? Most likely they learn nothing. However, a great number of them leave the museum boasting that they have seen fantastic pieces of African ‘things’!
These so-called ‘things’ do not speak in foreign tongues. They have nothing to communicate to strangers, outsiders who are therefore not dhano (human) because they can not participate in the philosophy of life that the drums, the rattle gourds, the regalia or the sculpture celebrate. These items do not operate in solo, alone, away from home, in the absence of the people who, steeped in the world- view of that society, created them to fulfill definite purposes. On the contrary, each one is an essential piece of a complete, deeply felt, enjoyable festival. Each in its distinct and unique way, contributes to the meaningfulness of the whole society and the life of the individual person in that society.
Adapted from Artist the Ruler by Okot p‘Bitek;
(a) State the characteristic of the major religions of the world mentioned in the passage.
(b) In note form state what the major world religion teaches on how to attain holiness. (4mks)
(c) How does African religion contrast with other religious mentioned in the passage? (2mks)
(d) What is the auther’s attitude to museums of African artifacts? (2mks)
(e) Illustrate and comment on the effectiveness of the following as used in the passage:(4mks)
(i) Rhetoric question
(ii) Quotation from authority
(f) Rewrite the following sentences as instructed. (2mks)
(i) The western tradition has sustained this practice to the present day (Rewrite in
(ii) The so-called ‘things’ do not speak in foreign tongues. (Replace the underlined
words with suitable word) (2mks)
(g) What is culture according to the author? (1mk)
(h) Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in the passage. (3mks)
(i) Permeates
(ii) Akin
(iii) Operate in solo.
2. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:-
Kinuthia and Waiyaki walked along Honia River in silence. Waiyaki was overwhelmed by the
warmth and enthusiasm with which his news had been received by the elders. Kinuthia looked at Waiyaki’s contracted face. He said. “When they come we must present them to the gathering of parents next year.”
“Yes, yes, we shall.” And then, suddenly, Waiyaki turned to Kinuthia. “We must build up the
hills. We must capture this enthusiasm. We must build schools ... and a college, a great big college ...“
Kinuthia was moved not so much by the words as by the way in which Waiyaki said them. There
was fire and conviction in them. Yet he wondered if Waiyaki knew that people wanted action
now, that the new enthusiasm and awareness embraced more than the mere desire for learning.
People wanted to move forward. They could not do so as long as their lands were taken, as long as their children were forced to work in the settled ridges, as long as their women and men were forced to pay hut tax. He did not want to tell this now, but he would tell him. One day. For Kinuthia was convinced that Waiyaki was the best man to lead people, not only to a new light through education, but also to new opportunities and areas of self-expression through political independence. Waiyaki was the best man to lead the Kiama. Even now his spirit was responsible for the power the Kiama and Kabonyi exercised on the people. Did Waiyaki know this’? As Kinuthia beheld the fire in the Teacher’s eyes, he wondered if the vision of a new light had not blinded him. But he believed in him and he wanted to share in this vision and share in the task of its fulfillment.
Kinuthia, however, did not know the extent of Waiyaki’s dreams and vision. How could he know unless he entered those regions of the heart where doubts and fears struggled in the darkness, where you suddenly lost sight of your hopes and success, shaken to the roots as you woke up at night, or even as you walked along the paths in the country?
Ngugi wa Thiongo – The river between.
(a) Place the extract in its immediate context. (3mks)
(b) “When they come we must present them to the gathering” who is Kinuthia and Waiyaki
referring to? (1mk)
(c) In not more than fifty words summarise the things Kinuthia feels Waiyaki has been
blinded to by the new light. (5mks)
Rough copy.
Fair copy
(d) With your knowledge of the text state the reasons why kinuthia feels that waiyaki was the best man to lead the Kiama. (4mks)
(e) What is Kinuthia’s attitude to Waiyaki as depicted in this extract. (2mks)
(f) “….the power of the Kiama and Kibonyi excercised on the people” Explain the above in
the light of what takes place in the text. (3mks)
(g) Explain any two themes evident in this extract. (4mks)
(h) “Kinuthia looked at Waiyaki’s contracted face” why was Waiyaki’s face contracted?(1mk)
(i) Explain the meaning of the following as used in the extract. (2mks)
(i) Build up the hills.
(ii) Enthusiasm.
3. Read the following poem and questions that follow.
When my friend sees me
He swells and pants like a frog
Because I talk the wisdom of the bush!
He says we from the bush
Do not understand civilized ways
For we tell our women
To keep the hem of’ their dresses
Below the knee.
We from the bush, my friend insists,
Do not know how to ‘enjoy’:
When we come to the civilized city,
Like nuns, we stay away from nightclubs
Where women belong to no men
And men belong to no women
And these civilized people
Quarrel and fight like hungry lions!
But, my friend, why do men
With crippled legs, lifeless eyes,
Wooden legs, empty stomachs
Wander about the streets
Of this civilized world?
Teach me, my friend, the trick,
So that my eyes may not
See those whose houses have no walls
But emptiness all around;
Show me the wax you use
To seal your ears
To stop hearing the cry of the hungry;
Teach me the new wisdom
Which tells men
To talk about money and not love,
When they meet women;
Tell your God to convert
Me to the faith of the indifferent,
The faith of those
Who will never listen until
They are shaken with blows.
I speak for the bush:
You speak for the civilized –
Will you hear me?
(i) State the two societies mentioned in the poem. (2mks)
(ii) the imagery used in the poem. (2mks)
(iii) How has the poet used the word ‘friend’ in the poem? (2mks)
(iv) What is the message of this poem? (4mks)
(v) What is persona’s attitude toward the friend? (2mks)
(vi) Explain the tone of this poem. (2mks)
(vii) Explain why the persona does not admire the civilized world. (4mks)
(viii) Explain the following words as used in the poem.
(i) “… the wisdom of the bush”
(ii) “They are shaken by blows”
(a) Rewrite the following sentences according to instructions given after each. (3mks)
(i) But for Mr. John Busiega, the ministers should have had a pleasant journey.
(Begin …… if)
(ii) The residents have succeeded in cleaning up the estate, what is more, they have made it
the cleanest in the entire region.
(Rewrite using…. Not only…)
(iii) The teacher found out how intelligent Otieno was when he started the discussion.
(Begin: It was not….)
(b) Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the word in brackets. (3mks)
(i) Swiss watches are known for their _______________________ (precise)
(ii) The criminal’s ________________________(scandal) behaviour in court appalled
the judge.
(iii) She was full of ______________________(indignant) at the cruel threats of the
gang of prisoners.
(c) Replace the underlined words as instructed after each. (3mks)
(i) All his friends were at the airport to escort him (replace with a phrasal verb)
(ii) Eventually she owned up (use one word to replace the underlined words)
(iii) Simon was shocked by the news of the closure of Uchumi supermarket. (replace
with a phrasal verb)
(d) Complete the following sentences, avoiding unnecessary repetition (3mks)
(i) If parents won’t care for their children, it is hard to think who_________________
(ii) I started fending for myself when I was ten years old, and I still________________
(iii) Achieng makes better curry than Lois___________________
(e) Rewrite the following correctly. (3mks)
(i) The students were too frightned that they could not move.
(ii) The headmaster gave me advice I shall never forget.
(iii) Tom did not reply the letter I wrote him last year.

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