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Rarieda District Mock - English Paper 1 Question Paper

Rarieda District Mock - English Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2010

Name………………………………………………………. Index No…………………/…….
School……………………………………………………… Date ………………………….…
Candidate’s Signature…………………………………….
Paper 1
(Functional skills)
July/August 2010
2 Hours
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)
Paper 1
(Functional skills)
July/August 2010
2 Hours
• Write your name, name of your school and index number in the spaces provided above.
• Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided above.
• Answer all the questions in this question paper.
• All your answers must be written in the spaces provided in this question paper.
This paper consists of 8 printed pages.
Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all pages are printed as indicated and no questions are missing
1. You recently participated in a leadership conference and career exhibition sponsored by the Kenya Secondary Schools Heads Association and emerged the best in your District. All the
successful participants have been nominated to represent their districts during the National Conference to be held at Bomas of Kenya. Write a speech you would deliver based on the topic
“Rights with responsibility” (20mks)
2. Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with on appropriate word. (10mks)
Plenty of people_1____________ music from the internet every day _2______________ illegal
downloading has a huge economic impact and could put more than one million people out of
work by 2015. A study _3_____________ internet piracy by a Paris based consultancy published last year showed that 1-2 million jobs in the European Union could be _4___________ over the next five years if more is not done to clamp _5_____________ on illegal downloading. The study by TERA consultants _6_________ the international chamber of commerce focused on piracy in European’s music, film, television _7____________ software industries.
Those industries generated 860 millions euros and employed 14.4 million people in 2008. But in the same year, 10 billion euros and 186,000 jobs were _8____________ to piracy, the study found. If that trend continues and the _9_____________ increase in illegal downloads and advancing piracy techniques suggest that up to 1.2 million jobs and 240 billion euros worth of European commerce could be _10_____________ out by 2015.
3. You have watched a live riddle playing session during a recent visit to your uncle’s place. The following conversation took place. Read it then answer the questions that follow:
CHALLENGER: I throw a riddle.
RESPONDENTS: Let it come
CHALLENGER: There were three prophets seated in a room.
All the prophets could see. There was also a lamp in that room. All the
prophets could see the light
Two of the prophets could see the lamp but one prophet couldn’t see the
lamp Now, tell me where the lamp was.
1ST RESPONDENT: The lamp was under the table behind one prophet who could not see it.
CHALLENGER: Oh’ no! There wasn’t any table in the room.
2ND RESPONDENT: I think the lamp was Jesus and therefore the lamp was in heaven where
Jesus stays.
CHALLENGER: No my dear! The lamp was a real one and two prophets could see it.
3RD RESPONDENT: The lamp was under the prophet and he was sitting on it.
CHALLENGER: That is rediculuous. No try harder.
1ST RESPONDENT: Then we are beaten. Give us the answer.
CHALLNGER: No. Not unless you give me a reward.
2ND RESPONDENT: We give you the whole of Kogelo.
CHALLENGER: No. The land is dry and the people are hostile. They wont let me have it.
3RD RESPONDENT: We give you Obamaland and all the splendour in it.
CHALLENGER: Good. Ready for the answer?
CHALLENGER: The lamp was placed on top of one prophets head and he could not see it no
matter how much he turned.
RESPONDENTS: Thanks. Give us a story now.
(i) Identify and explain the five steps of a riddle session evident in this session. (5mks)
(ii) How would you say the following line?.
Good. Ready for the answer? (1mk)
(b) In each of the following groups of words, three words begin with the same (identical)
consonant sound while one does not. Underline the words that begin with a different
consonant. (2mks)
(i) Knight Know Gnaw Kleptomania
(ii) Wrist Write Rattle Wasp
(iii) Fish Psychology Phantom Physics
(iv) Chase Cheat Chord Charm
(c) Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow:
Her love was like a porcelain vase
That any touch ould crack;
You felt as if an ardent gaze
Would take her quite aback.
I am not quick to strikee a blow,
Nor careless in abuse;
But still I like them less for show,
And rather more for use
Gamaliel Bradford.
(i) How has rhythm been achieved in this poem? (2mks)
(ii) Imagine you were reciting this poem to your classmates. How would you make it
interesting and emotional? (4mks)
(iii) Identify and illustrate any two sound devices used in stanza one of the above poem.(4mks)
(e) You are listening to a speech on insecurity in your estate/area. How do you make the most out of the presentation? (4mks)
(f) (a) There has been a lot of tension in FURAHA HIGH SCHOOL the last few days.
The tension is caused by what the students consider to be a pathetic diet. The principal realized that things were reaching breaking point and called for dialogue. The students were requested to select a team to negotiate with the administration. At the end of the session, both the principal and the students walked out of the office very happy with themselves because a strike had been averted. Write down five things that could have led to the success of the session. (5mks)
(b) In another school, the above session could have easily ended up in failure, the students
rioting and the school getting closed down. Write down three things that could lead to the
collapse of dialogue in the scenario described above. (3mks)

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