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Nyamira North District Mock - English Paper 2 Question Paper

Nyamira North District Mock - English Paper 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2010

Name……………………………………………………………. Index No……………………………..
School…………………………………………………………… Candidate’s sign…………………….
Paper 2
(Comprehension, Literary Appreciation and Grammar)
July/August 2010
2 ½ Hours
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)
(Comprehension, Literary Appreciation and Grammar)
July/August 2010
2 ½ Hours
Instructions to candidates
1. Write your name, index number, school and date in the spaces provided above
2. Sign and write the date of the examination in the spaces provided above
3. Answer all the questions in the spaces provided
4. All writing must be clearly shown in the spaces provided
This paper consists of 12 printed pages. Candidates should check the question paper to
Ensure that all the pages are printed as indicated and no questions are missing.
Question One
Read the following passage then answer the questions after it If someone had suggested in 1986 that President Museveni would be in office more than two decades later, he would have been taken out and shot, or locked away in a mental asylum.
The man who led the National Resistance Army to power was a revolutionary, not a politician. He had waged a people’s liberation war to rid the country of “sectarianism, backwardness and corrupt leadership.”
There was little to suggest that Mr. Museveni had any ambitions beyond restoring security,
establishing the rule of law and breathing life into the economy. He openly mocked African leaders who flew to the United Nations in their private jets while their subjects walked around barefoot in stark poverty.
He chided previous regimes for importing expensive furniture and whiskies from European
capitals and promised to buy his cutler and furnish state House with cheap, locally available goods.
Having organized Resistance Councils in liberated areas, the left - wing revolutionary leader spoke of taking power and giving it back to the people to be exercised in a democratic fashion. However two decades later, President Museveni is still in power and planning to seek re-election in 2011 which would stretch his reign to 30 years. The revolutionary who argued, in ‘What is Africa’s problem’, that one of the biggest challenges facing the continent was leaders who overstayed in office, had the constitution changed in 2005 to allow him stand for another term in office.
Many observers are now united in the reality that President Museveni has no intention of handing over power on a silver platter, at least not in the near future.
“He is a political survivor; he knows how to survive and is so determined such that if there is anything in his way he must get rid of it”, says Mwambutsya Ndebesa, a political historian at Makerere University.
“His ultimate goal has always been power and how to maintain it.”
That long term — term strayed of accumulating and retaining power has been achieved through
short term tactics. When the NRA came to power in 1986, it was promised to be a short term process of normalization to prepare the country for elections within a couple of years.
In 1989, with growing questions about how many years were required to normalize the country,the lifespan of the National Resistance Council was extended and focus turned to the need for a new Constitution.
In 1994 a constituent assembly was elected and a new constitution, widely applauded for its
progressive clauses, including a two term limit to the presidency, promulgated in 1995, paving the way for elections in 1996.
President Museveni, then at the zenith of his political powers after 10 years; in office, ran for his ‘first’ term against Paul Kawanga Ssemogerere and won, despite allegations of foul play.
In 1999, Museveni’s former comrade - in - arms Dr Kizza Besigye wrote a stinging paper
accusing the ruling Nation Residence Movement (NRM) of betraying the ideals of the war of liberation and not allowing internal debate and dissent. President Museveni was re-elected on the ticket of professionalizing the army, and in an election marred by irregularities.
Those, like former minister-turned opposition leader Jaberi Bidandi Ssali, who shared Dr.
Besigye’s sentiments but had given the president the benefit of the doubt to stand for his last term limit,were caught unawares when pro-Museveni loyalties started campaigning to lift the two term limit on the presidency, from around 2003 - with covert but ultimately overt support from limit from President Museveni. “What stands out is a very unfortunate character of a leader who has a big problem of living his word, “Says Bidandi Ssali, who was dropped from cabinet minister after the publicly opposed the lifting of the term limits. Prof. Edward Rugumayo, who has known Mr. Museveni since 1970, is more charitable in his towards the president.
“I know him as a man who has been consistent in genuine wanting to get the power to manage
and transform this country,” he says.
Aggrey Awori, who ran against Mr. Museveni in 2001, but has since joined government as the
ICT minister, says of the president: “A very determined fellow; knows what he is doing, where he has come from and where he is doing.” Others, however express no surprise about Mr. Museveni’s long stay in power and his power and his shifting positions on that and other issues.
Maj John Kazoora, who joined the NRA out of university in the early 1980s, but has since joined the opposition, says: “I don’t need to tell that to you; he said it himself that he is a chameleon and people didn’t take it seriously. He was speaking to young people at Makerere before the Bush War. Everything he said was wrong, everything he fought against he has surpassed. He told us in the bush that the 1966 Buganda crisis was a political one and did not require a military solution but he has done the same sending in the military.”
NRM official say they have achieved most of the 10-point programme they promised as part of
the fundamental change, and made progress on others.
Critics say President Museveni and his government have acquired the same extravagant tastes of previous regimes, presided over rampant corruption and state patronage and failed to achieve good governance.(Adapted from Daily Nation January 29,2010)
(a) Why was it assumed that President Museveni could not be in office for more than two
decades? (2mks)
(b) Make notes on Museveni’s ambitions after assuming power (3mks)
(c) What is ironical in Museveni’s chiding previous regimes? (3mks)
(d) Rewrite the following sentence using the word ‘Being …..’
He is a political survivor, he knows how to survive and he is so determined. (1mk)
(e) What prompted the need for a new constitution? (2mks)
(f) According to the passage, what was Museveni expected to do after liberating his country?
(g) What has Museveni been accused of by Bisyige? (2mks)
(h) Why does Kazoora insist that the National Resistance Army leader is a chameleon?(2mks)
(i) Explain the meaning of the expressions as used in this passage (3mks)
(i) comrade in arms
(ii) caught unawares
(iii) has a big problem of living his word
Question Two
Read the following excerpt and answer the questions that follow.
Another silence fell between them. His whole body was on fire. “My sister was initiated there” she said abruptly. She made him feel guilty.
“You still remember her - ”
“How can I forget her? I loved her.”
“Were you only two in your family?”
“Yes; now I am alone.”
“I am also alone in my family. All my sisters are married. The youngest, whom I loved most, died a long time ago. I was then young- ”
Nyambura felt pleased because of this exchange of confidence. Waiyaki did not know what else to say.
“You will be late for the meeting.”
She did not move. Then quietly, as if speaking to herself, she said, “She was brave, very brave.
Do you remember her?”
“I do, always.”
“Her last words.”
“Yes ...”
And Waiyaki’s mind went back to that scene a few years back when they had carried Muthoni to Siriana. And he remembered her frail body, her black shining eyes, and her last message: “Tell Nyambura
I see Jesus.” Now he could see her again, clearly. And he remembered her agony. Waiyaki always felt that Muthoni had found something, something that filled her soul and made her endure everything:
Muthoni had tried to find salvation for herself, a surer ground on which to stand. Where did he stand?
The yearning came back to him, expressing itself in slow but mounting waves of desire. And he fixed his eyes on Nyambura and for a moment thought he could see Muthoni the night when they had met in the darkness on the eve of the initiation. He took a step towards Nyambura and stood close to her. He took her right hand in his and at once burst out, “Nyambura, I love you”
It was really a whisper. Nyambura saw the light in his eyes and for a second she was afraid; she could not believe her ears. But it was good that he loved her. She wanted to fall into his arm, still she feared. And now she felt a painful sorrow come into her heart as if from nowhere. A tear dropped down her left cheek. She did not try to hold it back and a second fell down the right cheek. Walyaki pressed her hand and she returned the pressure so that he felt he would die. In a blind moment of passion he took her into his arms and pressed her close to his breast while tears from her eyes fell onto his shoulder.
Nyambura did not resist but allowed herself to be held by him, the only man who could save her from her misery. Neither spoke. They were one. Waiyaki thought his quest was over.
“Will you marry mc?” he whispered.
Nyambura rested on his broad breast. She wanted to say, “Yes.” She longed to say this. It would cost her nothing. Only her breath. Slowly she came to her senses. She disengaged herself from him. She was no longer crying.
“Tell me, oh, tell mc,” implored Waiyaki, hope and fear mixing together. There was another
“No,” she said at last, faintly.
It cost her a lot of effort to whisper this. But she knew she had to. It was impossible to marry him.
Unless she rebelled. She didn’t want to rebel like her sister. Waiyaki felt hurt.
“Why? Don’t you love me?”
“I do, I do;’ her heart said. “But can’t you see we cannot marry? Can’t you?” Aloud she said,
“Father will not allow I cannot disobey him. He knows that we have met before. Through rumours.”
He was looking aside now and could not see the tears that flowed freely down her face. If she continued, she would sob. It was better for them to part. But she wanted him and it was painful to her that she had to leave. Quickly she moved way before it was too late. She left him standing in the same position, staring at the same place. It pained her all the more and she stood irresolutely. She knew she had to go.
“Nyarnbura! Nyambura!” Oh, she was gone. What had he wanted to tell her? He retraced his steps and went home, seeing nothing, feeling nothing. He just walked.
(a) Place this extract in its immediate context (4mks)
(b) What did Muthoni mean by; (3mks)
“Tell Nyambura I see Jesus?”
(c) She knew she had to go (Add a question tag) (1mk)
(d) Describe any two character traits of Nyambura as brought out in this extract (4mks)
(e) What is the symbolic significance of Muthoni’s death earlier in the story? (3mks)
(f) (i) In not more than 30 words summarise Nyambura’s feelings about her marriage to Waiyaki
Rough Draft
Fair copy
(ii) “The only man who could save her from her misery”. In note form briefly explain the
source of Nyambura’s misery (3mks)
(g) Identify and explain any one theme brought out in this extract (3mks)
Question Three
Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow.
I My husband rejects me
Because he says
That I am a mere pagan
And I believe in the devil.
He says
I do not know
The rules of health,
And I mix up
Matters of health and superstition
II Ocol troubles my head.
He talks too much
And he heaps insults on me
As well as my relatives
III But most of his words are senseless,
They are like songs
Of children’s plays
And he treats his clansmen
As if they are enemies.
Ocol behaves
As if he is a witch!
IV It is true
White man’s medicines are strong,
But Acoli medicines
Are also strong
V The sick get cured
Because his time has not yet come:
But when the day has dawned
For the journey to Pagak
No one can stop you,
White man’s medicines
Acoli medicines
Acoli medicines,
Crucifixes, rosaries,
Toes of edible rats,
The horn of the rhinoceros
None of them can block the path
That goes to Pagak!
VI When death comes
To fetch you
She comes unannounced,
She comes suddenly
Like the vomit of dogs,
And when she comes
The wind keeps blowing
The birds go on singing
And the flowers
Do not hang their heads.
The agoya comes afterwards,
He sings to tell
That death has been that way!
VII When Mother Death comes
She whispers
And you stand up
And follow
You get up immediately,
And you start walking
Without brushing the dust
On your buttocks
VIII You may be behind
A new buffalo-hide shield,
And at the mock-fight
Or in battle
You may be matchless.
IX You may be hiding
In the hole
Of the smallest black insect,
Or in the darkest place
Where rats breast-feed their puppies,
Or behind the Agoro hills
(i) Who is the persona in the poem? (2mks)
(ii) Give reasons why the persona blames Ocoli; (2mks)
(iii) What things do people use to ward off death? Are these things effective? (2mks)
(iv) What do you understand by the following lines (2mks)
(i) “the wind keeps blowing”
(ii) “for the journey to Pagak”
(iii) “And the flowers”
(iv) “Do not hang their heads” (line 43 to 46)
(v) The writer starts with one theme which leads to another. What are the two themes? (2mks)
(vi) What is the attitude of the persona towards the subject matter? (2mks)
(vii) Identify and explain the mood of the poem (2mks)
(viii) Identify and explain the effectiveness of any two stylistic techniques employed in the above poem
Question Four
(a) Rewrite the following sentences as instructed. Do not change their meaning. (3mks)
(i) Charles did not turn up for the election. Mogaka as well did not.
(Rewrite the sentence as one starting with: Neither…..)
(ii) “Are you taking part in the walk?” Madam asked.
(Rewrite in indirect speech)
(iii) The child would have drowned if it were not for the quick action taken by the life saver
(Rewrite beginning: But…….)
(b) Use the correct phrasal verb from the word given in brackets to complete each of the following
sentences. (4mks)
(i) Traditions are unwritten laws that have been ____________ (pass) from one generation to
(ii) My sister is on of the cadets of ____________ (pass) parade.
(iii) He must have been naïve to ___________ (fall) such a young man.
(iv) She encouraged them to ______________ (make) after their quarrel.
(c) Use the word in brackets in its most appropriate form (4mks)
(i) Swiss watches are known for their _____________(precise)
(ii) It is difficult to bribe him because he is known to be ____________ (corrupt)
(iii) ______________ has not yet returned home some parts of the country since the post
election violence.(normal)
(iv) The irrational behaviour has earned him great _____________ (notorious)
(d) Fill in the blank spaces with most suitable preposition (2mks)
(i) My son is a trader who deals _____imported perfumes
(ii) Oblivious _____ the danger lurking ahead, the children made their way through the forest
(iii) We took the plants ______ the green house
(iv) My brother is very good _______ hockey
(e) Rewrite the sentences filling the blanks with adjectives in brackets in their correct order (2mks)
(i) I am intending to use a _________________________________oil. (colourless, olive,
cooking, a little)
(ii) You can use this ________________________________ (imported, enormous, blue, red,
fancy) umbrella.

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