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Nyamira North District Mock - English Paper 1 Question Paper

Nyamira North District Mock - English Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2010

Name……………………………………………………………. Index No……………………………..
School…………………………………………………………… Candidate’s sign…………………….
Paper 1
(Functional Skills)
July/August 2010
2 Hours
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)
(Functional Skills)
July/August 2010
2 Hours
Instructions to candidates
1. Write your name, index number, school and date in the spaces provided above
2. Sign and write the date of the examination in the spaces provided above
3. Answer all the questions in section A and B in the spaces provided
4. All writing must be clearly shown in the spaces provided
This paper consists of 8 printed pages. Candidates should check the question paper to
Ensure that all the pages are printed as indicated and no questions are missing.
Question 1
Imagine that you are the head prefect in your school. Your school is planning to have a prize award cum – parents’ day. You’ve been requested to deliver a speech during the occasion. The meeting will be attended by the area chief, the DEO, the area MP, the chairman of BOG, chairman PTA, the principal, the teachers and parents. Your speech should address the following issues; academic achievement, co-curricular activities, discipline, challenges and requests to assist you to overcome the
challenges. (20mks)
Question 2: Cloze Test
Read the following passage and fill the blank spaces with the most appropriate word (10mks)
Equity bank has set________1_______ a scholarship found in honour of a leading ________2________scholar and children’s writer who died _________3________.It will_________4________seven children from Ebriwanyi in Emuhaya Constituency. The chief _________5________officer, Dr. James Mwangi,________6_________ the weekend said the scheme was in _______7_______ of the roel played by Dr.Ezekiel Alembi in ensuring that ________8_______orphans get education in the area.
He _______9_______ during Dr. Alembi’s burial __________10_________Saturday.
(Adapted from the Daily Nation of February 1st , 2010)
Question 3
(a) In the following sentences, the words in bold are used differently. Underline the correct syllable to be stressed to bring out the difference in meaning (4mks)
(i) (a) What is the address of your school.
(b) Would you help me address these envelopes?
(ii) (a) Parents must monitor the progress of their children in school.
(b) We are meeting again tomorrow to try and progress the matter.
(iii) (a) When did the doctor discharge the patient?
(b) The patient will require ongoing care after discharge from hospital.
(iv) (a) Don’t delay if you want to get your order.
(b) Please excuse my delay in replying to your letter.
(b) Identify the silent letter/sound in the in each of the following words (5mks)
(i) Coup
(ii) Fracas
(iii) Satchet
(iv) Depot
(v) Rapport
(c) From the following list of words, circle the odd one out in terms of pronunciation of the underlined sounds (3mks)
(i) Raise, race, cease, pause, noise
(ii) Corn, war, law, won
(iii) Bury, berry, bed, bud, bet
(d) Your literature teacher has divided you into discussion groups in order to make your revision effective. List down five things you would do to make the discussion effective. (5mks)
(e) Read the following genre and answer the question that follow:
(i) Proper prior planning prevents poor performance
(ii) Boys of poor back ground behaving properly perform
(a) Identify the genre (1mk)
(b) Which sounds are being drilled in (i) and (ii) above (1mk)
(c) Write an example of the genre in your community (1mk)
(d) What would be last if (c) above is translated into English (1mk)
(f) Read the following poem and answer the question that follow:
Do Not Go Gentle (by Dylan Thomas)
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn the rave at close of day,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light,
Good men: the last wave by, crying how bright,
Their frail deed might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light,
Wild men who caught and sang the sun flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on it’s way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.
And you, my father, on the sad height,
Blessed me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
O do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
(i) Identify any two pairs of rhyming words in the poem (2mks)
(ii) Describe the rhyme scheme of the poem (2mks)
(iii) Which words would you stress in line 3 (three) of this poem and why? (3mks)
(iv) How would you say line 11 (eleven) of the poem? (2mks)

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