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Nyahururu District Mock- English Paper 1 Question Paper

Nyahururu District Mock- English Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2010

Name……………………………………………………………. Index No……………………………..
School…………………………………………………………… Candidate’s sign…………………….
(Functional skills)
Time: 2 Hours
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)
(Functional skills)
Time: 2 Hours
1. Write your name and Index number in the spaces provided above.
2. Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided above.
3. Answer ALL the questions in this question paper.
4. All your answers must be written in the spaces provided in this question paper
This paper consists of 8 printed pages.
Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all pages are printed as indicated and no questions are missing
1. As the head prefect in your school you intend to call a prefect’s meeting to deliberate on discipline, and impeding prefects reshuffle. Send a Memo to the following prefects. (20mks)
i) Dining Hall Prefect
ii) Games captain
iii) Academics Prefect
Indicate the agenda of the meeting and remind them to carry a copy of the minutes of the
previous meeting.
2. Read the passage below and fill in each of the blank spaces with the most appropriate
word (10mks)
Conducting a job search _____1______ the Internet has definitely ______2______ how
jobseekers contact hiring _______3______. The availability of copying and pasting a text version CV into a form at ________4______ company’s Website has laid the foundation for an easier and_______5______ convenient process.
_______6_______ the Internet’s convenience, a breeding ground for scam artists continues to
____7____ each year as well. Identity thefts have increased to an overwhelming 10 million
_____8______ per year and many of them are the result of phishing-not surprisingly, the
employment industry is ______9_____ attack as well.
Knowing what to look for and how to stop fraud can be the best deterrent to ensuring you have a safe experience while conducting your _____10______search.
3. a) Read the oral narrative below and then answer the questions that follow.
Long ago there was famine in Gikuyu land. This famine had made the cows and goats to die. Only human beings were left and even them, it could be seen that they were not going to live much
longer. Now the people asked themselves “What shall we do?”. It was decided that the most
beautiful girl, one called Wanjiru should be sacrificed to God so that the rain could fall.
She was brought to a place where there was a very big river, she sang,
Rain fall and make this ridge green
Make this ridge green
My father said I should be lost. I should be lost
My mother said I should be lost. I should be lost
Rain fall and make this ridge green
Make this ridge green
She went down up to the knee, she sang:
Rain fall and make this ridge green
Make this ridge green
My father said I should be lost, I should be lost
Rain fall and make this ridge green
Make this ridge green
The water reached the waist, she sang:
Rain fall and make this ridge green
Make this ridge green
My father said I should be lost, I should be lost
My mother said I should be lost, I should be lost
Rain fall and make this ridge green
Make this ridge green
The water reached the neck, she sang;
Rain fall and make this ridge green
Make this ridge green
My father said I should be lost, I should be lost
My mother said I should be lost, I should be lost
Rain fall and make this ridge green Make this ridge green
The head went in. Very heavy rains fell on this land. The grass grew and a lot of food grew and the people began to feel better. Now when Wanjiru went she found her people who had died before her. These people had a lot of cows and goats. Now they asked her what she would like.
She said she wanted cows and goats. She was given many goats and cows and then she was told
to lie down in a place. When she woke up she found that she had returned back to her people. She woke up at a place where there was a river and she had her cows and goats. Now when the people saw her they rejoiced greatly.
The Story ends here
Adapted from: The Oral Literature of the Gikuyu by Wanjiku Kabira and Karega Mutahi
i) If you were to narrate this narrative to a live audience, explain how you would
make the narration as interesting as possible (4mks)
ii) How would you say the following line “What shall we do?” (2mks)
iii) Which word(s) would you stress in the following sentence.
Very heavy rains fell on this land (2mks)
b) Suppose you were asked to make a speech at a friend’s graduation party. What would you
do to maintain the audience’s attention? (5mks)
c) Pronunciation
From the list below circle words with a long vowel
blew bet book gate (5mks)
pit feel purse go
be bait load Male
d) Indicate intonation in the following sentences. Write F and R against each sentence to
represent falling and rising intonation respectively. (4mks)
i) Who was shouting at the back of the classroom?
ii) Walk out!
iii) Is it raining?
iv) He’s alive!
e) Read the conversation below between Judy and a Peer Counsellor and then answer the
questions that follow (8mks)
Peer Counsellor: (Motioning her to a seat). Hallo Judy. How are you getting on?
Please have a seat and don’t be anxious.
Judy: Don’t tell me its all over school now. I will kill you……………..
Peer Counsellor: (Interrupting) Please relax. Well, you swore me into secrecy and I
have kept my part of the bargain. No cause for alarm.
Judy: So then, why do you want to see me? You mean it can show?
Peer Counsellor: Calm down. You are just in the early stages and please keep up
appearances. The school closes next month.
Judy: (Looking disturbed). One more month and the whole world will
know. I need to procure……
Peer Counsellor: Don’t even go there…. will you be able to live with the guilt?
Remember things can also go wrong and you may die.
Judy: (Visibly agitated) Then, tell me what to do.
Peer Counsellor: Please calm down. All is not lost. You just tripped; You never fell.
These days Judy, girls are accepted back to school after giving birth
so you need not worry. All will be fine. In the meantime, just
relax for your baby.
Judy: (Sighs) Thank you for being there for me. Remember not a word to
a soul.
Peer Counsellor: You can trust me Judy. Good day.
Judy: Good day.
i) How does the peer counselor establish good rapport with Judy? (2mks)
ii) What good conversational skills does the peer counselor portray? (4mks)
iii) Identify two shortcomings in Judy’s speech (2mks)

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