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Nakuru District Mock - Homescience Paper 1 Question Paper

Nakuru District Mock - Homescience Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2011

NAME: …………………………………………………. INDEX NO: ……...……,,,,,
441/ 1
PAPER 1 (Theory)
JUNE / JULY 2011
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education
This paper consists of THREE sections A. B and C.
Answer all the questions in Section A and B and any two questions in section C.
Answer to all questions must be written in this booklet
This paper consists of 7 printed pages.
Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all the papers are printed as indicated and no questions are missing.
Answer all the questions in the spaces provided.
1. Give two reasons for blanching vegetables before freezing (2mks)
2. List four flavouring used in cake making (2mks)
3. Mention two methods used to coat foods before deep frying (2mks)
4. Mention four methods used in steaming foods (2mks)
5. Outline two negative effects if bicarbonate of soda in flour mixtures (2mks)
6. Give two reasons for using trimmings during garment construction (2mks)
7. State two disadvantages when using knitted article (2mks)
8. State two ways in which the term “patch” can be applied in clothing constructions (2mk)
9. Suggest two reasons why a knot should not be used while making handmade stitches (2mks)
10. Outline two qualities of a good tracing wheel (2mks)
11. Give two reasons why soaking is necessary for cotton and not for woolen fabrics (2mks)
12. State two ways of conserving electricity consumption when lighting a home (2mks)
13. Define the following terms (3mks)
(i) Hue………………………………………………………………………………………………
(ii) Tone……………………………………………………………………………………………..
(iii) Tint …………………………………………………………………………………………….
14. List two categories of plastics. (1mk)
15. Give two reasons why vitreous enamel finish is used on cookers (2mks)
16. Mention two reasons why an expectant mother should know her H.I.V status (2mks)
17. Give two reasons why weaning should be a gradual process (2mks)
18. Define the term “Pre-natal care” (1mks)
19. Mention two factors that may influence consumers to buy second hand clothes (2mks)
20. Define the following terms (3mks)
(i) Consumer protection
ii) Resources
(iii) Inflation
Answer question 21 in this section in the spaces provided
21. Your grandmother is visiting you for a weekend
(a) Describe how you would thorough clean a hurricane lamp for her use (12mks)
(b) Explain how you would wash her nylon nightdress (8mks)
Answer any TWO questions in this section in the spaces provided at the end of the
22. (a) With the aid of four clearly labeled diagrams, describe the procedure of joining a crossway strip (10mks)
(b) Identify four qualities of a well made permanent stitch (4mks)
(c) List six methods of controlling fullness in garment construction (6mks)
23. (a) Discuss four reasons why teenage girls suffer from anorexia (4mks)
(b) Explain the following terms as used in home science (6mks)
(i) Vegans
(ii) Garnishes
(iii) Desserts
(c) Explain five hygienic practices that should be observed by people handling food during
preparation and cooking (10mks)
24. (a) Give reasons for the following activities during house cleaning (5mks)
(i) Sweeping with long, low strokes
(ii) Keeping the head of the brooms on the floor
(iii) Washing the painted wall from down upwards
(iv) Overlapping sections during scrubbing
(v) Buffing up
(b) Explain five uses of a fan in a room (5mks)
(c) Suggest five tests carried out on the expectant mother’s blood at the antenatal clinic. (5mks)
(d) Explain five reasons why a family should make budget (5mks)

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