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Laikipia District Mock- Cre Paper 1 Question Paper

Laikipia District Mock- Cre Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2007

Name………………………………………………… Index No. …………………….
School ………………………………………………...
JULY / AUG. 2007
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)
• Answer any FIVE questions in the answer booklet provided.
This paper consists of 2 printed pages.
Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all pages are printed as indicated and no questions are missing
1. a) Why is the bible referred to as the “Good News” (6mks)
b) Narrate the origin of sin as shown in Genesis Chapter 3 (8mks)
c) Identify the different ways in which Christians in Kenya use the Bible (6mks)
2. a) How was Moses prepared to be a future leader of the Israelites by God? (8mks)
b) Why is the Exodus a very important event in the history of the Israelites? (6mks)
c) What qualities can a modern Christian learn from Moses? (6mks)
3. a) Give reasons why God was displeased with the social life of the Israelites before Amos was called to prophecy. (10mks)
b) Explain the reasons why the prophets of Israel never succeeded in returning the Israelites to the covenant way of life. (4mks)
c) What roles do Christians play in eradicating evils in our modern society. (6mks)
4. a) Explain God’s punishment to Judah as taught by prophet Jeremiah. (7mks)
b)State the final reforms carried out by Nehemiah. (5mks)
c) Identify lessons that Christians can learn from the experience of Nehemiah. (8mks)
5. a) Discuss the view that in traditional African communities a woman is married to the whole
clan. (9mks)
b) Explain the importance of dowry in traditional African society (6mks)
c) Give reasons why single parent families were rare in Traditional African society.
6. a) State practices which show that African believed in life after death. (5mks)
b) Outline the role of diviners in African traditional society. (7mks)
c) Give eight reasons why cleansing rituals were importance in African Traditional Religion

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