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Kakamega District Mock - English Paper 2 Question Paper

Kakamega District Mock - English Paper 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2007

NAME:………………..………………………………………………… INDEX NO:…………….
(Comprehension, Literary Appreciation
and Grammar)
Kenya Certificate Of Secondary Education 2007
 Write your name and index in the spaces provided above.
 Answer ALL the questions in this question paper.
 ALL your answers must be written in the spaces provided in the question paper.
Question 1
Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow.
Kenya is on the throes of yet another revolution in the area of ICT (Information and Communications Technology). Since the CCK (Communications Commission of Kenya) announced the liberalisation of
voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services, Kenya's cyber-space has been abuzz with excitement.
The legalisation of this technology is not only changing the mode of communication but,
precisely, how much Kenyans will be paying to communicate.
The introduction of mobile telephones in Kenya was hailed as a revolution but it pales in
comparison with VoIP. Before the introduction of VoIP services, the charge for calling any where in the world, with the exception of Tanzania and Uganda, was about 68 shillings per minute. These charges were some of the highest in the world.
Today, however, you can call anywhere in the world for between 15 and 20 shillings per
minute in selected telecentres in the country.
But what exactly is VoIP? It is a telephone service that uses data packet technology to transmit voice using the Internet.
The traditional telephone call relies on a permanent connection (known as switched circuit)
being established between two telephone correspondents before they can communicate. This is a very inefficient use of resources and that is why traditional telephony is expensive, particularly for international calls.
VoIP digitises a telephone conversation and then arranges the data in "packets" which are
transmitted over the Internet using the most efficient routes. Such routes do not have to be dictated.
Each packet contains a destination address and so the voice messages always reach the intended recipient.
Recent developments in technology have meant that the quality of service for VoIP is now as
good as that of traditional circuit switching. The interesting thing about VoIP is that, unlike competing technologies, there are several ways of placing a call, thus providing variety to consumers with specialised needs. There are three different types of VoIP service in common use today.
The simplest and the most common way is through the use of a device called ATA (analog
telephone adaptor). An ordinary ATA is about the size of a normal mobile phone. It allows you to connect a standard phone to your computer or your Internet connection for use with VoIP
The second way to make a VoIP call is through Internet Protocol (IP) phones. The CCK,
however, reckons that these specialised phones are not about to hit the market in an avalanche An IP phone, looks just like a normal phone with a handset, cradle and buttons. However, it has a different kind of connector called the RJ-45 Ethernet connector.
The computer-to-computer is certainly the easiest way to use VoIP. Without any hidden costs,you can make long distance calls for free. All you need is the right software, a microphone, speakers, a
sound card and an Internet connection preferably a fast one. Except for your normal monthly ISP(Internet Service Provider) fee, there is usually no charge for computer-to-computer calls, regardless
of distance.
All in all, it was inevitable that VoIP would be adopted in Kenya because technology across
the globe is headed that way. Kenya is not an island, particularly in the emerging global village.
Furthermore, for Kenyans to compete effectively on a world stage, their competitiveness in terms of communications must be in tune with what is happening elsewhere. As such, VoIP is a timely idea.
(Adapted from Sunday Nation of November 27, 2005)
1. What is the latest technology in the field of information in Kenya? (1 mark)
2. How has VoIP generally affected telecommunications? (2 marks)
3. Why is it not strictly true to say that with VoIP, it costs between 15 and 20 shillings to call
anywhere from Kenya today? (2 marks)
4. Rewrite the following sentence using the word "save":
The charge for calling anywhere in the world, with the exception of Tanzania and Uganda, was
about 68 shillings per minute. (1 mark)
5. Rewrite the following sentence in the past tense:
It is a telephone service that uses data packet technology to transmit voice using the Internet.
(1 mark)
6. Why is it expensive to make an international call using an ordinary phone? (2 marks)
7. In about 38 words, summarise the advantages of VoIP over traditional telephony. (5 marks)
8. What does an ordinary mobile phone have in common with an ATA? (1 mark)
9. Why isn't the author surprised by the fact that Kenya has adopted VoIP? (2 marks)
10. Explain the meaning of the following expressions. (3 marks)
(a) pale in comparison
(b) avalanche
(c) must be in tune
Read the following extract and answer the questions below.
PORTIA: What, no more? '
Pay him six thousand and deface the bond.
Double six thousand, and then treble that
Before a friend of this description
Shall lose a hair through Bassanio's fault.
First go with me to church and call me wife.
And then away to Venice to your friend;
For never shall you lie by Portia's side
With an unquiet soul. You shall have gold
To pay the petty debt twenty times over.
When it is paid, bring your true friend along.
My maid Nerissa and myself meantime.
Will live a maids and widows. Come away,
For you shall hence upon your wedding day.
Bid your friend welcome, show a merry cheer;
Since you are dear bought, 1 will love you dear.
But let me hear the letter of your friend.
BASSANIO: (Reads) Sweet Bassanio, my ships have all miscarried, my -creditors grow cruel, my
estate is very low, my bond to the Jew is forfeit. And since in paying it, it is impossible
I should live, all debts are cleared between you and I if I might but see you at my death.
Notwithstanding, use your pleasure - if your love do not persuade you to come, let not
my letter
PORTIA: O love, dispatch all business and be gone!
(i) Place this extract to its immediate context. (4mks)
(ii) What does the extract reveal about the character of Portia? (4mks)
(iii) Who is the writer of this letter and to whom is it addressed? (1mk)
(iv) Make notes on the contents of this letter. (6mks)
(v) From the rest of the play, list two other letters written. Identify the writer and to whom it is
addressed. (4mks)
(vi) What two themes are portrayed in this extract? (2mks)
(vii) What are the meanings of the following statements as used in the extract? (4mks)
(a) “………………….and deface the bond"
(b) “…………………..and then treble that.........."
(c) "First go with me to church and call me wife"
(d) “………… ships have all miscarried.........."
Read the oral poem below and then answer the questions that follow:
Famine (Nigeria)
The owner of yam peels his yam in the house:
A neighbour knocks at the door
The owner of yam throws his yam in the bedroom:
The neighbour says, "I just heard
A sound, kerekere, that’s why I came."
The owner of the yam replies,
"That was nothing, I was sharpening two knives."
The neighbour says again, "1 still heard
Something like bi sound behind your door."
The owner of the yam says,
"I merely tried my door with a mallet."
The neighbour says again,
"What about this huge fire burning on your hearth?"
The fellow replies,
"I am merely warming water for my bath."
The neighbour persists,
"Why is your skin all white, when this is not the Harmattan season?"
The fellow is ready with his reply,
" I was rolling on the floor when I heard of the death of Agadapidi."
Then the neighbour says, "Peace be with you."
Then the owner of the yam starts to shout,
"There cannot be peace
Unless the owner of food is allowed to eat his own food!"
(From Oral Poetry from Africa. Compiled by Jack Mapanje and Landeg White. Longman Group Ltd.
Longman House, Burnt Hill, Harlow, Essex, UK, 1983.) -
(a) Briefly explain what the poem is about. (2 marks)
(b) What does the neighbour hope to achieve by being so persistent? (3 marks)
(c) Using illustrations, describe any two character traits of the owner of the yam. (4 marks)
(d) Identify the onomatopoeic words in the poem. (2 marks)
(e) How do we know that the neighbour is very observant? (3 marks)
(f) Rewrite the following in reported speech;
The owner of the yam says, "I merely tried my door with a mallet." (1 mark)
(g) The neighbour says, "Peace be with you." Why is this statement ironic? (3 marks)
(h) What lesson can we learn from this poem? (2 marks)
4. (a) Fill in the blanks in each sentence below with correct word.(3mks)
(i) The matter to _________I referred is urgent.
(ii) A person ____________ pride has been injured can suffer depression.
(iii) For ___________ did you intend the question?
(b) Rewrite each of the sentences below in the past tense.(2mks)
(i) Tom lets me use his book regularly.
(ii) Her legs swell when she bends down for long.
(c) Supply the missing prepositions in each of the sentences below. (3mks)
(i) I shall come _______ your house at four o’clock.
(ii) Our house girl is a person _________integrity.
(iii) She’s so attractive, he can’t keep away _______ her.
(d) Change the following sentence to passive voice (2mks)
(i) The police officers overcame the thugs.
(ii) That white hen lays big eggs
(e) Rewrite the following in direct speech (2mks)
(i) The stranger asked me where the shopping center was.
(ii) We told them we had withdrawn money from the bank that day.
(f) In each sentence give a phrasal verb that means the same as the underlined word (3mks).
(i) The suspect confessed after a long interrogation. ----------------------------------
(ii) I plan to visit them next weekend. ----------------------------------
(iii) Did you meet your boss in town? ----------------------------------

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