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Kisumu District Mock- English Paper 1 Question Paper

Kisumu District Mock- English Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2007

NAME:………………..………………………………………………… INDEX NO:…………….
Kenya Certificate Of Secondary Education (KCSE)
 Write your name and index in the spaces provided above.
 Answer ALL the questions in this question paper.
 ALL your answers must be written in the spaces provided in the question paper.
1. You are the secretary of the Needy Students Association in your constituency. Write a letter
to the C.D.F Committee of your constituency and state the following: (20mks)
- Mention what your association feels the C.D.F committee has done well
- Say where they have failed
- Make suggestions that would help the C.D.F Committee to perform even better.
2. In normal situations, children’s aggressive behaviour wears (1)______________ as the ability to express their desires and (2) ______________ develops. Children whose aggression
(3)____________ not decline with time lose their temper frequently and are (4) _______________
extremely irritated and frustrated over minor issues. They are also disruptive and antagonise (5)
_______________ by hitting, pushing, yelling and name (6) _________________ threatening and
teasing. They habitually (7) _______________physical or psychological (8) _______________ on others. As a result, they have trouble with their peers and often face rejection.
Studies have established that boys are three times more (9) _______________ than girls to be aggressive owing to the concentration of the male hormones, androgen and testosterone. And children who are (10)_______________ to aggression are more likely to act aggressively than those who are not.
3. (a) Read the narrative below and answer the questions that follow:
Once in the land called Kivala lived a family which had two daughters. The girls were called Anakaguku and Omulahi. Anakaguku was a hunchback and didn’t look very admitrable. Her sister,Omulahi, was very very beautiful. Every young man wanted her for a wife.
Omulahi was choosy. She wanted a very handsome man to marry her. To her, the young men
around were not of her choice. She turned them away whenever she was approached. For a long time,no one that really appeared to her came home. Then one day one came.
The man found Anakaguku at home. Her sister was in the garden with her parents. He was
asked to wait for them as they were about to return. He sat in the living room and chatted with his friend. Anakaguku noticed through a crevice in the door that led to the kitchen that they breathed out sparks of fire. She gave them food. The man swallowed all the food and all the plates. Then the friend told the suitor, “What is this you are doing? You will not win the girl if you are found out spit out the plate and bowl before they return” All this while, Anakaguku was listening and peeping through an opening in the door.
Omulahi arrived home tired but the sight of the young handsome suitor made her happy. She did not wait for him to say he wanted her hand in marriage. Anakaguku called her to the back of the house and warned her that the men were ogres. ‘Shut up you ugly thing’ “You are just jealous.” Anakaguku loved her sister. She cried. This did not stop Omulahi from going ahead with her wedding plans.
Dowry was paid whole in a week. It was not as many suitors found paying heavily in
instalments for a beautiful girl. Soon, Omulahi was leaving home. Anakaguku was told to stay home.
It was terrible to show ugly girls in the home where Omulahi was getting married. Anakaguku
followed them from a distance. Once, Omulahi noticed her and harshly shouted at her “go back home!
You cant go with us. You hear me? You are ugly. I don’t want our in-laws to see this ugly thing on
your back”
“Omulahi, let her go with us. She is your sister. Do not mistreat her.” Said Omulahi’s husband. So
Anakaguku went with them.
On arrival, they were received by the villagers who had set supper ready. At night, the girls
that had escorted the bride shared a room with the couple. The handsome husband timed when ‘all’
were asleep and changed into a huge monster that breathed fire.
Anakaguku woke up and saw him.
“Waaai” She cried out.
“In-law, are you ill? Asked the “groom”
“I need water. I am so thirsty.”
“Oh, that? There is some in the pot”
“No I don’t drink from a calabash. I drink from a woven basked, Water that is collected fresh from the
river. “Please will you do it for me?” requested Anakaguku shrilly.
“Ai!” but anyway, I will do anything for my sweet in-law.”
“Thank you”
The ogre dashed out with a basket leaving his friends watching. In one stride, he was in the river. The friends waited but he didn’t return. One by one they left to see what was happening. The basket could not hold water. Even with their hands under, the water would seep through and they would stride back to river.
Meanwhile Anakaguku woke up, all the girls including Omulahi. She convinced them that the
men had planned to eat them. Quickly they packed what they could and left. By morning the ogres had not returned. Anakaguku and the girls had crossed thhe big river back to their parents. There ends my story.
(a) (i) What would you do in order to capture the audience’s attention before you begin to tell this
story? (2mks)
(ii) How would you make the story interesting if you were to tell it live? (4mks)
(iii) Give two ways how you tell that your audience is enjoying listening to your story. (2mks)
(b) Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow: (7mks)
I was angry with my friend.
I told my wrath, my wrath did end.
I Was angry with my foe.
I told it not, my wrath did grow.
William Blake.
(i) Identify two pairs of rhyming words in this poem. (2mks)
(ii) Which words would you stress in line 3 of this poem and why? (2mks)
(iii) How would you say the last line of this poem? (2mks)
(iv) Identify one sound pattern used in this poem. (1mk)
(c) For each of the following write another word that is pronounced in the same way. (5mks)
1. Thyme ---------------------------------
2. Know ---------------------------------
3. Flower ---------------------------------
4. Ceiling ---------------------------------
5. Ewe ---------------------------------
(d) You and a friend, Ali, have been following the recent trend in politics. Many women have shown
interest in presidency. You feel women cannot make good leaders. Respond to Ali’s argument after reading through the extract below.
ALI: There’s still a lot of discrimination against women in our system. Why can’t we have a female
president for a change?
ALI: But excuse me, we have never tried any woman. In fact we have had a lot of problems…..
ALI: Sorry for interruption. We just need the right person. Not all women are bad. Liberia has one.
For some time now they have had peace!
ALI: Well, I understand that women have a lot of issues that could make them to fail, but they can
do a good job!

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