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Kisumu District Mock- English Paper 2 Question Paper

Kisumu District Mock- English Paper 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2007

NAME:………………..………………………………………………… INDEX NO:…………….
(Comprehension, Literary Appreciation
and Grammar)
Kenya Certificate Of Secondary Education (KCSE) 2007
 Write your name and index in the spaces provided above.
 Answer ALL the questions in this question paper.
 ALL your answers must be written in the spaces provided in the question paper.
Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow
Modern vegetarianism is more than a diet. It
has become part of a value system that
influences a variety of attitudes and behaviour
Vegetarianism is slowly becoming an
accepted way of living. Yet even with the
increased acceptance of vegetarian diets, few
people know what informs the choice of
vegetarian diets. Few of those opposed to
vegetarianism. Have tried to learn about the
vegetarian way of life, or understand that
vegetarian diets can be healthy.
Trained health professionals are also
often sceptical about how healthy a vegetarian
diet is.
An objective look reveals that properly
planned vegetarian diets and the life-style of
vegetarians can be very good for one's health.
Vegetarians are generally -health conscious,
and often avoid alcohol, tobacco and Illicit
drugs. They also engage in regular physical
Worldwide, vegetarians are in hundreds
of millions. For most of them, vegetarianism is
not a choice. Some live on vegetarian diets
because animal products are scarce or too
expensive. For other, it is a strict religious
belief, handed down for generations. These
people may not necessarily appreciate the
health benefits of being vegetarian; they have
no choice in the matter.
Where food security is not a problem,
people tend to adopt a vegetarian lifestyle to
avoid inflicting pain on animals, to preserve the
environment, or as part of a weight or
cholesterol lowering diet.
There is no one fixed vegetarian diet,
and there are no fixed rules. People who
consider themselves vegetarians range from
those who eat all foods except red meat, to
those who exclude all animal sources,
including honey. By proper definition, a person
is a vegetarian if they do not eat meat. The
definition does not include meat products like
eggs, milk, cheese, butter, ghee, and so on.
There are different categories of vegetarians.
The first is far vegetarians who only exclude
red meat in their diet. Quasi vegetarian or semi
vegetarian diets generally exclude beef, pork
and poultry but include fish, eggs, dairy
products and plant foods. Lacto ovo-vegetarian
diets include only dairy foods, eggs and plant
foods. Lacto vegetarians, however, exclude
eggs in the diet. Vegans are the strictest
vegetarians, as they only eat plant foods. In
addition, they avoid clothes made from wool,
leather or silk.
Long-standing vegetarian dietary regimes
that are practiced in countries like India
and China have been tested over time, and
found to be adequate in essential nutrients. On
the other hand, highly restrictive vegetarian
diets are likely to be inadequate and lead to
health problems. This is especially true for
pregnant women, growing children and the
Compared to our usual diet and
lifestyle, vegetarianism is associated with a
lower risk of heart disease, stroke, and
hypertension, type II diabetes, chronic
bronchitis, gallstones and colon cancer.
Vegetarians rarely become obese or develop
high blood cholesterol levels. The exception of
course is In people who use butter and ghee for
cooking. These products lead to obesity and
elevated cholesterol levels.
Because vegetarian diets exclude one or
more types of foods, it is Important that the
food included provide sufficient calories and
the assortment and quantity of nuttrients
needed for health. Vegetarian diets that fall to
provide all the necessary of nutrients do not
sustain health. Diets that include few or no
animal products may be low in sources of
complete protein, vitamin B12, vitamin D,
calcium and zinc. With appropriate food
selection, these potential nutrient inadequacies
can be prevented.
Animal products such as meat, eggs
and milk provide all of the nine essential amino
acids in sufficient amounts and are thus
considered complete proteins. Complete
proteins are essential in the diet because each
essential amino acid is useful to build and
repair broken and worn out cells. Essential
amino acids consumed in food are not stored,
and so a fresh supply is required everyday.
Vegetarians who do not consume animal
products must combine plant foods to yield
complete proteins.
Vitamin B12 is of concern to vegetarians,
because it is only available in animal products.
Consumption of foods fortified with vitamin
B12, or vitamin B12 supplements can be used
to prevent deficiency.
Vitamin D is obtained primarily from
the sun and from milk. Vegetarians who do not
have adequate exposure to the sun need to take
vitamin D supplements, or food fortified with
vitamin D.
Vegetarians who exclude milk from the
diet need to increase their intake of good plant
sources of calcium. High intake of soy products
such as beans and tofu appear to promote bone
mass deposition and protect against
development of osteoporosis.
Adapted from Sunday Standard October 14, 2006)
(a) According to the passage, what are the three reasons that lead to vegetarianism? (3mks)
(b) What are the different categories of vegetarians mentioned in this passage? (3mks)
(c) Vegetarians rarely become obese or develop high blood cholesterol levels. (Begin:
Rarely……………………….) (1mk)
(d) Explain what kinds of ailments would result from failure to use vegetarian diet? (2mks)
(e) In a paragraph of not more than 25 words, write a summary on the importance of vitamin B12
(f) Vegans are the strictest vegetarians as they only eat plant foods. In addition, they avoid clothes
made from wool, silk or leather. (Rewrite the sentences replacing the underlined words with
the suitable ones performing the same function.) (1mk)
(g) Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in the passage
(i) dietary regimes
(ii) bronchitis
(iii) fortified
(iv) deposition
(v) exposure
(h) Explain the irony behind vegetarianism as brought out in this passage. (2mks)
2. DRAMA: William Shakespeare; The merchant of Venice
Read the following conversation and then answer the questions that follow. (25mks)
BASSANIO: Tis not unknown to you, Antonio,
How much I have disabled mine estate
By something showing a more swelling port
Than my faint means would grant continuance
Nor do I now make moan to be abridged.
From such a noble rate; but my chief care
Is to come fairly off from the great debts
Wherein my time, something too prodigal,
Hath left me gaged. To you, Antonio.
I owe the most in money and in love;
And from your love I have a warranty
To unburden all my plots and purposes
How to get clear of all the debts I owe.
ANTONIO: I pray you, good Bassanio, let me know it;
And if it stand as you yourself still do,
Within the eye of honour, be assured
My purse, my person, my extremest means
Lie all unlocked to your occasions.
BASSANIO: In my schooldays, when I had lost one shaft,
I shot his fellow of the self-same flight
The self-same way, with more advised watch,
To find the other forth, and by adventuring both,
O oft found both. I urge this childhood proof
Because what follows is pure innocence.
I owe you much, and (like a wilful youth)
That which I owe is lost: But if you please
To shoot another arrow that self way
Which you did shoot the first, I do not doubt
As I will watch the aim) Or to find both
Or bring your latter hazard back again,
And thankfully rest debtor for the first.
ANTONIO: You know me well, and herein spend but time
To wind about my love with circumstance,
And out of doubt you do me now more wrong
In making question of my uttermost
Than if you had waste of all I have
Then do but say to me what I should do
That in your knowledge may by me be done,
And I am prest unto it. Therefore speak.
2. (i) Put this extract in its immediate context. (3mks)
(ii) With illustrations from the extract, give the character traits of
(a) Antonio (2mks)
(b) Bassanio (2mks)
(iii) What reasons do Bassanio advance in order to be loaned by Antonio as brought out in the
excerpt. (2mks)
(iv) “How much I have disabled my estate.”
‘Tis not unknown to you, how much I have disabled my estate.’
Rewrite the above sentence beginning: You are aware……………………. (1mk)
(v) From your knowledge of the text, did Antonio loan Bassanio? Explain your answer. (2mks)
(vi) Highlight in note form the complications that arise when Antonio fails to pay the loan. (4mks)
(vii) I shot his fellow of the self-same flight (add a question tag) (1mk)
(viii) Identify and illustrate two themes portrayed in this extract. (4mks)
(ix) Identify and explain any two styles used in this extract. (4mks)
3. Read the narrative below and then answer the questions that follow:
Snake, Millipede and Centipede were born triplets to a caring old couple in a far off country.
The couple had tried to get children for years but to no avail,
The arrival of the triplets was, therefore, the cause of great joy in the whole village.
With the little energy left, they struggled with the day-to-day hustles of new parents. They doted on their little ones and ensured that they got everything they needed. They grew up to be three beautiful daughters and were the envy of the entire village.
Millipede was the eldest and naturally acted as the leader. She was courageous, caring and
fiercely protective of her siblings, Not one animal dared cross her path because of her strength -and fighting skills she learnt from her father.
Centipede was born second. She often ran into trouble with the neighbours but was always confident that big sister would always come to her rescue. Her mother always had cases to settle with her friends. No one day passed without Centipede being scolded about her carefree lifestyle.
Snake, the lastborn, was her mother's favourite and always got away with mischief, however grave.
She was the most beautiful of the sisters and always got extra attention from her parents.
As the sisters grew, the snake got really proud and wanted everything for herself. She often wondered how different life would have been had she been born an only child.
She always schemed ways of getting her siblings into trouble and always got away with it.
One day, as they were at the river fetching water, they heard screams from upstream. "Somebody help me please! I am trapped!”
The girls stopped in their tracks and cocked their ears. They rushed to the source of the cries and to their amazement, they found a man stuck to the waist, mud all around him as the river raged by, When he saw the three sisters, he was much relieved that help has finally arrived.
"Please girls, help me out of here, I'm going to drown," he pleaded.
Millipede and Centipede threw their hands to the poor man and struggled to pull him out. Little beads of sweat formed -on their foreheads as they struggled. "Come on and help" they told Snake. "No way!
I cannot dirty my delicate hands trying to save such a soul," she sneered akimbo, She watched,bemused that her sisters would waste their time panting and heaving to wriggle the man out of the rnud. Once out on dry ground, the man wiped the mud off his tired body and, as a way of appreciation, asked the girls to make two wishes each. He told them that he was a genie who had been trapped for hundreds of years in the mud.
Snake was really excited when she heard about the wishes. She requested to be the first to
make a wish The sisters agreed but their hearts were heavy because they knew how malicious their sister was. Snake closed her eyes and silently made her wishes for a big, beautiful body and lovely legs. Millipede was next to make her wishes, but because she knew her sister's heart, she wished for a million of what Snake had asked and a small body to go with it.
Centipede was the last to make her wish and because of the admiration she had for her sister, wished for half of what her brave sister asked for. The man waved his magic band five times and bang! The sisters’ wishes came true.
Like a flash. Snake's legs disappeared and her body grew twice its original size. Millipede got a million legs and her sister thousands, while their bodies shrunk to half their original sizes. They were all dismayed but on looking around, the man had disappeared.
Snake was really sorry because she knew that she was the reason her sisters acted the way they did.
With shame, and tears streaming down her face, she gilded away Into the bushes and up to
today, still holds a grudge against man for changing her fortunes. She always bites his ankle whenever they meet.;
The other sisters accepted their wishes and continued with their lives happily, often helping man to aerate his farm by burrowing into the soil.
(Adopted from Sunday Standard December 2006)
(a) What type of narrative is this? Give illustrations. (2mks)
(b) Identify the two social aspects of the society in the narrative. (4mks)
(c) (i) Which features peculiar to oral narratives are evident in the narrative? (4mks)
(ii) In what ways are they important? (2mks)
(d) Identify the character traits of the snake. (2mks)
(e) Who would be the target of such a narrative? (2mks)
(f) State the types of audiences in oral literature who would listen to this story if it were told live.
(g) What method would you adopt when collecting such a narrative from the field? (2mks)
4. (a) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given. Do not change the
(i) I don’t want you to attend our party (Begin: I object……)
(ii) The teacher asked the boy, “ Can you give an answer for this question?” Rewrite in reported
(b) Complete the blank spaces with the correct form of the word in brackets.
(i) There will be a ------------------------- service for the departed souls. (memory)
(ii) When Jane was demoted as a class monitor, she was delighted but ----------------------- (apprehend)
(c) Complete the blank spaces with the most suitable phrasal verbs.
(i) You are walking too fast. I cant keep ----------------------- you.
(ii) There was a bank robbery last week. The robbers got-------------------- F50,000.
(iii) It was warm, so I ---------------------- my jacket.
(d) Place the adverbs given in each sentences in their natural position and order.
(i) My telephone rang fifteen times last night.(almost)
(ii) I wanted to make an appearance. (merely)
(iii) The performance was fantastic. (absolutely)
(e) Fill in the following words.
He was acquitted-----------------robbery with violence and charged ------------- rape but placed ----------
probation for an year.
(f) Give the correct form of word to show the opposite gender to the one given
(i) Ewe
(ii) Duke

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