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Narok District Mock - English Paper 2 Question Paper

Narok District Mock - English Paper 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2007

Name………………………………………………… Index No. …………………….
School ………………………………………………...
101 / 2
(Comprehension, Literary Appreciation and Grammar)
July / August 2007
2 ½ hours
Kenya Certificate Of Secondary Education (KCSE)
Paper 2
2 ½ hours
• Write your name and index number in the spaces provided above.
• ANSWER ALL the questions in this questions paper
• ALL your answers must be written in the spaces provided in this question paper.
This paper consists of 12 printed pages.
Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all pages are printed as indicated and no questions are missing
It is somewhat uplifting to the heart to witness the concern that has been trusted at our environment of late. Action is being taken to protect oceans and seas sound use of marine resources is being promoted.
Reduction of the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere is getting undertaken to check on the climate change. Ozone depletion substances are being phased out and biodiversity protected and conserved. Hazardous wastes and chemicals are being regulated, acid rain significantly reduced and even peaceful initiatives on the use of atomic energy established.
Activities to combat desertification are also in the framework, but despite all these, we should not rest on our laurels. Our vital life support system, water, is going downhill faster than a steamroller with no brakes. The crisis has been addressed by various bodies including the United Nations, which has set a day to think, discuss and take action on water conservation the world over.
There are growing demands on the world’s water resources to meet human, commercial and
agricultural needs. A significant portion of the world’s population faces water shortages. Two of the most obvious causes include degradation of water by pollution and over – exploitation of underground reserves, but that is not all.
Harmful effects to our water sources can be exemplified by incidences such as the recent historical one when our mighty river, Sisei, in Bomet – Bureti district, cut in its water volume and you could walk on the sand- bed across the river.
People are encouraged to develop forests as incomprehensively large amounts of natural ones have been depleted. With no doubt of their well- doing, people go ahead and plant trees along water sources crediting the exasperated ones although the water level keeps receding. This is not as mysterious as the black holes of the universe: ignorance has paved way to enlightenment on the cause.
As youth; we should not rest on our ears yet. Something has to be done. Come hell or high waters, we have to join hands in resurrecting and maintaining our water sources ……our existence.
1. In a paragraph of not more than 60 words, summarise the action being taken to protect the
environment. (8mks)
Rough draft
Final draft
2. Explain what is meant by the idiomatic expressions;
i) ‘……..we should not rest on our laurels…..’ (1mk)
ii) ‘…….come hell or high waters….’ (1mk)
3. According to the passage, what are the most obvious causes of water shortages? (2mks)
4. Suggest two things that you could do, as a student to encourage people in your area to develop forests. (2mks)
5. What, in your opinion, is meant by; ‘…the black holes of the universe …..’ in the second last paragraph of the passage? (2mks)
6. Supply another suitable title for the passage. (1mk)
7. Give the meanings of the following words and phrases as used in the passage. (3mks)
i) Marine
ii) Phased out
iii) Depleted
Q. Read the extract below then answer the questions that follow.
SHYLOCK: Gaoler, look at him. Tell not me of mercy.
This is the fool that lent out money gratis.
Gaoler, look at him.
ANTONIO: Hear me yet, good shylock.
SHYLOCK: I’ll have my bond-Speak not against my bond!
I have sworn an oath that I
Will make my bond. Thou call’dst me ‘dog’
Before thou hadst a cause,
but since I am a dog, beware my fangs
The Duke shall grant me justice. I do
Thou naughty gaoler, that thou art so fond
To come abroad with him at his request.
ANTONIO: I pray thee hear me speak.
SHYLOCK: I’ll have my bond. I will not hear thee speak.
I’ll have my bond, and therefore speak no more.
I’ll not be made a soft and dull- eyed fool.
To shake the head, relent and sigh and yield
To Christian intercessors. Follow not
I’ll have no speaking – I will have my
SOLANIO: It is the most impenetrable cur
That ever kept with men.
ANTONIO: Let him alone.
I’ll follow him no more with bootless
He seeks my life. His reason well I
I oft delivered from his forfeitures
Many that have at times made moan to me.
Therefore he hates me.
SOLANIO: I am sure the Duke
Will never grant this forfeiture to hold.
ANTONIO: The Duke cannot deny the course of law:
For the commodity that strangers have
With us in Venice, if it be denied,
Will much impeach the justice of the
State,Since that the trade and profit of
The city Consisteth of all nations. Therefore go.
These gifts and losses have so abated me
That I shall hardly spare a pound of flesh
Tomorrow to my bloody creditor.
Well, gaoler, on. Pray God Bassanio come
To see me pay his debt, and then I care not.
1. Briefly explain what happens before this extract. (4mks)
2. i) Gaoler look to him. (Add a question tag). (1mk)
ii) “The Duke shall grant me justice”. (1mk)
(Re-write the sentence in reported speech).
3. Using evidence from the extract explain Antonio’s mood. (4mks)
4. Explain two character traits demonstrated by shylock in this extract. (4mks)
5. In note form, account for Antonio’s present predicament. (4mks)
6. What themes are evident in this extract? (4mks)
7. Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the extract. (3mks)
i) Gaoler
ii) Intercessors
iii) Impeach
Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow.
1. Huddled together,
Cold biting their bones,
Teeth chattering from the chill,
The air oppressive
The smell offensive
They sit and they reflect.
The room self- contained,
At the corner “The gents” invites
With the nice fragrance of ammonia,
And fresh human dung.
The fresh inmate sits thoughtfully.
Vermin performs a guard of honour.
Saluting him with a bite there,
And a bite there.
‘Welcome to the world’ they seem to say.
The steel lock of the door,
The walls insurmountable
And the one torching torturous bulb
Stare vacantly at him.
Slowly he reflects about the consignment
That gave birth to his confinement
Locked in for conduct refinement
The reason they put him in the prison.
The clock ticks,
But too slowly.
Five years will be a long time
Doomed in the dungeon.
In this hell of a cell.
1. What is the attitude of the speaker towards the inmate? (3mks)
2. Explain the atmosphere created through description in the poem? (4mks)
3. Identify three poetic devices in this poem and explain their effectiveness. (6mks)
4. Why is the “Fresh Inmate” in prison? (2mks)
5. Explain the mood of the new convict and illustrate your answer. (4mks)
6. What does the writer mean by:
“Locked in for conduct refinement”? (1mk)
Use phrasal verbs formed from the words in brackets to fill the blank spaces.
1. The auditors have our accounts and have found a few serious mistakes (go)
2. Its an offer that you won’t get again so I should it if I were you.(jump)
3. I ‘m sorry you were not satisfied by our service, madam. I will ________________ your
complaint at once (look)
4. I Micheal when I was in town this morning.(run)
5. I haven’t done anything about your complaint yet, but I ‘ll ___________ tomorrow.(see)
6. Two policemen with the hijackers and held them by the arms.(catch)
Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions.
Parents should encourage their teenage children to communicate (1)
them especially (2) matters concerning their friends since it is not easy for a
teenager to talk spontaneously (3) their friends, parents can skillfully initiate
such discussions (4) asking open ended questions. However, they must avoid
hasty judgments since this might refrain the teenager (5) future discussions.
Teens may not realize that they have fallen (6) wrong company and thus perceive
the parent’s view as unfair.
Complete the sentences with the right form of word in brackets.
1. Our hosts (welcome) us warmly.
2. We (seek) advice from the village elders yesterday.
3. We were (awake) by strange noises coming from outside
4. The husband tried to restrain his (aggression) wife.
5. (Coward) soldiers don’t fight well.
6. Such a policy can (danger) the poor.
Rewrite the following sentences as instructed.
1. “Should I take this job now or stay in school for another year?” asked masharufi.
(Rewrite using………….whether…….)
2. The second meal she made was even less tasty, when it came out of the kitchen, than the first.
(Rewrite to end in …….. as the first).
3. The more wives a man has, the more herd of cattle he has and the richer he is.
(Begin: The richest man…..)
Use the following words in their PAST TENSE to form grammatical sentences.
i) Admit
ii) Integrate
iii) Grind

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