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Nyamira District Mock - English Paper 2 Question Paper

Nyamira District Mock - English Paper 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2007

Name………………………………………………… Index No. …………………….
School ………………………………………………...
(Comprehension, Literary, Appreciation and Grammar)
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)
(Comprehension, Literary, Appreciation and Grammar)
Instructions to candidates:
• Write your name and index number in the spaces provided above.
• Answer all the questions in this question paper.
• All your answers must be written in the spaces provided in this question paper.
Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all pages are printed as indicated
and no questions are missing
Q. 1 Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow.
Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission (KACC) has now come up with a new promise; that it will make public in two months, findings of investigations into the Anglo Leasing scandal. The commission, through Mr. Ken Mwige, who is the personal assistant to the director, Mr. Aaron Ringera, went on to pledge that the findings will be comprehensive and we may add, exhaustive as to lay bare those behind the scam.
Ordinarily, that would sound very good. However, we have heard similar pledges before, and for far too long, that it rings hollow in our ears. Not only that, the commission is on record for having dismissed outright claims that some top people in government were involved in the Aglo Leasing scandal or sought to interfere with the investigations. Unless the report comes out and with convincing findings, all the talks about investigations do not inspire any confidence among Kenyans.
What has happened is that the commission has not emphatically done what it set out to do to and convince the public that it deserves the kind of budget it gets and particularly, the emoluments its top officials receive every month.
More often than not, the commission is quick at herding small fries to court while the big sharks, who are involved in momentous scandals are left unscathed, creating the impression that there is selective investigation and prosecution of corruption cases.
But even when the commission has done its investigations the other bundles is to have the cases prosecuted, since it does not have powers to do. Prosecution is the domain of the Attorney General,who as we have seen in the past, has thrown out some cases saying he could not take them to court as they were not water tight as to stand the test.
In other words, there are still lots of grey areas in the war against corruption. The commission must do its job well, and proof of that is when its investigations provide the basis for prosecution and conviction of corruption suspects. But when it just talks, it only reinforces the perception that it is just a decoy and muscle-less outfit that exists only in name.
(a) In not more than 60 words, write a summary on what makes the general public doubt the
seriousness of the Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission (KACC) in its duties. (4mks)
b) Another obstacle lies in KACC’s way after it has done its investigations and given
(i) Which one? (1mk)
(ii) How? (1mk)
c(i) From the passage, what now seems to give more credibility to KACC? (2mks)
(ii) What irony is there in this? (1mk)
d) (i) Unless the report comes out and with convincing findings, all the talks about
investigations do not inspire any confidence among Kenyans. (Re-write the sentence
beginning: If the report ……………………………………..) (2mks)
(ii) Give prefixes of (Example: possible – impossible) (2mks)
exhaustive …………………………………………………….
similar ………………………………………………………...
(iii) Give a suffix of (Example: important – importance) (1mk)
scandal ……………………………………………..
e) Why does the author conclude that KACC seems to exist only in name? (1mk)
f) Give the meanings of the following words and phrases as used in the passage: (3mks)
(i) it rings hollow in our ears …………………………………………………………………..
(ii) emoluments …………………………………………………………………………………
(iii) small fries …………………………………………………………………………………..
g) However, we have heard similar pledges before. (Rewrite the sentence in the passive)
h) Give the passage a suitable title. (1mk)
Q. 2 Read the following excerpt and answer the questions that follow. (25mks)
SGYLOCK : Well, thou shalt see, thy eyes shall be thy judge
The difference of old Shylock and Bassanio-
[ calling JESSICA] what, Jessica! – Thou shalt not gormandise
as thou done with me – (calling again]
what Jessica!-
And sleep, and snore and rend apparel out-
[ calling again] why, Jessica! I say:
LAUNCELOT: [calling too] why, Jessica!
SHYLOCK : who bids thee call? I do not bid thee call.
LAUNCELOT: Your worship was wont to tell me I could do nothing without bidding.
JESSICA : Call you? What is your will?
SHYLOCK : I am bid forth to supper, Jessica
There are my keys. But wherefore should I go?
I am not bid for love – they flatter me;
But yet I’ll go in hate to feed upon
The prodigal Christian. Jessica my girl,
Look to my house. I am right loath to go
There is some ill a-brewing towards my rest,
for I did dream of money bags tonight.
LAUNCELOT: I beseech you, sir, go. My young master doth
expect your reproach.
SHYLOCK : so do I his.
LAUNCELOT: And they have conspired together. I will not say
you shall see a masque, but if you do, then it
was not for nothing that my nose fell a bleeding
on Black Monday last at six O’clock I’th’ morning,
falling out that year on Ash Wednesday was
four year in th’afternoon
SHYLOCK : What, are there masques? Hear you me:
Lock up my doors; and you hear the drum
And the vile squaling of the wry-necked fife,
Clamber not you up to the casements then,
Nor thrust your head into the public street to
gaze on Christian fools with varnished faces;
But stop my house’s ears, I mean my casements;
Let not the sound of shallow foppery enter
My sober house. By Jacob’s staff I swear
I have no mind of feasting forth tonight;
But I will go. Go you before me, Sirrah
Say I will come.
LAUNCELOT: I will go before sir.
[Aside to JESSICA] Mistress, look out at window for all this-
There will come a Christian by
Will be worth a Jewess’ eye. [Exit]
SHYLOCK : What say that fool of Hagar’s offspring, ha?
JESSICA : His words were “Farewell, mistress’ – nothing else.
SHYLOCK : The patch is kind enough, but a huge feeder,
Snail-slow in profit, and he sleeps by day
More than the wild-cat. Drones hive not with me,
There I part with him – and part with him
To one that I would have help him to waste
His borrowed purse. Well, Jessica, go in.
Perhaps I will return immediately
Do as I bid you; shut doors after you
‘fast bind, first find’-
A proverb never state in thrifty mind. [Exit]
JESSICA : Farewell; and if my fortune be not crossed,
I have a father, you a daughter, lost. [Exit]
a) Explain what happens just before this scene. What happens immediately after this scene?
b) I am bid forth for supper, Jessica. [Rewrite so as to end with a question tag] (1mk)
c) Rewrite the following in present-day English: “Drones hive not with me” (2mks)
d) What is Shylock referring to when he says: “His borrowed purse” (2mks)
e) From the excerpt, make notes on the evidences that show that Shylock is visibly angry.
f) From the extract and elsewhere in the novel, give two character traits of Lancelot. (4mks)
g) Identify and explain one literary device used in this extract. (2mks)
h) Explain the meaning of the following lines as used in the excerpt above. (4mks)
i) Thou shalt not gormandise
ii) There is some ill a-brewing towards my rest,
For I did dream of money bags tonight.
iii) “Who bids thee call?
iv) Farewell, and if my fortune be not crossed
I have a father, you a daughter lost
Oral Literature (20 marks)
Read the narrative below and answer the questions that follow
Njabala Once upon a time, a man and his wife had a daughter. The girl's name was Njabala and she was stunningly beautiful. But she was badly brought up, that girl. She was spoilt. She did not want to do any work in the shamba or around the house. All through her childhood, it was her mother who cooked for her, washed and ironed her clothes for her, did everything for her. But Njabala's beauty was beyond words.
Anyway, Njabala grew up and was soon ready for marriage. She married a young man who took her to his home. But of course she couldn't do any work. When time came for her to go and work in the shamba, she didn't know what to do. She put both her hands on her head and cried out Mamma,
Mother-of-twins. It's you who used to spoil me. Come and dig.
Whereupon the skeleton of her mother, who had died, suddenly appeared. It took the hoe and started
Clearing the shamba as it sang;
Njabala, this is the way women dig,
Njabala this is the way women dig,
Don't let me be caught by my in-laws.
And it cleared a large patch of the shamba, from here to way, way out there. Then it disappeared back to the grave. This went on for quite some time. Everytime Njabala went to the shamba-she would call out?
Mamma, Mother-of-twins'
It’s you who used to spoil me.
Come and dig.
Then the mother's little skeleton would come and clear the-shamba,
Njabala, this is the way women dig,
Njabala, this is the way women dig,
Don't let me be caught by my in-laws.
One day, however a relative of Njabala's husband saw what was happening, She went and. said to the husband. “You know what? The food we eat in this house is grown by skeletons.”
The husband said "Oh dear, Oh dear”, The next day he went and hid in the shamba. When Njabala arrived, she called out as usual
Mama, Mother-of twins' .
It's you who used- to spoil me,
Come and dig,
The skeleton came and began to dig as it sang;
Njabala, this is the way women dig,
But suddenly, the man leapt out of his hidind place and dealt his mother-in-law skeleton a big blow with his stick the skeleton disappeared immediately, Njabala was almost fainting with shame and shock. Her husband said to her angrily, “ so this what’s been happening? You've been feeding us on food grown “by skeletons?” From that day Njabala learned to work saying , “What else can I do now that my mother has been beaten and driven away?” And so she became a hard-working woman, 1 left her happy with her husband and the rich crop she was harvesting from her shamba and 1 came back here. That is what I saw.
a) What is the theme of this narrative? Explain (2mks)
b) State and explain two functions of song as an aspect of style in this narrative. (4mks)
c) Which audience(s) would this narrative be most appropriate for? Justify your answer.
d) Identify three typical features of oral narratives evident in this narrative. (6mks)
e) Cite and explain a proverb from any community you are familiar with that comments on either beauty or work. (2mks)
f) State and illustrate one social and one economic activity of the community from which this narrative is taken. (4mks)
4. a) Fill each of the blank spaces with the correct preposition. (3mks)
1. Joyce is fond ………………………………………. Fishing.
2. The grandchildren arrived …………………………. Christmas Day.
3. Peter is weak ……………………………. Mathematics.
b) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. Do not
change the meaning. (5mks)
1. Tom is my brother. (Begin: I ………..)
2. A foreigner appeared before a Mombasa magistrate who was arrested for entering the
country without a visa. (Rewrite omitting the ambiguity)
3. “I am sorry madam”, the girl told the teacher, “but I could not complete my homework”
(Rewrite using the word apologized).
4. Keroche was surprised to find the luggage stolen. (Rewrite using surprise)
5. She was beautiful and friendly. We went out for a drink. We kept in touch after that.
(combine into one sentence using the word ‘being’)
c) Replace the underlined phrasal verbs with a single word that means the same. (3mks)
1. Pynette can’t put up with lazy workers.
2. I was held up by traffic for two hours.
3. The stadium’s perimeter wall gave in
d) Punctuate the sentences below. (2mks)
1. How many students have read Chinua Achebes things fall apart.
2. Go away shouted the shopkeeper.
e) Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word. (2mks)
Miriam is about to (i)…………………………………… her form four exams. She plans to
(ii) ………………………………………….. a computer college in town for a diploma

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