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Trans-Nzoia District Mock - English Paper 1 Question Paper

Trans-Nzoia District Mock - English Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2007

Name………………………………………………… Index No. …………………….
School ………………………………………………...
(Functional Skills)
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)
(Functional Skills)
• Answer all the questions in this question paper.
• All your answers must be written in the spaces provided in this question paper.
Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all pages are printed as indicated and no questions are missing
1.Question 1.
Imagine that your class went on a five day school trip to a city you've always wanted to visit.
Write a personal journal covering the entire period.
2. An individual gets affected by HIV/AIDS both physically (1)...........................................................
psychologically. As (2)...................................................... HIV infection gradually leads to full blown
AIDS, infected person experiences the social stigma that is associated with the
( 3)...... ...........................His/her weakened condition denies him/her the (4)............................................
to work and earn a living .This leads to economic hardships due to the loss in earnings. This especially difficult for such a person because he/she needs money (5)...................................... medical care
arising from the opportunistic infections that often afflict persons (6) ................................ from AIDS.
These people also need to (7)............................................. a balanced diet which in some cases can be very expensive.
The loss of earnings (8)..................................................... not only affect the infected person. It
(9)......................................... affects the members of his/ her family, especially if/she is a parent or sole
bread earner. Since individual families do not live in isolation, the communities
(10)................................................ Live in also get affected, and in the long run, this loss is felt by the
nation at large. When a person is unable to produce in whatever capacity, either in agriculture,industry, or other forms of skilled labour, then certain sectors of the economy suffer.
Question 3: Oral Skills 30 marks.
I heard your voice
through the reeds
1 saw your shadow
on the water
I felt your scent
through the wind
I saw your image
In the dream
1 saw you
run on boulder rocks
and laugh
with cattle egrets
and kiss the osaye fruits
and I sprinted
but where were you to be trapped?
Questions : A
a) I with illustrations identity two senses through which the you is experienced (2marks)
b) Describe two aspects of style used in the poem (2 marks)
c) Describe the movement of the poem in terms speed (3marks)
d) Who is the persona and who is a referred as you (2marks)
Question B
Why do we grumble because a tree is bent?
When in our streets, there are even men who are bent?
Why do we complain that the new moon is slanting?
Can anyone reach the sky to straighten it?
Can't we see that some cocks have combs on their heads?
but no plums in their tails?
And some have plumes in their tails, but claws on their toes?
And other have claws on their toes, but no power to crow?
He who has a head has no cap to wear,
And he who has a cap has no head to wear it on.
The Owa has everything but a horse's stable
Some scholars of Ifa cannot tell the way to Ofa
Others know the way to Ofa, but not lien of Ofa
Great eaters have no food to eat,
And great drinkers no wine to drink
Wealth has coat of many colors.
Q.a Describe the use of pun in the oral poetry (3marks)
b. State the intonation at the end of lines 3 and 8. (2marks)
c. Describe the oral performance device you would use to deliver this poem. (2marks)
d Explain two qualities of a good story teller. (2marks)
Question C.;
Add negative prefixes to the following words and construct a sentence for each (4marks)
a) Legible
b) moral.
c) efficient.
d) modest.
Question D:
Construct two sentences for the homonyms below to bring out their verb and verb forms. (4marks)
(i) bear
(ii) book,
Question F.:Read the following dialogue involving the officials of Wild Life Club and answer the
questions that follow. Margaret is chairing the meeting.
Margaret: I would like to take charge of this meeting. In the last meeting we decided to approach the principal to request her to assist us in a few areas.
I'd like all of us to go through issues that we raised, before approaching the principal.
May 1 invite the secretary to...
Jorum: you guys, we all know what the issues are. Maggie, let's just bounce to the principal's office and discuss the issues there.
Benson: With due respect Jorum, that's hardly the way to address the chairperson. I think we should let the secretary list the issues first and if there is any...
Jorum: We haven't got all day, remember. The issues are known to all of us. It would be a
waste of time to repeat the same old...
Jane: l am sorry to interrupt you Jorum but I think that if we have to make any progress in
this meeting , we have to give each other a chance. Why don't you give each speaker a
chance to...?
Jorum: Parade their ignorance? Look Jane, I seem to be the only person thinking in this room.
This is a very simple matter...
Margaret: Allow me to remind everyone in this meeting that I am the one in charge. Jorum, may I inform you that this is a matter of procedure. We are going to listen to the secretary list
the issues we discussed in the past meeting and if there is something that was omitted,
we shall include it. It is only after we have done this that we can go to the principal's
i Which of the speaker(s) above observe the rules of etiquette in language and which one(s) do
not? Give reasons for your answer (4marks)

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