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Bondo/Rarieda District Mock - English Paper 1 Question Paper

Bondo/Rarieda District Mock - English Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2008

Paper 1
July / August - 2008
Time: 2 Hours
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)
Paper 1
July / August - 2008
Time: 2 Hours
* Answer ALL questions in the spaces provided
This paper consists of 8 printed pages
Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all the printed pages are printed as indicated and no
questions are missing.
1. Imagine that your best friend is about to go abroad for further studies and his family has arranged a farewell party in his honour to which you have been invited. Write out the speech which you would make at the party saying something about what you know of your friend and his good qualities. (20mks)
Parliament yesterday (1) …………………………………. one of two crucial Bills crafted after
the power-sharing (ii) ……………………………… signed last month by president Kibaki and
Mr. Raila Odinga.
The constitution(iii) ……………………..Bill provides for the creation of the post of a prime
minister and two deputies, their (iv) ……………………….. and roles. The bills are a (v)
………………………………….. of negotiated settlement aimed at ending the political
stalemate that (vi) ……………………… the country soon after the disputed December
presidential elections.
The debate was emotive as it was historic, (vii) …………………………… who spoke were
unanimous that spirit and the letter of the Bill and the next one to come (viii) ……………..
crucial to national healing, unity and development. Historic it was, since this was one of the rare moments when a sitting President (ix)………………………… in a debate in the house as
an MP and not as a symbolic figure presiding (x) …………………… a state function.
a) Read the poem below and answer the questions which follow:
The Kraal fence
hides quarrels
of jealous wives
it hides the miseries within
and sadness of wives fallen from favour
By Stella Ngatho
(i) Identify and illustrate the two sound devices that the poet has used to create clashing
discord. (4mks)
(ii) If you were presenting the above poem to your class, which words would you stress to
enhance your delivery of line 1 – 4? (4mks)
(iii) Briefly explain the overall effect of the sound devices identified in questions 3(i) and 3(ii)
above? (2mks)
b) Identify the letter representing a silent sound in each word below. (5mks)
(i) debut …………………
(ii) heir ………………….
(iii) yatch ……………….
(iv) smudge ……………..
(v) often ………………….
c) Indicate the part of the underlined words that should be stressed as used in context. (4mks)
(i) After a number of injections my arm got number.
(ii) We produce produce from our farms.
(iii) He could lead if he would get the lead out.
(iv) The bandage was wound tightly around the wound to prevent excessive bleeding
d) Imagine you have been asked to represent your class in an inter-school debating session.
Explain the procedure you would follow so as to participate effectively in this event. (4mks)
e) A dormitory has been burnt down in your school. After preliminary investigations you are
summoned to appear before the principal and the investigating police officer for further
interrogation. Write down the conversation that took place between you and the two
mentioned above. (7mks)

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