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Butere District Mock- English Paper 1 Question Paper

Butere District Mock- English Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2008

Name ……………………………………………………. Index No. ……………………….
School: ………………………………………………….
Paper 1
July / August 2008
2 Hours
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)
Paper 1
July / August 2008
2 Hours
• Answer all the questions in this question paper.
• All your answers must be written in the spaces provided in the question paper.
This paper consists of 8 printed pages
Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all the printed pages are printed as indicated and no questions are missing.
You are the chairperson of the Young Farmers Club in your school. You have noticed that the
members are not attending to their demonstration plots responsibly. You have been authorized by the patron, Mr. Njoka to write a memorandum to them on this. Write it, paying attention to the format of such writing.
Read the following passage then fill in the blank spaces.
A British comedian better known as Mr. Bean, took control (1) …………………………… a light
aircraft on a flight from Mombasa to Nairobi when the pilot (2) ……………………… The details of
(3) ……………………………. extra ordinary incident have been revealed by the United Kingdom’s
spectator magazine on its website. The incident (4) ……………………………. a month ago when
Mr. Rowman Atkinson was on holiday in Kenya with his family. He took control of the plane for several minutes as his (5) …………………………attempted to wake the pilot up. After being slapped on the face (6) ………………………… times by Mr. and Mrs Atkinson, the pilot woke up. The
incident was reported to the Kenyan authorities (7) ……………………….. the pilot is said to have
been suspended. Only the Atkinson’s and (8) …………………………….. two children were in the
plane when the incident happened around 16,000 feet. Mr. Atkinson has refused to comment, but his brother said “Rowman has never flown a plane before.” He hires (9) …………………….. planes
often enough so I suppose that gave him a chance to see (10) ………………………. happens at the
a) Fill in the blank spaces by choosing the correctly stressed word. The stressed part of
each word is indicated by being underlined with a stress mark above it. (5mks)
(i) A nationwide …………………………………… was carried out. (‘survey, sur’vey)
(ii) I really want to ………………………… my public speaking skills. (‘perfect, per’fect)
(iii) The rumour has caused a huge ……………………… among us. (‘upset, Upset)
(iv) We really ought to …………………….. the right image (‘project, pro’ject)
(v) Who will ………………………….. for Uyoma parliamentary seat? (‘contest, con’test)
b) Identify five pairs of words with the same pronunciation from the list below. (5mks)
bean chair hot nod
two storey coarse met
flower flour share meat
cause story course mate
meet knot been toe
bin liver river store
c) You are addressing a group of standard one pupils. How can you tell that they are not
paying attention to your speech? List six indicators. (6mks)
d) Shem showed Sila’s shining shoes shamelessly on sheba’s shore.
(i) Classify the above genre. (1mk)
(ii) Identify the dorminant aspect of style in the above genre and illustrate your answer with a brief explanation. (2mks)
(iii) State any three functions of the genre identified in (i) above. (3mks)
e) Fill in the missing responses in the telephone conversation below. (8mks)
(The telephone rings)
You: ……………………………………………………………………………………….….
Caller: Hello! Is that Diamond Nursing Home? I would like to talk to Dr. Chuma urgently.
You: ……………………………………………………………………………………….….
Caller: My name is Katembe. I’m calling from Chilly Valley. Could you please be quick? A
fatal accident has taken place near the water fall.
You: ……………………………………………………………………………………….….
Caller: You mean, you people are that inefficient! We’re talking of people’s lives here! What do you mean? No doctor available you say! Ha! The Director of medical Department
should know this! I’m …………………..
You: ……………………………………………………………………………………….….
Caller: Yeah! That’s a bit better. It’s prudent that you are fast. Try to reach the three of them
as two of the victims may require going to the theatre.
You: ……………………………………………………………………………………….….
Caller: Katembe Evans Madam, Area Community mobilization officer. The first six victims
should be in any moment now in the Chilly Academy bus. And madam, one child has
lost a lot blood so be ready.
You: ……………………………………………………………………………………….….
Caller: Mmh, I think about twenty say, thirty thereabouts. I don’t have all the details. A
tourist van seems to have veered off the road and apparently did hit a group on picnic.
It’s mayhem! Oh, God! Bad! Bad! Bad!....
You: ……………………………………………………………………………………….….
Caller: Oh yes! Oh yes! Someone at the lounge is trying to reach the Flying Doctors Service.
We shall all see what can be done. Let me rush and assist. Thank you.
You: ……………………………………………………………………………………….….

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