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Kakamega South District Mock - English Paper 1 Question Paper

Kakamega South District Mock - English Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2008

Name…………………………………………………., Index No………………../……….
School………………………………………………… Candidates’ signature……………………….
Paper 1
July/August 2008
2 hrs
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)
Paper 1
July/August 2008
2 hrs
Write your name and index number in the spaces provided above
Answer ALL the questions in this paper
All your answers must be written in the spaces provided in this question paper.
This paper consists of 8 printed pages
Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all the printed pages are printed as indicated and no
questions are missing.
1. Four of your friends are coming to visit you. You have one chicken for their lunch.
Write a recipe
In your recipe, include:
* Ingredients
* A detailed method of preparation. (20mks)
2. Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with an appropriate word.
Most large scale organizations 1…………………………..a lot of business on the cheque system.
They 2……………………… it convenient to make all their receipts and payments through the
bank. All cheques received are deposited and they draw cheques to make all the necessary
payments. 3…………………a system has the advantage of safety of cash and all the transactions
are evidenced in the bank 4……………………………..that are received periodically.
5………………………the tremendous growth in the use of the cheque system for different
transactions, it is not 6……………………practical to do so.
Businesses still find it 7……………………… keep some cash in the office to meet minor
expenses and other urgent expenditures 8………………………cannot be conveniently paid by
cheque, e.g. postage, bus fare, tea, stationery, e.t.c. such expenditure is 9……………………to as
petty expenses. The cash left in the business for this10……………………….is referred to as
petty cash fund and all payments made handled by the petty cashier and recorded in the petty cash book.
Read the oral poem below and answer the questions given after it
3. The Timi of Ede
Huge fellow whose body fills an anthill
You are heavily pregnant with war
All your body except your teeth is black
No one can prevent the ape
From sitting on the branch of a tree
No one can dispute the throne with you
No one can try to fight you
One who shakes a tree trunk shakes himself
We do not try to resist you
The seeds of the Ayo game
Do not complain of being shoved about
You are like death,
Who plucks a man’s eye ball suddenly?
You are like a big ripe fruit
That falls on a child at midnight.
Fighting a battle in front
You mark out the next battle field behind
My Lord, please give the world some rest.
If one greets you, there is trouble;
If one does not greet you, there is also trouble
The fire of destruction is part of your baggage wherever you go.
You kill your opponents gently,
Like cutting a calabash in two.
When the leopard kills, its tails gently on the ground
Whenever you open your mouth wide,
You swallow a hero.
Source: Ulli Beir (ed) African poetry, Cambridge university press, 1966
(i) If you are performing this oral poem, how will you say the first three lines. (2mks)
(ii) From the oral poem above, give three other words that are pronounced the same way as:
One (3mks)
(iii) Which aspects make the above an oral poem (2mks)
(iv) Which aspects of performance would be lost if this oral poem was read rather than
performed? (3mks)
(b) POETRY (5mks)
Read the following poem and answer the questions after it.
What is Africa to me;
Copper sun or scarlet sea,
Jungle star or jungle track,
Strong bronzed men, or regal black
Women from whose lions I sprang
When the birds of Eden sang?
One three centuries removed
From the scenes his fathers loved,
Spicy grove, cinnamon tree
What is Africa to him?
Countee Cullen
(i) Which words will you stress in line 1 (2mks)
(ii) Describe the rhyme scheme of the poem. (2mks)
Identify the words which change the rhyme scheme of the poem (1mk)
(c) For each of the words in bold face, indicate whether your voice will rise or fall as you say them. Use the letters ‘R’ to indicate rise in voice or ‘F’ to indicate a fall in voice after the words. (5mks)
Tom: I welcomed them to my room
Sam: You mean it
Tom: Yes (with finality)
Sam: I didn’t get you. Did you say ‘yes’
Tom: I did.
Sam: I want to believe you said ‘no’
Tom: what do you mean I said ‘no’
Sam: if it is a ‘yes’ then you must be crazy
(d) The form four class has decided to visit the Kakamega forest for a motivational tour before they write their District K.C.S.E mock exams. The class has sent their two spokespersons to negotiate with the principal for permission and financial support. They will travel from school and be back on the same day. Bearing in mind good negotiation skills, complete the following conversation. (10mks)
Principal: come in, please. Good morning Wafula and Nekesa.
Wafula and Nekesa:………………………………………………………………………………
Principal: well, you seem to have something to discuss with me?
Wafula: …………………………………………………………………………………………
Principal: The school does not have a vote-head for motivational tours. We can only cater for
educational tours organized by departments or clubs who also chip in their own members’
Nekesa: ………………………………………………………………………………………………
Principal: well, I need to talk to your class teachers after this. The school can give you the bus, but as
you know the capacity is well below the total number of the three streams. You would
need to hire another bus. Do you have a budget?
Principal: Ksh. 12,000/= for lunch and Ksh. 9,000/= for hiring an extra bus. But don’t forget we need an extra Ksh. 4,000/= to fuel our bus. This adds up to Ksh. 25,000/= ,where do we get that kind of money? The school has spent a lot of money on food so that you don’t go hungry during your exams.
Principal: Well, if you are going to buy your own lunch, that leaves us with Ksh 16, 000/ = . I am
afraid that figure is still too high .
Wafula: ………………………………………………………………………………………
Principal: Fine. The matter is settled. The school bursar will give you Ksh. Ksh. 10,000/=
………………………………………………………………………………… (1mk)
Wafula and Nekesa………………………………………………………………………….

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