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Narok District Mock - English Paper 2 Question Paper

Narok District Mock - English Paper 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2009

INDEX No.:…..............................................CANDIDATE SIGNATURE…………………….
(Comprehension literary appreciation and Grammar)
Paper 2
2 hours
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)
Paper 2
2 hours
- Answer all the questions in this question paper
- All your answers must be written in the space provided
This paper consist of 9 printed pages candidates should check the
question paper to ensure that all the printed pages are printed as indicated
and no questions are missing.
1. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow
At 7 am Fred Kasch, 80, straight backed as a door, stands in the middle of his lab at San
Diego University and greets the men walking briskly across the floor. These are students Kasch once thought in his exercise physiology lectures .They form a loose group of alumni, linked by allegiance, a common creed (“Exercise, exercise, exercise”) and by interest I a remarkable trial.
Five times in the past 28 years, Kasch has put a dozen men, who exercise regularly, on
stationary bikes to test their mettle. No scientific study has ever followed the same exercisers for so long, which is surprising if you listen to Kasch.
“If you want to know the effects of exercising, he says, “You have to follow exercisers.”
This morning the Fred Kasch exercise physiology lab is abuzz once again, “Pick it up!
Pump those knees!” The returning graduates whop and pace the sidelines as Lindsay Center, 61,pedals for all he’s worth sweat pouring of his body. “Go!” a colleague shouts. “Just one
minuter!” yells another.
Carter, who first mounted a stationary bike for one of Kasch’s tests as a sprightly 32 –
years old is shirt-less and outfitted in research gear .Five wires are taped to his chest, feeding his heart beat to an electrocardiograph blinking right-red digits. He bites on a plastic
mouthpiece, which funnels his breath into an olive –green weather balloon. When Carter has
finished, the researchers will determine how efficiently his heart and lungs are delivering
oxygen to his blood and muscles .That efficiency equals carter’s aerobic power, the best overall measure of his physical fitness
If, like most of us, Carter had done nothing more athletic than done nothing more
athletic than open the garage door for the past 30 years, held he’d probably have lost more than half his aerobic power by now. He’d wheeze going up the stairs and be unable to run for a bus .His blood pressure would be up, as would his weight. But Carter a kinesiologist is lean and sinewy, and his blood pressure has stayed steady. And, yet Carter doesn’t really exercise all that much .he jogs for half an hour three times a week.
What good is his hour and a half of weekly exercise? Studies show that, beginning at the
age of 25, people who exercise don’t at all can lose as much as two per cent of their aerobic power a year. But according to the result of Carter’s bike –riding test in 28 years he’s lost less than one per cent a year.
When the shouting has died down and the other test subjects have all reached the finish
line on the stationary bikes, Kasch finds that after nearly three decades of regular, moderate exercise, his two swimmers three cyclist, three walkers and four runners who are now 60 to 81 years old have, on average age, heart and lung capacity 60 percent above normal for aerobic power Carter, at 61 has, the aerobic power of a moderately active 25years old.
The revelation of Kasch's and other’s research is this: people over 30 lose vim and
vigour not because of the grinding down of the body’s capabilities but because they settle into an armchair .Jog or swim or cycle or dance, and you’ll maintain aerobic power .Use your muscles and you’ll build bone mass .Stretch, has long suspected appears to be true: activity leads to ability. As Kasch says, Exercise, and you can change the way you grow old.”
(Adapted from readers Digest)
1. Describe Kasch exercise routine in the past 18 years (3mks)
2. How unique id Kasch’s study (1mk)
3. How is physical fitness tested (4mks)
4. Describe the signs of both low aerobic power and high aerobic power in point form (6mks)
5. What is the condition of people who don’t exercise beginning at the age of 25? (mks)
6. Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in the passage (4mks)
a) Physical fitness ...................................................................................................................
b) Electrocardiograph .............................................................................................................
c) Aerobic power ....................................................................................................................
2. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow.
The River Between (Ng’ugi Wathiongo)
When Waiyaki began to speak again he felt happy. This was the moment to push his plans
through .He spoke quietly clearly, the election of speaking to a large crowd making him feel light. He briefly outlines his plans for Marioshoni: The rotting roof needed more tin; the children needed desks, pencils paper. And then many more schools had been built .More
teachers had to be employed. He at down, fearing that he had not made his point clear .But the applause that greeted him left him with no doubt about the reception of the short speech.
A moment too so Kabonyi was on his feet .He did not smile but looked defiantly around
him. The battle was on. He was old but his voice was good and steady. Besides, he knew his
audience well and knew what to appeal more to the elders, who still appreciated a subtle
proverb and witty riddles. Kabonyi again his limits. He did not want to bring too many issues together .So he decided to leave the Joshua affair and come to it later as a final blow.
He reminded them of poverty of the land .The dry months had left the people with
nothing to eat. And the expected harvest would not yield much. He touched on the land taken
by the white man. He talked of the new taxes being imposed on the people by the government
post now in their midst. And instead of Waiyaki leading people against these more immediate
ills, he was talking of more buildings. Were people going to be burdened with more buildings?
With more teachers? And was the white man’s education really necessary? Surely there was
another way out. It was better to drive away the white man from the hills altogether. Were the people afraid? Were there no warriors left in the tribe? He, Kabonyi, would lead tem. That was why he had formed the new Kiama .He would rid the country of the influence of the white
man. He would restore the purity of tribe and its wisdom.
“Or do you think the education of our tribe, the education and wisdom which you all
received, is in any way below that of the white man?”
He challenged the people, appealing to their pride, to the manhood in them and to their
loyalty to soil.
Do not be led by a youth. Did the tail ever lead the head, the child the father or the cubs
the lion?
A few people applauded. And then there was silence. Kabonyi too had stirred something
in their hearts.) Soon they began to talk .Some saw a lot of truth in what Kabonyi had said.
They knew they were not cowards. And surely it was easier to drive away the white man and
return to the old ways! But others, especially the young people, were on Waiyaki’s side.
Waiyaki himself was hurt. Kabonyi had touched on a sore spot, question of youth. When
Waiyaki stood up again the old defiance came back. The courage that had made him famous
among boys of his riika was now with him. At first he just looked at the people and held them with his eyes. Then he opened his mouth and began to speak. And his voice was like the voice of his father .No – it was like the voice of great Gikuyus of old. Here again was the saviour, the one whose words touched the souls of the people. People listened and their hearts moved with the vibration of his voice. And he, like a shepherd speaking to his flock, avoided any words that might be insulting. In nay case, how could he repudiate Kabonyi’s argument? Waiyaki told
them that he was their son. They all were his parents. He did not want to lead. The elders were there to guide and lead the youth. And youth had to listen .It had to be led in the paths of wisdom. He, Waiyaki, would listen. All he wanted was to serve the ridges, to serve the hills.
They could not stand aloof. They could never now remain isolated .unless the people heeded his words and plans; ridges would lose their former dignity and would be left a distance behind by the country beyond.
So he spoke on, pointing out the importance of learning, of acquiring all the wisdom
that one could get. People wanted him to go on, on, on telling them the sweet words of wisdom.
When he sat down the people stood and, as if of one voice, shouted “The Teacher! The
Teacher! We want the Teacher!” And some shouted: “Our children must learn. Show us the
way. We will follow.”
What more could Waiyaki want? He felt elated with gratitude and happiness.
Thereafter every elder and teacher who spoke added nothing but praise for the Teacher.
An inter-ridge committee was elected to look after the education of all and see to the building of new schools in the country. Kabonyi was not on it.
a). Place the extract in its immediate context (4mks)
b). Explain the importance of education that comes up in the meeting (4mks)
c). from the extract and elsewhere in the text give reasons to show why Waiyaki is popular
d). from your knowledge of the text how would Waiyaki’s efforts to reconcile Makuyu and
Kameno affect his popularity? (6mks)
e) According to Kabonyi which issues should be given priority in the meeting and not what?
3. Read the oral narrative below and answer the questions that follows.
A long time ago there was a man and his wife. They had a girl. This girl fell sick many
times, she died. When she died, she was thrown away and a dove came and put her together again.
The dove took the girl to a cave where she lived. But after a short while the girl said that she wanted to go back to her mother. The dove told the girl that she must stay in the cave, but still the girl went.
Now when she went home, she felt sick gain. She died and she was thrown away again. The dove came, put her together and took her way. But the girl went home again intending never to return to the cave. Now when the dove came to fetch her, she stood outside and sang:
Uu ai uuai! Give me my ornament give me back
Then I can go back home where the rain comes down
With ta,ta,ta.
The parents closed the door but they forgot to close the window and so the dove slipped in
through the window and went straight where the girl was sleeping. She took away what she had given to the girl and the girl was all bones again. These bones were thrown away and as usual the dove found them and put them together. She took the girl to a very far place and they lived there forever.
(i) Give three narrative skills employed in the narrative. (3 marks)
(ii) You have been asked to carry out a field study to collect oral narratives in the neighbouring
(a) Give any two possible objectives for your project. (2marks)
(b) Explain any four dramatic feature you likely to observe during the performance by
your informant. (4
(c) Identify any two problems associated with such a project and suggest possible
solutions. (2 marks)
(iii) Explain the character of the Dove (2 marks)
(iv) What does the dove symbolize? (1mark)
(v) What is the significance of the following lines used in the passage? (4 marks)
(a) A long time ago
(b) And they lived there forever.
(vi) What moral lesson can we learn in this narrative? (2 marks)
4. GRAMMAR (15mks)
a) Punctuate the following sentences
i) All the students passed the interview consequently the teacher was very happy (3mks)
ii) He bought the following mangoes bananas and oranges
iii) We are late he shouted
b) Fill in the blank spaces using the correct form of the words in the brackets (3mks)
i) Rickets _____(is/are) not easy to treat
ii) The rains came _______(all over a sudden/all of a sudden)
iii) Has it ______ (occurred/ occurred/occurred) to you that he could be right.
c) Fill in the blank spaces in the following sentences using the correct form of the words
in the bracket. (3mks)
i) Do you know the correct _______ (pronounce) of the word?
ii) John is an _______ (act) with the Kenya National Theatre.
iii) I need a better _______ (explain) for your lateness, said the teacher.
d) Rewrite the following sentences using the correct order of objectives. (3mks)
i) My aunt has acquired a mask curved wooden small.
ii) She bought a (yellow faded party) dress.
iii) I hate the (social hectic Nairobi) life.

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