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Nandi Central District - English Paper 2 Question Paper

Nandi Central District - English Paper 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2009

Name………………………………………………………. Index No. …………………………….
School …………………………………………………….. Candidate’s Signature…………………
Paper 2
(Comprehension, Literary Appreciation and Grammar)
July/ August 2009
Time: 2 ½ Hours
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)
Paper 2
Time: 2 ½ Hours
• Write your Name and Index Number in the spaces provided above.
• Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided above.
• Answer ALL the questions in this question paper.
• All your answers must be written in the spaces provided in this question paper.
This paper consists of 8 printed pages.
Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all pages are printed as indicated and no questions are missing
1. Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.
The Detox debate
Detox kits and supplements are recent health fads. But can they really help you lose weight fast?
Online weight loss coach Andrew Cate investigates.
We’ve heard a lot about the need to detox lately. It’s the term used to describe a strict
program of elimination and supplementation that’s meant to rid your body of impurities, cleaning your liver and kidneys, and flushing your bowel. It’s suggested that toxins build up from consuming too much fat, sugar, alcohol, caffeine, preservatives, and pollution.
There’s no shortage of detox books, kits, and programs claiming to help you shed weight, improve your well being, cause your skin to radiate, and make you feel younger. The kits usually contain a dietary program, which is supplemented with a variety of vitamins, minerals, tonics, digestive aids,and laxatives. They are particularly popular in January as people feel the urge to begin the new year afresh after overindulging during the festive season.
People will make drastic changes when they go on a detox diet and often feel better for
starting a structured regime. However, detox kits made up of herbal laxatives and diuretics are unnecessary and have generally to have no proven benefit. Detox regimes do not improve kidney and liver function. These organs are well designed to filter your blood of fats, alcohol, and other nasties – all without the help of a fancy box from your local pharmacy. There is no scientific evidence to support specific detox diets, programs, or supplement kits. However, there’s no debate about the fact that eating less junk food, cutting out cigarettes and your alcohol intake, etc will benefit your health. For example, drinking more water and cutting out caffeine will improve your hydration levels, while reducing your portion sizes and increasing your vegetable intake will improve bowel function. These changes will enhance your well-being, but there’s nothing magical about the detox diet itself. Rather, it’s the associated lifestyle changes that benefit your health.
Detox kits that contain laxatives and diuretics to encourage you to fast could, potentially, do more harm than good. Laxatives speed up your bowel motions, but also prevent the absorption of nutrients, while diuretics can result to partial dehydration.
The fasting component of a detox should only be minimal, and not extend beyond a day or
two. By eating next to nothing, you are not getting enough nutrients for the essential functions of your body. Supplements are no substitute for real food, and relying solely on them can result in vitamin deficiencies. Fasting is also known to slow down your metabolic rate, which encourages your body to store fat, making it harder to lose body fat in the future.
If you’ve spent weeks, months or years overindulging drinking and smoking you can’t hope
to fix yourself in a few days. Detox diets aren’t an instant cure to health and wellness. Short-term changes to your diet and lifestyle only result in short-term changes to your health and wellness. If you can’t stick to the lifestyle changes you make over the long term, there’s no point starting them,
as they won’t have any serious impact upon your health.
a) What is detoxing? (2mks)
b) From the information given in the passage, what builds up toxins in the body? (2mks)
c) Give the contents of a detox kit. (2mks)
d) When do detox kits sell most? (1mk)
e) In about 80 words, summarize the writer’s argument on whether we need to detox or not.
Rough copy
Fair copy
f) Outline the dangers of detox diets. (3mks)
g) Add a question tag to the following statement.
Detox diets aren’t an instant cure to health and wellness, ……………………… (1mk)
h) We’ve heard a lot about the need to detox lately. (Rewrite the sentence as a question
without changing the meaning). (1mk)
i) Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the passage. (3mks)
laxatives ……………………………………………………………………………………..
Read the excerpt below and answer the questions that follow:
2. And Waiyaki’s mind went back to that scene a few years back when they had carried Muthoni to Siriana. And he remembered her frail body, her black shining eyes, and her last message. “Tell Nyambura I see Jesus” Now he could see her again, clearly. And he remembered her agony.
Waiyaki always felt that Muthoni had found something, something that filled her soul and made her endure everything. Muthoni had tried to find salvation for herself, a surer ground on which to stand. Where did he stand? The yearning came back to him, expressing itself in slow but mounting waves of desire. And he fixed his eyes on Nyambura and for a moment thought he could see Muthoni the night when they had met in the darkness on the eve of the initiation. He took a step towards Nyambura and stood close to her. He took her right hand in his and at once burst out,
“Nyambura I love you.”
It was really a whisper. Nyambura saw the light in his eyes and for a second she was
afraid; she could not believe her ears. But it was good that he loved her. She wanted to fall into his arms still she feared. And now she felt a painful sorrow come into her heart as if from nowhere. A tear dropped down her left cheeks.She did not try to hold it back and a second fell down the right cheek Waiyaki pressed her hand and she returned the pressure so that he felt he would die. In a blind moment of passion he took her into his arms and pressed her close to his breast while tears from her eyes fell onto his shoulder. Nyambura did not resist but allowed herself to be held by him,
the only man who could save her from her misery. Neither spoke. They were one. Waiyaki thought his quest was over.
“Will you marry me?” he whispered. Nyambura rested on his broad breast. She wanted to say,
“yes” she longed to say this. It would cost her nothing only her breath. Slowly she came to her……………………………………………………………………………………………….
senses. She disengaged herself from him. She was no longer crying. “Tell me, oh, tell me,”
implored Waiyaki, hope and fear mixing together. There was another silence.
“No”, she said at last, faintly. It cost her a lot of effort to whisper this. But she knew she
had to. It was impossible to marry him. Unless she rebelled. She didn’t want to rebel like her
sister Waiyaki felt hurt.
“Why? Don’t you love me?”
“I do, I do,” her heart said. “But can’t you see we cannot marry? Can’t you?”
Aloud she said, “Father will not allow it. I cannot disobey him. He knows that we have met before.
Through rumours”.
He was looking aside now and could not see the tears that flowed freely down her face. If she
continued, she would sob. It was better for them to part. But she wanted him and it was painful to
her that she had to leave. Quickly she moved away before it was too late. She left him standing in
the same position, staring at the same place. It pained her all the more and she stood irresolutely.
She knew she had to go.
“Nyambura! Nyambura!” Oh she was gone. What had he wanted to tell her? He retraced
his steps and went home, seeing nothing, feeling nothing. He just walked.
a) Why had Waiyaki taken Muthoni to Siriana Mission Hospital (1mk)
b) Identify and illustrate two themes brought out in the excerpt. (4mks)
c) Give two stylistic devices used in the excerpt and bring out their effectiveness. (4mks)
d) Explain the meaning of the following;
i) “Tell Nyambura I see Jesus” (1mk)
ii) Implored (1mk)
These my sisters no longer, sisters-
iii) Yearning (1mk)
e) She wanted to fall into his arms, still she feared.
(Rewrite the following sentence in the simple present tense) (1mk)
f) If she continued she would sob.
(Rewrite the statement using unless) (1mk)
g) Identify and explain one character trait of the following, as portrayed in the excerpt.
i) Waiyaki (2mks)
ii) Nyambura (2mks)
h) Explain the significance of the sacred grove. (2mks)
i) Will you marry me? he whispered.
(Rewrite in indirect speech) (1mk)
j) Why was Nyambura hesitant to accept Waiyaki’s proposal? (2mks)
k) What happens immediately after this excerpt? (2mks)
3. Read the poem below, and then answer the questions that follows:
The Song of the Common Man
They drive me along,
They do they do,
These my brothers no longer brothers-
Their hands are whips, along they drive me,
No longer am I the same mother’s child.
They push me along,
Indeed the do,
Their mouths are canons, spittle of fire,
No longer am I the same father’s pride.
They kick me along,
They do they do,
These my playmates no longer playmates –
Their actions are fates, my life they decide,
No longer am I the same free-born human.
They abuse,
They do time and again,
Fellow humans load me with all their bundles –
They are my masters, and me a poor ass,
To be driven, pushed, kicked and abused.
(Adapted from Poems from East Africa)
a) Identify the persona (2mks)
b) What is the message of the poem? (4mks)
c) State and explain the effectiveness of any 3 stylistic devices. (6mks)
d) What is the meaning of the following lines? (4mks)
i) Their mouths are canons, spittle of fire.
ii) Their actions are fates, my life they decide.
e) What is the attitude of the persona towards “they” in the poem? Illustrate your answer.
f) What is the tone of the poem? Illustrate your answer. (2mks)
4. a) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given. (3mks)
i) Jelimo is the most popular athlete in Kenya.
(Begin: No……………..)
ii) The young man was very hungry. He swallowed the food without chewing it.
(Begin: So………………)
iii) The teacher found out how intelligent Kiplagat was when he started the discussion.
(Begin: It was not…………)
b) Replace the underlined phrasal verbs with other words of the same meaning. (3mks)
i) The children kept breaking in on our conversation.
ii) The activists stood up for what they believed.
iii) The building project has really eaten into my savings.
c) Fill the gap with an appropriate preposition. (2mks)
i) The prefect is answerable _________________the behaviour of the class
ii) I have placed the coffee table _________________the shade of that tree over there.
d) Complete each of the following sentences with one of the words in brackets. (3mks)
i) They saw _________________animals in the park than they expected (less, fewer)
ii) After walking for three kilometers, they were lucky to get ______________water from
the stream. (little, a little)
iii) We cannot accommodate another person; there is ______________space left.
(little, a little)
e) Correct the error in each sentence below. (2mks)
i) I went for shopping yesterday.
ii) How do you hope to get the lost child between so many people?
f) Explain the meaning of the idiomatic expressions in the following sentences. (2mks)
i) They arrived at the eleventh hour
ii) Most people prefer to sit at the fence

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