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Manga District Mock - English Paper 3 Question Paper

Manga District Mock - English Paper 3 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2009

Name………………………………………………………. Index No. …………………………….
School …………………………………………………….. Candidate’s Signature…………………
Skills) Paper 1
July/ August 2009
Time: 2 Hours
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E
Skills) Paper 1
Time: 2 Hours
• Write your Name and Index Number on the spaces provided above.
• Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided above.
• Answer ALL the questions in this question paper.
• All your answers must be written in the spaces provided in this question paper.
This paper consists of 6 printed pages.
1. A family friend intends to visit you. You are responsible for the preparation of lunch. Prepare a
recipe for one dish that you would serve the guest. (20 mks)

2. Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with an appropriate word. (10mks)
My husband and I live in Kisii. We both work _____________ a telephone
______________ in town. Last Saturday, I ___________________ to the top of a telephone pole.
As I repaired the phone line, I ____________________someone speaking to Mrs. Okemwa, the
manager. The person was complaining _____________________his telephone line. He told the
manager __________________the line was loose and hanging, across the road. The man thought
that it had been cut by a passing lorry. Mrs. Okemwa told him that she would send a
________________ to his home to correct it.
“Why go to all that trouble?” he replied. Why don’t you ________________ the wire
straight from your end?”
I laughed __________________ aloud at such naivety and nearly fell ________________
the telephone pole.
3. a) Read the oral poem below and then answer the questions that follow:
The bride wealth is not there,
The bride wealth is not there,
Where shall I find the cattle,
With which to bring my love home?
Beautiful one, stop, wait for me,
Let me take you even from your husband!
And I have no sister, listen,
Where shall I gather the cattle,
With which to bring my wife home?
Beautiful one, stop, wait for me,
Let me take you even from your husband!
Shortage of wealth has treated me cruelly, oh,
Whose cattle shall I steal
So that I marry my woman?
You with the gap in your teeth,
Stop, wait for me,
Let me take you even from your husband!
And I have no father,
Where will this young man find money?
With which to pay fornication fine,
You, stop, wait for me,
Let me take you even from your husband!
The bride wealth is not there, listen,
I will use the bride wealth of my uncle’s daughter,
To bring Kele home,
Beautiful one, stop, wait for me,
Let me take you even from your husband!
i) With illustrations explain how the poet achieves rhythm. (2mks)
ii) The following words have been used in the poem. Give their homophones. (4mks)
Wait ………………………………………………………………………….
You ……………………………………………………………………………
Steal …………………………………………………………………………..
Which ………………………………………………………………………….
iii) How would you say the last line of each stanza. Why? (2mks)
b) Identify the odd word out according to the pronunciation of the underlined sound. (4mks)
i) Chin chaste chef
ii) thin though that
iii) boot book loom
iv) Bead said bread
v) Shepherd philosophy safari
c) Pick out from each group one word that doesn’t rhyme with the rest. (3mks)
i) Come, hum, run, comb
ii) Though, sew, woe, cough, dough.
iii) Yard, hard, marred, discard, stared, retard.
d) Study the genre below and answer the questions that follow:
I have a wife everyone she bears has a bead
i) Identify the genre (2mks)
ii) Assuming you were performing this genre, what will you do before rendering it?
iii) How will what you do in (ii) above assist you as a presenter? (2mks)
e) Mr. Angwenyi of Shangilia mixed secondary school asked his class to decide on which set
text books in their syllabus they should perform for the rest of the school. She asked
Noreen to lead the discussion. Read their discussion below and then answer the questions
that follow.
Mr. Angwenyi: Noreen, would you lead the discussion?
Noreen: Aha, Ok. The question is: What play should we pick for our class
play? Does anyone have suggestions? Moturi?
Moturi: I suggest we do ‘The Enemy of the People”
Tom: How about ‘Shreds of Tenderness’
Noreen: No, I dislike ‘Shreds of Tenderness’
Lilian: I love ‘The River Between’
Moturi: No way! That will make a stupid play! Let’s do ‘An Enemy of The
Noreen: Peter?
Peter: I have never watched ‘Shreds of Tenderness’ but…
Peris: It’s a superb play.
Noreen: Peris, please let Peter finish then it will be your turn.
Peris: Sorry.
Peter: Anyway, I have never seen a play on ‘An Enemy of the People’ but
I have watched the movie and I love it.
Noreen: Peris?
Peris: I just want to say that I think ‘Shreds of Tenderness’ is a really good
Noreen: Mong’ina?
Mong’ina: I saw the movie ‘An enemy of the people’ too and I really like it. I
loved the part where Aslasken asks Dr. Stockmann to……
Noreen: Excuse me, Mong’ina, but we should talk about that after the
discussion is over. Does anyone have any other suggestions. No?
Ok. Moturi proposed ‘An Enemy of the People’, Tom likes ‘Shreds
of Tenderness’ and Lilian wants to do ‘The River Between’. Has
anyone seen or read all three? No. Ok? I suggest that we all go to
the library and read them and then continue the discussion in a
couple of days. Is that ok with everyone? Ok. The discussion is
i) Identify any three wrong things done by the class in terms of effective communication.
ii) Identify aspects of courtesy displayed during the discussion. (2mks)
e) Indicate whether the following utterances would be said using a rising or falling
intonation. (3mks)
i) Is the rainy season over? _________________________
ii) How many siblings do you have? ______________________
iii) That was a fabulous performance! ________________________

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