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Bungoma District Mock-History Paper 2 Question Paper

Bungoma District Mock-History Paper 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2010

NAME:…………………………………………………INDEX ………………..…..DATE……..…
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education 2010
 This paper consists of three sections: A, B and C.
 Answer ALL the questions in section A, three questions from section B and two questions from section C
 Answers to all the questions must be written on the answer sheets provided.
 This paper consists of four printed pages; candidates should check the question paper to
ascertain that all the pages are printed as indicated and no questions are missing
This paper consists of three printed pages; candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages are printed as indicated and no questions are missing.
SECTION A (25 MARKS) Answer All question in this section on the answer sheets provided
1. What is the main reason for studying social history (1mk)
2. Give one reason why oral tradition is an important source of history and
3. Identify two categories of tools made during the old stone age period (2mks)
4. State the independent theory about the origin and spread of agriculture (1mk)
5. What two man – made factors influenced the development of early agriculture in
Egypt (2mks)
6. How did the Trans – Atlantic trade lead to the eventual colonization of West
Africa by European powers in the 19th century? (2mks)
7. State two limitations of canal transport (2mks)
8. State the main disadvantage of wind as an early source of energy (1mk)
9. Mention two contributions of Louis Pasteur in the field of medicine (2mks)
10. Give two ways through which trade contributed to the rise of Asante Kingdom
during the 19th century (2mks)
11. State one practice that characterizes pure democracy (1mk)
12. State any two economic privileges which were enjoyed by the assimilated Africans
in the four communes of Senegal (2mks)
13. State the main reason why the 1945 Manchester Pan – African Congress was a
landmark in African history (1mk)
14. What event prompted the United States of America to join the first world war in
1917? (1mk)
15. Name one member of the common wealth from Africa that is not a former colony
of Britain (1 mk)
16. State the main function of the civil service in India. (1mk)
17. Identify two dominant political parties represented in the U.S congress (2 mks)
SECTION B (45MARKS) Answer any three questions from this section on the answer sheets provided.
18. a) Identify three scientific methods used to date historical events and materials
b) Describe the process by which archaeologists reconstruct the human past
activities and experiences (12mks)
19. a) State three features of Athens as an early urban center (3mks)
b) Explain six problems facing Johannesburg city (12mks)
20. a) Give three reasons why the Odwira festival in the ancient kingdom of Asante
was important (3mks)
b) Describe the social organization of Asante kingdom in the 19th century
21. a) Identify five challenges which European colonialists faced as they established
their rule in Africa (5mks)
b) Explain five reforms that were introduced by the German administration after
the Majimaji uprising. (10mks)
SECTION C (30MARKS) Answer any two questions from this section on the answer sheets provided
22. a) Describe the structure of the French colonial administration in West Africa
b) Explain five effects of the use of indirect rule by the British in Northern Nigeria
23. a) Give three reasons why the United States of America (U.S.A.) did not join the
first world war until 1917 (3mks)
b) Explain six factors that enabled the allied power to win the Second World War
24. a) Mention five members of the new East African community (5mks)
b) Explain the achievements of the common market for East and Southern Africa
(COMESA) (10mks)

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