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Bungoma District Mock - English Paper 2 Question Paper

Bungoma District Mock - English Paper 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2009

NAME:………………..………………………………………………… INDEX NO:…………….
(Comprehension, Literary Appreciation
and Grammar)
JISET 2009
 Write your name and index number in the spaces provided above
 Answer ALL the questions in this question paper.
 ALL your answers must be written in the spaces provided in the question paper.
1. Read the Passage below and then answer the questions that follow. (20mks)
Society has failed and parents have not played their role fully in raising their children. This is according to Jeff Ngari, a counseling psychologist and a deacon with the Reformed Catholic Church. Jeff says the issue of teenage mothers is so big that it should be considered a cry for help.
He adds that today children, lack the guidance they require when it comes to having independent social interactions.
“The idea is not to block them from forming their own relationships, but to make them understand what it means to be in a relationship, especially with the opposite sex, and how far this relationship should go,” says Jeff.
And just like the rest of society, parents have not been spared by the wave of moral decay and thus, according to Jeff, they have failed as role models for their children. Due to this, many teenagers are picking up social ills from their parents-the very people they are supposed to look up to.
“For instance, a teenager who has seen his or her mother repeatedly sleep out or come home in the wee hours of the morning will most likely be excited about staying out late out of curiosity, “he says, adding, “this is happening to most of our homes today.”
Jeff says many parents are engaging carelessly in extra-marital relationships that leave very little to the imagination of their children, and this is likely to be seen as a normal thing by children,especially teenagers. As a result, there are many avenues through which teenagers can explore the issue of sex and the greatest worry that girls need to be rescued.
“The boy invariably walks away scot-free as the school, society and church turn their full attention on the girl and judge her,” he says that adding that it is one of the issues that the Reformed Catholic Church is trying to address so that children such as these can be recognized instead of being neglected.
“This is not to say that teenage pregnancy is right, but it is a social ill that must be fought from family level, within the school setting, in the church and the wider society,” he says.
Most teenage mothers experience rejection and abuse by their families, friends and wider
community, including the church. “No wonder these girls abandon their babies either in toilets or litter bins. The effects of rejection can be fatal-rejection by society is the worst thing anybody can suffer. It kills from within. That is why teenage motherhood is a cry for help and family support is very important, as the result is children giving birth to, and trying to raise babies.”
Jeff notes that without any know-how, finances or proper structures, teenage mothers face a big challenge. Add to this the stigma that comes with being regarded as immoral. “Yet we know that not all teenage sex is consensual. There are cases of grown men preying on innocent girls.”
Abortion, or an attempt to carry it out, complicates an already complicated situation, especially if crude methods are used. Besides, there is a post-abortion self-stigma that does not go away.
“In the course of my career, I have met mature women who tell me they had abortions when they were very young and they still feel guilty decades later. Some even go to the extent of saying, ‘My first-born would be this or that age.’ It is very painful.”
In Kenya, four in every 10 women who die from unsafe abortion are adolescents; 70% of
adolescents engage in high-risk unprotected sex. This is according to a research paper presented by Dr. Richard O. Muga of the National Coordinating Agency for Population and Development, Nairobi-Kenya, 2006.
The alarming figures are why Margaret Muyanga, a counseling psychologist, says open
communication between teenagers and parents can be very instrumental in curbing any post-pregnancy abortion or even worse, suicidal tendencies.
(Adopted from Daily Nation Wednesday July .30”, 2008)
a) Explain how parents have contributed to the moral decay of their children. (2mks)
b) Give the factors leading to teenage pregnancy, according to the passage. (3mks)
c) What is the consequence of the rejection and abuse that teenage mothers experience?
d) ”Jeff says the issue of teenage mothers is so big that it should be considered a cry for help.”
Rewrite the sentence above in direct speech. (1mk)
e) In not more than 50 words, summarize the consequences of teenage pregnancy.
Rough Copy
……………………Fair Copy
f) What solution does the writer offer to curb teenage pregnancy? (2mks)
g) Explain the meaning of the following words and expressions as used in the passage.
2. Read the excerpt below and answer the questions that follow (25mks)
Joshua fumed with fury. He would not let her finish. And Waiyaki was still in a dream. But still he was hurt and burning anger was urging him to go out. Outside he heard a faint noise. At first it had seemed distant but now he could hear some words. Teacher ... traitor ... A heavy dejection came over Waiyaki. He knew now that he was not wanted by them in spite of all he had done for the hills. And the words of his father came back to him. But rejected Mugo, his thin boy’s voice had
queried. Let them do what they like. A time will come when they shall cry for a saviour.
Had the time come? Was Kabonyi the saviour they were crying for? And what would Kabonyi do?
He would only destroy what Waiyaki had built. But no. he could not. Surely there was a soul, a heat where at least what Waiyaki had done had taken root. And the teachers who were coming!
They would carry on the work. The voices singing death became louder and louder. He thought
they were coming towards Joshua’s house. He went back to the hut to make one more desperate
“Be careful. They may be coming here.”
“Go, go out from here. Get thee behind me, Satan.”
Joshua was fierce. He hated the young man with the hatred which a man of God has towards
Satan. There was another murmur in the room. Then silence reigned as Nyambura walked across
towards Waiyaki while all the eyes watched her. Waiyaki and Joshua must have both been struck by her grace and mature youthfulness. She held Waiyaki’s hand and said what no other girl at that time would have dared to say, what she herself could not have done a few days before.
“You are brave and I love you.”
Joshua woke up from his stupor. He would never have thought that this meek, quiet and obedient daughter could be capable of such an action. He rushed towards her and was about to lay his hands on her when he realized that this was another temptation brought to him by Satan. Christ in him must triumph at this hour of trial. Waiyaki and Nyambura were standing near the door.
“For me and my house we will serve the Lord,” Joshua declared, pointing at Nyambura with the forefinger of his right hand. “You are not my daughter. Yet let me warn you,” he continued, his voice changing from one of fiery anger to one of calm sorrow, “you will come to an untimely end.
As if in a dream, Waiyaki and Nyambura went out. Miriamu was weeping and saying, “Don’t let
her go. Don’t ,“ while the others remained silent wondering what curse had befallen Joshua’s
(a) Place this extract in its immediate context. (4mks)
(b) Other than Mugo, who else had been rejected by the people when he warned them against the
white man? (1mk)
(c) “He would only destroy what Waiyaki had built.”
State what is being referred to in the above statement. (3mks)
(d) “For me and my house we will serve the Lord,” Joshua declared. Rewrite the statement in
indirect speech. (1mk)
(e) Describe the character of Joshua and Nyambura as seen in this excerpt. (4mks)
(f) “You are not my daughter ...“Who else had been disowned by Joshua and why?
(g) Why was the crowd calling Waiyaki a traitor? (4mks)
(h) Identify and illustrate one theme evident in the excerpt. (2mks)
(i) From your knowledge of the rest of the text, what happens later to Waiyaki and
Nyambura? (4mks)
3. Read the poem below and then answer the questions that follow (20mks)
After A War
The outcome? Conflicting rumours
As to what faction murdered
The one man who, had he survived
Might have ruled us without corruption.
Not that it matters now:
We’re busy collecting the dead.
Counting them, hard thought it is
To be sure what side they were on
What’s left of their bodies and faces
Tells of no need but for burial
And mutilations was practiced
By right, left and centre alike.
As for the children and women
Who knows what they wanted
Apart from the usual things?
Food is scarce now, and men are scarce
Whole villages burnt to the ground
New cities in disrepair.
There war is over. Somebody must have won.
Somebody will have won. When peace is declared.
(a) According to the poem what are the consequences of war? (4mks)
(b) What techniques has the poet employed and of what effect are they? (6mks)
(c) What is the poet’s attitude towards war? (2mks)
(d) What meaning do the following lines convey? (4mks)
(i) Food is scarce now, and men are scarce
(ii) Whole villages burnt to the ground
(e) From the poem, why would you say that war is a no win situation? (2mks)
(f) What is the poem’s mood? (2mks)
(a) Rewrite the following sentences as instructed. (3mks)
(i) The cow I bought was too tired to continue walking. (Rewrite using so)
(ii) The visitor advised the students to consider the consequences of their behavior. (Rewrite in
direct speech)
(iii) The oil company has established a petrol station here. (Rewrite beginning: A petrol station
(b) Use the correct form of the word given in brackets to fill the gap in each sentence. (3mks)
(i) The dog barked _________________________ (menace) at the visitors.
(ii) Most of the students we come across ________________ (be) lazy.
(iii) God’s power ______________________ (compare).
(c) Fill the blanks with suitable prepositions. (3mks)
(i) I am indebted _________ him for the help he gave me.
(ii) The police blamed the woman ________ neglecting her own child.
(iii) We agreed ________ the general procedure.
(d) Rewrite the following sentences replacing the underlined words with gender sensitive words.
(i) A disciplined student should perform his work without supervision.
(ii) She sneaked because the watchman was asleep.
(iii) The master on duty made me kneel the whole day for making noise in class.
(e) Replace the underlined words with a suitable phrasal verb formed from the word in
brackets. (3mks)
(i) Heavy traffic delayed our visitors for an hour. (hold)
(ii) She regained consciousness before the doctor arrived. (come)
(iii) I can not tolerate indisciplined students. (put)

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