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Borabu District Mock - English Paper 2 Question Paper

Borabu District Mock - English Paper 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2009

Name………………………………………………………. Index No. …………………………….
School …………………………………………………….. Candidates Signature…………………
(Comprehension, Literary
Appreciation and Grammar)
Paper 2
July/ August 2009
Time: 21/2 Hours
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)
(Comprehension, Literary
Appreciation and Grammar)
Paper 2
July/ August 2009
Time: 21/2 Hours
• Write your Name and Index Number in the spaces provided above.
• Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided above.
• Answer ALL the questions in this question paper.
• All your answers must be written in the spaces provided in this question paper.
(Adapted from “Daily Nation,” January 2009)
Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all pages are printed as indicated and no questions are missing
1. Red the passage below and then answer the questions that follow.
Without a doubt, Kenya is in the throes of a serious food crunch that is likely to turn into a major crisis. It has the hallmarks of going down into history as one of the most haunting food security scenarios Kenya has ever faced.
Much blame is already being thrown around and much more will follow. However, it is
important to understand the origins of this crisis and the various additional factors that have fuelled it.
The problem started in 2007 when the short rains were deficient. This led to food
production shortfalls nationwide. This was compounded by the destruction of maize stocks in
Northern Rift during the post – election violence early last year. At the time, over four million bags of maize were destroyed.
There was also panic selling of surplus maize during the post-election period with a
significant quantity finding its way across boarders to Tanzania and elsewhere.
As a result, by February last year, the country had a stock of about 20 million bags of
maize. This was only enough to last about seven months since the country consumes about three million bags a month.
Bearing in mind that the critical annual North Rift crop would not be harvested until late
2008, it was clear from February last year that Kenya would need to plan for imports starting from last September.
The tenuous food security situation was then aggravated by the following factors from
February: Planting in the strife-torn grain baskets of North Rift and Trans-Nzoia was severely reduced due to insecurity and displacement of farmers; failed and erratic rainfall in many parts of Kenya during the March /April long rains; rising cost of fertilizer which meant many farmers cut back on inputs which in turn reduced yields; and escalating world food prices.
Further, there was the prospect of Kenya having a continuing maize deficit throughout
much of 2009 due to the projected production shortfalls in the North Rift. As a rule, if the North Rift crop is not enough, the need to importing maize increases. That means Kenya is only half way through its maize crisis.
We must also bear in mind that Kenya is a major importer of staple foods even in a year of
self-sufficiency in maize production. The country imports most of the wheat and rice it needs and a significant amount of sugar. When maize goes short or becomes less affordable, people resort to other foods which in turn increases the cost of such foods. This effect is even more pronounced when there is drought, such as the one being experienced in the country now.
a) According to the information in the first paragraph, what in your own words seems to be
Kenya’s crisis? (1mk)
b) In not more than 40 words, summarise the causes of this crisis. (6mks)
Rough copy
Fair copy
c) Make notes on the factors that worsened the food security situation. (3mks)
d) “We must also bear in mind that Kenya is a major importer of staple foods even in a year
of self-sufficiency in maize production.” Rewrite this sentence in the passive voice. (1mks)
e) Why is the North Rift an important section of Kenya’s land? (2mks)
f) What were the effects of post –election violence on agriculture, according to the passage?
g) Why is maize portrayed as a crucial agricultural product in Kenya? (2mks)
h) Explain the meaning of the following expressions as used in the passage:
Throes ……………………………………………………………………………..
Compounded ……………………………………………………………………………..
Strife-torn …………………………………………………………………………….
2. Read the following excerpt and answer the questions that follow.
Aslaksen But damn it all – I beg your pardon – this is quite another matter, Mr.
Hovstad: It is, indeed.
Peter Stockman: The most fatal part of it is that we shall have to shut the Baths for about two
Hovstad: Shut them? Shut them altogether?
Aslaksen: For two years?
Peter Stockman: Yes, the work will take at least as long as that.
Aslaksen: I’m damned if we will stand that, Mr. Mayor! What are we householders to
live upon in the meantime?
Peter Stockman: Unfortunately, that is an extremely difficult question to answer, Mr.
Aslaksen. But what would you have us do? Do you suppose we shall have a
single visitor in the town, if we go about announcing that our water is
polluted, that we are living over a polluted spot, that the entire town……..
Aslaksen: And the whole thing is merely imagination?
Peter Stockman: With the best will in the world, I have not been able to come to any other
Aslaksen: Well then I must say it is absolutely unjustifiable of Dr. Stockman – I beg
your pardon, Mr. Mayor.
Peter Stokman: What you say is only true, Mr. Aslaksen. My brother has unfortunately
always been impulsive……………
Aslaksen: After this, do you mean to give him your support, Mr. Hovstad?
Hovstad: Can you suppose for a moment that I ………..?
Peter Stockman: I have drawn up a short statement of the situation as it appears from a
reasonable man’s point of view. In it I have indicated how certain possible
defects might be remedied within the prevailing financial situation of the
Baths Committee.
Hovstad: Have you got it with you, Mr. Mayor?
Peter Stockman: (fumbling in his pocket) Yes, I brought it with me in case you……..
a) Place this excerpt in its immediate context (4mks)
b) In point form, give reasons why Aslaksen decides not to support the doctor. (4mks)
c) With illustrations, give the character traits of the following:- (4mks)
i) Peter Stockman
ii) Aslaksen
d) “Can you suppose for a moment that I ………….?”
What does Hovstad imply in the above statement (2mks)
e) Why in your own opinion do you think the Mayor fumbles in his pocket for the
statement? (2mks)
f) According to the Mayor, why won’t visitors come to the town if the doctor’s report is
published? (2mks)
g) What is implied by the following statements?
i) I have drawn up a short statement of the situation as it appears from a reasonable
man’s point of view. (2mks)
ii) And the whole thing is merely imagination (2mks)
h) Add question tags to the following statements.
i) My brother has unfortunately always been impulsive,…………………………..
ii) Shut them altogether,……………………………………………………………….
iii) Unfortunately, that is an extremely difficult question to answer. (3mks)
Read the narrative below and answer the questions that follow. (20mks)
This thing happened long time ago when people first appeared on earth. One day, the
people were told that if they didn’t want to die, they should send Chameleon with a fat piece of meat to take to the moon who would pass it to God. They were also told to give Lizard a hoe to take to the moon. Then, if Chameleon reached the moon with the piece of meat before Lizard with the hoe, the people would not die, but would live forever.
That day, the people never slept a wink. They stayed awake throughout the night and early
the next morning. They sent Chameleon far ahead of Lizard. However, on the way, the temptation to taste the succulent appetizing piece of meat proved too great, so Chameleon stopped to taste a little meat. The meat proved to be tender and juicy and chameleon ended up eating a chunk of it.
The remaining piece that was to be taken to the moon became dirty, covered with soil. Once
Chameleon realized that he was late, he lowered the meat down from his back and begun to hurry,dragging it along. As Chameleon hurried along, all the other animals stared at him, sniggered and hid away. But of course, most of them had been envious of Chameleon for the important errand on which he had been sent. So they were happy to see that he had failed. By the time Chameleon reached the moon, with the dirty piece of meat, Lizard had already handed the hoe over to the moon and man thus lost the golden opportunity to acquire immortality. The moon chased away the Chameleon and threw the dirty piece of meat after him. The hoe which Lizard carried was used by the Luo to dig graves and bury their dead. Death had been born.
Since that time when Chameleon messed up the moon’s gift meat, the type of death from
which an individual would die is fixed right on the day of his or her birth! And initially death didn’t come secretly to human beings. Death just sent word to whoever he wanted to take away to get ready on a particular day. But since no one liked to die, people used to give death a hard time.
He always had to chase one person for days, before he overpowered and caught him. People used all sorts of tricks to evade death, so he decided to come secretly and catch them unawares. That’s why human beings never know the date they die.
a) With illustrations, classify the above narrative. (3mks)
b) Describe the character of the following as brought out in the narrative. (4mks)
i) Lizard
ii) Chameleon
c) Identify and illustrate three oral features that make the above an oral narrative. (3mks)
d) Give three functions of the narrative that you have identified in (a) above (3mks)
e) Identify and illustrate two economic activities of the community from which this narrative
is drawn (4mks)
f) Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the narrative. (3mks)
i) Sniggered
ii) Immortality
iii) Succulent
4. a) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions after each (3mks)
i) That farmer not only plants maize but he also rears chicken.
Begin: Not only………….
ii) “You must not talk in the classrooms at prep time, for that is a school rule,” the
head boy ordered the two junior classes.
Rewrite in indirect speech
iii) Lets go and play basketball.
Add a question tag.
b) Fill the blank spaces with the appropriate form of the word in brackets. (3mks)
i) Triza sang _____________ (melody) to the _____________ (accompany) of the
ii) The Japanese construction company will undertake the ___________ (maintain) of
the road.
c) Fill the blank spaces with appropriate prepositions (3mks)
i) Harambee Stars was no match _____________ the Egyptian team.
ii) The spectators were up ______________ their feet after John scored
iii) I ran _____________ my former classmate in town yesterday.
d) In each of the sentences below, replace the underlined word with a phrasal verb which
means the same as the word. (3mks)
i) They terminated the engagement…………………………………………………..
ii) Parents are advised to rear their children well……………………………………..
iii) After breaking into the shop, the burglars stole the loot……………………………
e) Change the following sentences into the passive voice (3mks)
i) Bees always sting him
ii) Your employer will withhold your salary
iii) The widow bore the burden of her late husband

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