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Trans-Nzoia West District Mock - English Paper 1 Question Paper

Trans-Nzoia West District Mock - English Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2008

Name ……………………………………………………………. Index No. ………………………
School ……………………………………………………………
(Functional Skills)
Paper 1
July / August 2008
2 Hours
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)
(Functional Skills)
Paper 1
July / August 2008
2 Hours
This paper consists of 7 printed pages
Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all the printed pages are printed as indicated and no questions are missing.
You are a member of ‘Jisaidia Self Help Group’, you had a crucial meeting to map out strategies on
how to improve your economic bargaining power but the secretary was absent. Write the minutes of the proceedings of the meeting.
YOU must have heard that you should love your neighbour. But before you can love (1) …………...,
you must first love yourself. Do you?
Most of us (2)………………………………do not take the time to get to know ourselves or
take the time to nurture our souls. If you analyse your actions, you will agree that at one time you must
have been self-conscious (3)……………………. the way you look or the way you dress or talk. These
actions and thoughts actually are a clear (4) …………………….of how you feel about yourself.
What is that? You are very insecure, you are not very confident and you are not taking good
care of yourself by loving yourself. Additionally, when you do not love yourself you are so selfconscious
that you forget what is (5) ……………………….. around you and you become dissatisfied.
The focus of this article is self-love, featuring ways to fall in love with yourself and how to
(6) ………………………………. that love. So what is love? According to the dictionary, love is
(7) ….......................... strong passionate affection for another person. When you analyse that definition it states that you must have a very strong liking (8) ………………….. that person if you love them. Additionally, when you like that person you would do anything for them.
Of course it is a (9)…………………………..process to love yourself all the time, since we all
need constant reminders as well as constant feedback that we are good people. Therefore, the best reminder you can give yourself each and every day is to ensure that you (10)………………….yourself
for who you are and also make sure that you are confident about who you are.
a) Read the following conversation and answer the questions that follow.
Owuor : Before she died of liver cancer, my sister felt a lot of pain and lost a lot
of weight.
Chondo : Talking about pain, had a toothache last night. I tell you. I couldn’t
Owuor : Yes, so about my sister…….
Chondo : You remind me about my own sister. Infact she wrote to me last week
telling me about her son’s fees. She believes I have more money than I
need, and that I should give her some.
Owuor : Well, maybe you have a lot of money. But thank you for being such a
good listener.
Chondo : What! Have I offended you?
(i) Point out three reasons that you think made Owuor decide to stop the conversation.
(ii) How could Chondo have reacted to Owuor’s problems in a more acceptable manner?
iii) List down five circumstances that may force one to interrupt a speaker. ( 2 ½ mks)
iv) List five suggested words or phrases that a person may use to interrupt politely.( 2 ½ mks)
b) Identify the odd one out. (3mks)
i) Van vane vain ……………………………….…..
ii) sure sugar son ……………………………………
iii) think thy thigh ……………………………………
iv) dough enough though ……………………………………
v) gnaw where wear ……………………………………
vi) ware where wear ………………………………………
c) Read the poem below then answer questions below.
My mother groaned, my father wept,
Into the dangerous world I leapt;
Helpless, naked, piping, loud,
Like a friend hid in a cloud.
Struggling in my father’s hand,
Striving against my swaddling- bands,
Bound and weary I thought best,
To suck upon my mothers breast.
(William Blake)
(i) Work out the rhyme scheme in this poem. (2mks)
(ii) Mention two non-verbal cues you would use to enhance a recitation of the poem. State in which lines you would use them. (4mks)
(iii) Explain what the poem is about. (2mks)
(iv) List down four key words or phrases that are used when giving direction. (4mks)
d) Read the song below then answer question that follow
Tausi, ndege wangu,
Ndege wangu wafahari,
Ndege uliotoka mbali,
Sasa natafakari.
(i) Classify this song and give a reason for your answer.
(ii) Using illustrations, explain the problems one is likely to encounter when translating this song. (3mks)

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