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Nandi North District Mock - English Paper 1 Question Paper

Nandi North District Mock - English Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2008

NAME…………………………………………………. INDEX No…………………………………..
July/August 2008
Time: 2 HOURS
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)
July/August 2008
Time: 2 HOURS
• Write your name and index number in the spaces provided
• Answer ALL the questions in this question paper
• All your answers must be written in the spaces provided in this question paper
Candidates should check the question paper to ensure
that all the pages are printed as indicated and no questions are missing .
1. Imagine that you are newly employed by Wildlife Experts, a company that runs wildlife services in the country. Make four entries in your personal journal that show your first day’s experience at the
place of work. (20mks)
Complete the blank spaces in the passage using appropriate words.
I used to enjoy reading horror stories until I realized..(1)....................................... much they affected
me. I had to study late into the (2)............................................ to prepare for my examination. Alone (3).................................... the hall when everyone else was (4).................................. very slight noise
frightened me. I imagined that there was (5)......................................... behind me while I was memorizing mathematical formulae. Every (6)................................................ the curtains fluttered in
the wind, my heart missed a (7)................................................... When my neighbour’s dog barked, I broke (8)..................................... in goose bumps because dogs are supposed to be (9).................................. to see sprits that are invisible to the human (10)...........................................
3. a) Study the Oral literature item below and answer the questions that follow
Voiceless it cries
Wingles flutters,
Toothless bites
Mouthless mutters
i) How would you classify this item?. (2mks)
ii) Give an appropriate response to the item. (1mk)
iii) How would you perform line one and line two of the above item ? (2mks)
iv) Explain two functions of this Sub genre. (2mks)
b) Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow. (8mks)
I can see the rain
As I walk along the lane
I can hear the lion roar
Just as lions did of yore
I can learn to run a race
And I can ravel out some lace
I can fly and I can row
at 10.00 am in the morning.
Let my rich imaginations flow
i) Identify any pairs of rhyming words in the poem above. (3mks)
ii) Comment briefly on the rhyme scheme used in the poem. (2mks)
iii) For each of the words given provide another with a similar pronunciation
( 3mks)
c) i) Explain the meaning of each of the following idiomatic expressions (2mks)
a) A bone of contention
b) Nip (the problem in the bud).
ii) Group the words below under the vowel sounds. (5mks)
two go only torn send
most walk ten whom checked
wealth old wall soon cost
so do
/u:/ /au/ /o/ /e/ :/
d) The following is a telephone conversation between Mr. Matu of uniform provision
Limited and the secretary of Ujamaa High School. The secretary is calling on behalf
of the school’s principal to place an order for form one school uniform. Complete
the conversation. (8mks)
VOICE : This is Uniform Provision Limited. What can I do for you ?
NATASHA : Hallo, this.............................................................................................................
VOICE : Mr. Matu is in a meeting. Hold the line please. I’ ll ask him to talk to you.
MR. MATU : Mr. Matu here. May I ............................................................................................
NATASHA : This is Natasha,............................................................................................................
MR MATU : Good morning. What can I do for you ?
MR MATU : Any thing else ?
NATASHA : No, .................................................................. That is all (1mk)
MR MATU : Thank you very much Natasha.
Tell the principal the consignment will be delivered on Tuesday next week
NATASHA : Thank you Mr. Matu. Goodbye.
MR.MATU :.......................................................................................................................................

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