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Molo District Mock - English Paper 2 Question Paper

Molo District Mock - English Paper 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2008

NAME:………………..………………………………………………….……… INDEX
CANDIDATE’S SIGNATURE: ……………………………………….
DATE: …………………………………
(Comprehension, Literary Appreciation
and Grammar)
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) 2008
 Write your name and index in the spaces provided above. Sign and write the date of
examination in the spaces provided above.
 Answer ALL the questions in this question paper.
 ALL your answers must be written in the spaces provided in the question paper.
This paper consists of 12 printed pages. Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all the pages are printed as indicates and no questions are missing.
Question 1
Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow:
You need to find out who is responsible for the content, and whether the website is owned or sponsored by reputable organization. Every affiliation should be clearly shown on the website. Look for credentials and qualifications of the professionals presenting the information. Be especially cautions if they are anonymous. Can you contact the owners of the website via email, telephone and regular mail? Be vigilant, if the owners don’t offer any means of communication.
A growing number of people are being afflicted with a condition christened “ Cyberchondria’ –the techies’ term for patients who use the internet for self-diagnosis, and then present“misinformation” to their doctor.
Many of those who result to internet for solutions to their health problems say they want
information on a medically diagnosed disease or illness, or to find alternative treatments.
Others seek support from fellow sufferers. There are those who turn to online diagnosis
because of the state of government health services in the country. Our health services is itself not entirely healthy, and it barely survives with shoe-string budgets, low staffing levels and long queues of patients praying for help.
Internet statistics show that sites offering information on issues related to skin disorders, HIV and Aids, diabetes, cancer and sexually transmitted infections register more hits than other health information searches on the internet.
Self-diagnosis using medical websites is tricky, especially because these websites cover
specific medical conditions. For example, if you type the symptom ‘stomach pain into the search engine of a general health and medical website, it may offer gastritis, appendicitis, irritable bowel syndrome or gastoententis for further information.
It would be a mistake to consider these suggestions as possible diagnoses, because your
stomach pain could be caused by a build-up of gas following the baked beans and eggs you had for lunch! The same goes for physical pains, such as pain in the lower back, or neurological symptoms.
You can’t rely on a website for self-diagnosis because it is going to spit out the most common reason for your symptoms, which may not be accurate.
Its better to present your aching stomach or back to your physician or health care professional for a more informed diagnosis. Otherwise, you may be wasting time, prayers, money and emotional energy taking care of a disease that you don’t actually have. Whereas internet information can be valuable, the online health consumer should be wary because medical misinformation or ‘cyberquackery’ is rife on the internet. It is important to know how to recognize a reputable site.
You also can’t use the Internet as the gospel truth to determine health problems because not all diseases and disorders are going to be catalogued on websites.
Even a seemingly thorough site like is going to miss something, and you don’t
want to rely on incomplete information.
Furthermore, you have no way of guaranteeing that the health information found on the
Internet is accurate, I’m a public health technician, with bias in monitoring and evaluation, but I can start a website that says just about anything not withstanding. I don’t have to have a medical degree to give faulty advice.
Online diagnosis may breed panic and apprehension. Many people look up their symptoms on
the internet and discover that they could have any number of terminal or serious illness when they really have nothing to worry about at all.
Why put those types of thought in your head? Generally speaking, doctors advise that one
should ask a few questions about the information collected from an internet site before deciding whether to trust it.
(Adapted from the Daily Nation March 2008)
1. (a) According to the passage, what is cyberchondria? (1mk)
(b) For what do patients resort to internet for solution to their health problems?(2mks)
(c) What picture does the writer paint about government health services? (2mks)
(d) Describe how one can access a medical solution from the internet. (2mks)
(e) What caution does the writer give in paragraph six? (2mks)
diagnosis from the internet.
(f) Why does the writer prefer health care professionals to the website? (2mks)
(g) You also can’t use the internet as the gospel truth to determine health problems.
( Paraphrase the above statement) (1mk)
(h) What is the attitude of the writer towards looking for medical solutions from the
internet illustrate. (2mks)
(i) Online diagnosis may breed panic and apprehension
(Rewrite the sentence in the passive) (1mk)
(j) Make notes on the precautions to be taken if one wishes to get credible
(k) Explain the meaning of the following expressions as used in the passage:
Shoe string budget
2. Read the excerpt below and then answer the questions that follow:
Paulina, her eyes smarting from the now unaccustomed woodsmoke, noticed that her mother under the guidance of her sisters-in-law, was now wearing a clean dress and had put on over it her husband's favourite shirt. No one now expected her to tear her clothes off in farewell to the body of her husband,as used to be the custom. You look from custom what suited you, and so it had always been. The gap was now being beaten down in the hedge so that the ritual shaving could take place outside, and she knew that some of the younger people would refuse, submit only to a token cutting of the hair. What did it matter? Of course for women, nearly always wearing a scarf, it was easier than for men, but if,obscurely, the sacrifice of her hair would appease her father's spirit, then it was a small price to pay.
The saved ones, after all, gave up their beads and plaits and see through nylon dresses in the name of Jesus - it was not so very different. There was nothing new about the conflict of opinion. When Tuda,in the story, refused to go to South Nyanza to mourn his nephew Dodo, killed by an elephant, on the grounds that in a place where elephants were so dangerous he might get killed as well – and then what would become of the lineage? - the story-teller did not rebuke him. It was conceivably a point of view.
The days passed, the meal was finished, and they killed a few chickens so that the men, at
least, could eat and be satisfied. Even the most modem women would not break taboo on such an occasion as this. Her mother did not brew beer and her’ sisters-in-law had both been away, so they served only tea and gruel instead. Paulina’s dress was stiff with sweat - she had brought only one change and there had been little time for washing- her eyes red, her bare scalp prickly against the limp and smoky chiffon of the scarf. Her hands were scraped and sore from the continual breaking of sticks lo feed the fire. She was so tired that she was getting people's names mixed up, and the uncles, asked perpetually, 'Where is Were? You sent a message? Does he say he is coming?' And she had to say every time, 'There is much work. I think he may not get leave.' Her mother said nothing but looked at her reproachfully, for when a woman's father dies her husband must come and sleep with her at home,when the mourners disperse, to signify his protection and the continuing of the line.
(a) Explain what happens immediately before this extract. (2mks)
(b) In about 50 words summarise the rituals highlighted in the extract. (5mks)
Rough Copy
Fair copy
(c ) You sent a message
(add a question tag) (1mk)
(d) Why didn’t Were attend the ceremony? (2mks)
(e) Describe the character of Paulina as seen in this extract (4mks)
(f) Contrast the way Paulina reacted to the death of her father with the way she
reacted when Okeyo died. (4mks)
(g) How is the theme of change brought out in the excerpt? (4mks)
(h) ‘ It was conceivably a point of view’
(i) Whose point of view? (1mk)
(ii) What was the significance of rhetorical question at the end of the first paragraph?
3. Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow;
Break of yet a new day
Of scavenging
Of being hauled around,
Chased by the police on patrol.
Enough light to lure you,
To the city,
To glare at me,
The scavenger
With eyes of contempt
Am I a plague?
Can you not understand my fate?
Do we have to scavenge
The bins together?
Digging deeper into the rotting,
Stinking matter,
The dregs of the bins,
Dregs of rotten dreams.
The scavenger, societal dreg,
Stale bread
To feed my stale dreams!
Somersaults into bins,
Bottoms up!
An upside –down life,
A scavenger indeed,
So is the city mongrel
(Cecilia Muhoho)
(a) Briefly describe the subject matter of the poem. (3mks)
(b) What is the significance of the word dawn in the poem? (3mks)
(c ) Describe the society’s attitude towards the persona (2mks)
(d) ‘Can you not understand my fate?
Explain the meaning of this rhetorical question (2mks)
(e) Identify the device used in stanza three line four and explain its effect. (2mks)
(f) What evidence in the poem shows that the persona had ambition? (2mks)
(g) What is ironical about the persona’s life? (2mks)
(h) Explain the meaning of the following expressions as used in the poem. (4mks)
hauled around
glare at me
Dregs of rotten dreams
Societal dreg
(Change into reported speech)
(a) Replace the underlined words with suitable phrasal verbs. (3mks)
(i) The city council askaris demolished the kiosks that were in the city centre.
(ii) The little girl resembles her father
(iii) The people were happy with their M.P for raising the matter in parliament
(b) Rewrite the following sentences as instructed.
(i) The young man did not join a public university. He did not pass the exam.
( Begin. If ...............................................................)
(ii) ‘Don’t touch the kettle, “the mother told the boy, “It will burn your hands.”
(iii) I never thought I would ever be a minister. (Begin: Not once.........)
(iv) The log was heavy. It could not be carried by two boys.
( Use ...................
(v) The technician who manned the machine was ordered by the foreman to clean, it
(Rewrite the sentence using gender sensitive language)
(c) Choose the most appropriate word to fill the gap.
(i) If a young woman does not conduct herself well, she will ....... her integrity (loose
(ii) The patient had ......................... on the bed for two weeks (lied/lain/laid/lay/layed)
(iii) Every student.................... been asked to buy an English textbook ( is /has/have)
(d) Insert little / a little / few / a few in the following sentences. (2mks)
(i) The meeting did not start because there were ......................... people who were
in attendance.
(ii) We have .......................................flour left to feed................................ guests
(iii) The harvest was poor because there was .........................rain.
(e) Use the correct form of the word given in brackets to fill in the gap in
each sentence. (2mks)
(i) The patient was................................ to the provincial general hospital (refer)
(ii) The candidates got the wrong KCSE results because their marks
were...................... fed into the computer (error).

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