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Molo District Mock - English Paper 1 Question Paper

Molo District Mock - English Paper 1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2008

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE)2008
 Write your name and index in the spaces provided above.
 Answer ALL the questions in this question paper.
 ALL your answers must be written in the spaces provided in the question paper.
This paper consists of 8 printed pages. Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all the pages are printed as indicates and no questions are missing.
Question 1 ( Functional Writing)
You are invited to give a speech on the role of the youth in fostering peace in your country by a friend
overseas. You are unable to travel due to unforeseen circumstances
E-mail your speech to your friend to present it on your behalf.
Question 2 : Cloze Test
Fill in each of the blanks in the passage below with an appropriate words.
Circumcising men routinely across Africa (1)................................. prevent millions of
(2)......................................... from Aids, World Health Organization researchers and colleagues
(3).......................................... today. (4).....................................analysed data (5)......................trials that
showed men (6)..............................Have been circumcised had a significantly lower risk of infection
with the Aids virus. Researchers believe (7)................................... helps cut infection risk
(8)............................the foreskin is covered in cells the virus seems able to (9)............................Infect.
The virus may also survive better in a warm, wet (10)...............................................Like that found
beneath the foreskin.
Question 3: PART A
Read the story below and answer the questions that follow.
Once upon a time, there was a man and wife who had a baby girl, unfortunately, the wife died and so,the man married again. He got another girl with the second wife.
The two girls became extremely close, so close that whenever the mother sent one on an
errand, the other was sure to accompany her. The mother, however, did not like the child of the deceased. She would always show her dislike by denying her certain favours. Her feelings became so bad that she decided to get rid of the girl. To do this, she dug a hole in her bedroom on a day when the husband was absent and covered the hole with a cow's hide. She then called her daughter and sent her to the house of a friend some kilometers away. As usual, the two girls wanted to go together but the woman refused, giving the excuse that she wanted to send the other one elsewhere.
After the departure of her daughter, she tailed the other girl and sent her for her snuffbox in the bedroom. Unaware of what lay ahead, the girl eagerly rushed into the room only to fall into a hole!
The mother very quickly filled the hole with soil, completely disregarding the girl's screams for help.
When the daughter came back, she merely assumed that the absence of her dear companion was
justified. After hours of waiting, she, however, became impatient and questioned the mother.
'Where is my sister?' she asked.
'But she followed you. As soon as she did what I wanted, she ran after you. Now stop
bothering me,' the mother retorted.
Time passed and the now anxious girl went round calling out the name of the other one, but all in vain.
Alas.... She cried the whole night and the next day and refused to touch any food. The father helped in
After three days, the girl still cried and called the other one. She then heard a very weak voice
responding in song:
Maalya Maalya
Maalya Maalya
Na mwenvu niwe mwai iiee malya
Ekwinza muthiko iiee malya
Wakwisa kunthika iiee malya
Maalya Maalya
And your mother is the wise one iiee malya
She dug a grave iiee malya
For interring me in iiee malya
The girl dashed towards the direction of the voice, repeated her cries and again got the same response.
She came to the conclusion that whoever was responding was definitely underground somewhere in the house. Immediately the father came that day (before the arrival of the mother), she told him what had happened After hearing the song, the father dug up the place and pulled out an extremely weak and disfigured daughter. All three, wailed and wailed. Eventually, the father gave her a mixture of blood from a goat and milk to drink after which she vomited all the soil she had eaten. He gave her some more of the mixture on after which he hid her.
When the wife eventually came back, the man did not let her get into the house but sent her for a cow in a far off place. He explained away his action by telling her that he had decided to host a feast for relatives (including his in-laws). In the meantime, he sent-for all of them. When the woman came back with the cow, she found everyone wailing for her. Uneasy now, she sat down in the place she was shown by her husband, He then stood up and after welcoming all, reminded them of the lost daughter.
He then called upon the wife to explain the circumstances leading to the sad episode. She hauntingly repeated the now commonly known story. When she sat down, the husband told this woman's daughter to repeat her earlier wails after which all heard:
Maalya Maalya
Maalya Maalya
Na mwenvu niwe mwai iiee malya
Ekwinza muthiko iiee malya
Wakwisa kunthika iiee malya
All were surprised to hear the words of the other girl's song and at that moment, the 'dead' girl joined them. The woman was as though paralysed by shock. The husband then explained the truth of the matter and told his in-laws to take their daughter with them. They said that if that was what she had done to the girl, they couldn’t have such a monster in their house. The woman was disowned by all and chased away.
a) How would you say the following opening formula. “ Once upon a time” (1mk)
b) If you were performing this story what oral skills would you use? (4mks)
Time can bring you down, time can bend your knees.
Time can break the heart, have you beggin' "please," 'beggin' "please."
Beyond the door there's peace. I am sure.
c) As a story teller how would you deliver the two songs to portray the different contexts.
d) If you were one of the relatives invited by the girls father, how would you portray your
reaction towards the revelation of the step-mother’s behaviour? (1mk)
e) What intonation would you use at the end of this statement and why? “ Now stop bothering
me.” (1mk)
Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.
‘Tears in Heaven’ by Eric Clapton and Will Jennings.
Would you know my name if I saw you in heaven?
Would it be the same if I saw you in heaven?
I must be strong and carry on 'cause I know I don't belong here in heaven.
Would you hold my hand if I saw you in heaven?
Would you help me stand if I saw you in heaven?
I'll find my way through night and day cause I know I just can’t stay here in heaven.
And I know there'll be no more tears in heaven.
Would you know my name if I saw you in heaven?
Would you be the same if I saw you in heaven?
I must be strong and carry on 'cause I know I don't belong here in heaven.
'Cause I know. I don't belong here in heaven.
(a) Describe any one sound pattern in the poem (2mks)
(b) Which line would demand for a definite tone variation and why? (2mks)
(c) What words would you not stress in the following line (1mk)
“ Cause I know I don’t belong here in heaven.’
(b) In the following sentences identify the words that are pronounced the same(5mks)
(i) I want to warn the one who won.
(ii) The heir dried his hair with hot air from the drier.
(iii) Keziah leant forward to pick the money I had lent her to buy a lint bandage.
(iv) On the hill is a herb that could heal the cut on your heel.
(v) It was an hour before they got an oar and came to our rescue.
There was a break-in in the dormitory last night and you as the dormitory prefect went
to report to the principal Mr. Agogo. Complete the dialogue below. (11mks)
Mr. Agogo : Come in Njonjo. Have a seat.
You :
Mr. Agogo : Now what can I do for you.
You : ....................................................................................................................
Mr. Agogo: Break in? I don’t understand.
You :
Mr. Agogo : At what time and by who?
You :
Mr. Agogo: Was anything stolen?
You : ....................................................................................................................
Mr. Agogo : Do you have any suspect?
I mean could it have been done by one of you?
You : ....................................................................................................................
Mr. Agogo : Kasuku? I don’t seem to know anybody by that name.
You :
Mr. Agogo : Oh! This boy I admitted from Tahidi High School?
You :
Mr. Agogo : Now how do we go about this? Well, tell Kasuku to see me
right away.
You :
Mr. Agogo : Okey! Tell them to make a list of what they have lost and let
them see me at break time. Njonjo, is there anything else you would like
to say?
You :
Mr. Agogo : its okey and keep me informed should anything else come up.
You : ....................................................................................................................

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