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Bungoma District Mock - English Paper 2 Question Paper

Bungoma District Mock - English Paper 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2008

NAME:………………..………………………………………………… INDEX NO:…………….
(Comprehension, Literary Appreciation
and Grammar)
Kenya Certificate Of Secondary Education (KCSE) 2008
 Write your name and index in the spaces provided above.
 Answer ALL the questions in this question paper.
 ALL your answers must be written in the spaces provided in the question paper.
This paper consists of 12 printed pages. Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all the pages are printed as indicates and no
questions are missing.
1. Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow.
If a World Government is to work smoothly, certain economic conditions will have to be fulfilled.
One of these, which is beginning to receive widespread recognition, is the raising of the standard of life in what are now under-developed countries to the level which prevails among the most prosperous populations of the West. Until a certain economic equality among the different parts of the world has been achieved, the poorer nations will envy the richer ones, and the richer ones will dread violent action on the part of those who are less prosperous.
But this is not the most difficult economic measure that may be necessary. Various raw materials are essential to industry. Of these, at present, oil is one the most important. Probably uranium,though no longer needed for purposes of war, will be essential for the industrial use of nuclear energy. There is no justice in private ownership of such essential raw materials - and I think we must include in undesirable private ownership, not only that by individuals or companies, but also that by separate States. The raw materials without which industry is impossible should belong to an International Authority and be granted to separate nations in accordance with the two
principles of justice and aptitude for their use. Nations that are lacking in this aptitude should be helped to acquire it.
In a stable world such as we are envisaging, there could be in many ways a great deal more
freedom than there is at present. There would, however, be some new limitations on freedom,
since it would be necessary to inculcate loyalty to the International Government and to curb incitements to war by single nations or groups of nations. Subject to this limitation, there should be freedom of the Press, freedom of speech, and freedom of travel.
There should be very radical changes in education. The young should no longer be taught to overemphasize the merits of their own countries, to feel pride in those of their compatriots who had shown most skill in killing foreigners, or to adopt Mr. Podsnap's maxim: 'Foreign nations, I am sorry to say, do as they do.' History should be taught from an International point of view with little emphasis on wars and much more emphasis upon peaceful achievements, whether in knowledge or art, or in exploration or adventure. The education authorities of a single country should not be permitted by the International Government to stir up chauvinist feeling or to advocate armed rebellion against the International Government. Apart from these limitations, there should be a much greater freedom in education than there is at present. Unpopular opinions, unless they were such as to cause a danger of war, should be tolerated in teachers. The whole emphasis, in all teaching of history or social subjects, should be on Man and not on separate nations or groups of nations
a) Which economic condition ought to be given first priority if a World Government is to
work smoothly? (1 mark)
b) Who, according to the author, should control raw materials and why? (2 marks)
c) In not more than 60 words, summarize the changes that the International government should be making in education to achieve international harmony.
(6 marks)
Rough Copy
Fair Copy
d) If a World Government is to work smoothly, certain conditions will have to be fulfilled.
(Rewrite beginning "Unless......................) (1 mark)
e) What is the author's attitude towards a World Government? Explain (2 marks)
f) The whole emphasis, in all the teaching of history or social subjects, should be on man and not on separate nations or groups of nations. (Rewrite using the word "emphasized")
(2 marks)
g) Which reason makes the author to have reservations when considering uranium as an essential
raw material to industry? (2 marks)
h) Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the passage.
(i) undesirable .......................................................
(ii) envisaging .......................................................
(iii) compatriots .......................................................
(iv) chauvinist .......................................................
2. Read the excerpt below and then answer the questions that follow:
Paulina focused all her indignation on the Mutai case, all the complaints of a woman in a
man's world, which she dared not relate to her own commonplace experiences. She even overcame her usual reticence to the point of shouting at Martin when he sat down to eat, without showing any particular emotion, on the day the sentence was announced. Perhaps his public emotions had been used up while hers were conserved. At the time of Tom Mboya's murder she had been too happy with Okeyo to feel much grief; the later 'incident' which was camped by her private sorrow at the loss of her child. She could hardly have told you when the election was held or the curfew lifted. The Sedition Trial had hardly touched her; it was like a stage play in a church hall - one could not really believe that such things were going on. And J.M.'s death had crystalised a feeling of belonging, so that though she herself had dared to go up and take the hand of the widow when she visited the house, and pour out what phrases of consolation she could manage in Swahili (for mourning was something you ordinarily did only in the mother tongue and had to be rethought if your sympathies lay outside), people had thought more of themselves than of the dark terror of those moments, the betrayal by friends, the gradual chopping off of fingers. But Chelagat, a strapping young woman and single, was within her comprehension, cut off from friends and constituents, humiliated in the cell, sent out to dig, kept from the news of other sufferers which she had been demanding before anyone remembered the incitements said to have occurred so many months back, when she had not yet addressed the press conference or posed the awkward statements and the defiant questions.
'We must do something,' Paulina howled at Martin.
'Don't shout at me. I'm not the High Court of Appeal. What do you rethink we can do?'
'Write to your MPs, make processions, sign petitions, strike....'
'You going to strike against Mrs. M.? To persuade her to do something she wouldn't have
wanted to do.'
'Well of course I don't have to, but you know what I mean.'
'I know you can't do anything. Anything at all. Only government can do it.'
'But we are the government. Mrs. M. says...'
'If you are the government, you get Mr. M. to queue up to put his cross on a bit of paper with your symbol on it: fig-leaf or something, or a militant crochet-hook. I don't see...'
'We put them there and we help them to act.'
'Paulina, will you be silent, for I see myself that there is nothing for us but "can't". I used to go to meetings, as you know, and classes, as you know, and read books such as we still have here, but what is there for me to do? When I married you I was selling envelopes and now I am still selling envelopes, maybe a few more and a bit dearer but that's all there is to it. Yes, I have a better suit and eat meat more often, but what of it? If I had six sons to keep I should have less for myself than
I had then. And no more to say.'
(a) What explanation does Paulina give for Martin to eat without showing any particular emotion,
on the day the sentence was announced? (2 marks)
(b) List four cases of political oppression found in this passage. (4 marks)
(c) Explain the sense of helplessness and hopelessness that is evident in this excerpt.
(3 marks)
(d) Why does Chelagat's case interest Paulina more than J.M's death and Tom Mboya's
murder? (3 marks)
(e) Cite evidence to show that charges against Chelagat were not true. (3 marks)
(f) Perhaps his public emotions had been used up while hers were conserved. (Rewrite beginning:
Whereas her public emotions...........................) (1 mark)
(g) "Don't shout at me. I’m not the High Court of Appeal. What do you think we can do?" Martin
asked Paulina. (Rewrite as one sentence in reported speech). (2 marks)
(h) State the accusations levelled against Paulina from your understanding of the text. (1 mark)
(i) Basing on the conversation in this extract, describe one character trait of Paulina (2 marks)
(j) Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases as used ip the passage. (4 marks)
(i) Indignation
(ii) it was like a stage play in a church
(iii) humiliated
(iv) comprehension
3. Read the poem below and answer questions that follow:
The troubled Warrior - Alexander Muigai.
I'll put down my hoe
Let them call me lazy
I'll lay aside my stick
Let my cattle rove alone
I'll bid farewell my girl
And my laughing sister
Despite their sweet tears
I'll part my younger brother
Then I'll go and kneel down
Before the two heaps of stones
Where my parents lie;
I'll plead with them to call
The blessings of their gods
On me, a troubled youth
Before I go in the pursuit
Then I'll gird my loin-cloth
Sling my bow and the sword
Of my clan. Spear in hand
I'll go to face the foe
The dewy grass shall be;
My couch; on the cold rock
My head shall rest;
The damp night air shall blanket me;
And to the wild beast
I'll be a guest.
I will drink from the wandering stream;
Suck on wild fruits
Till I have faced my foe
I'll be ashamed to face my home.
Courage, hate and my enemy's fate
Drive me on. Mighty he stands
But curse be on if
I show him my naked heels:
No! Never, Never!
Come death before surrender
But I'll slay-him- this I know
Then I'll dry my bleeding
Sword on thirsty tongue;
And proclaim victory-
The will of my fathers
Thus, all having been done,
And my poor heart settled
I'll venture to go home.
I'll take up my hoe and dig
I'll pick up my stick and herd;
I'll court my girl and wed.
Having done my duty,
(a) Briefly explain the subject matter of this poem (4 marks)
(b) According to the second stanza, state the challenges, which the persona is likely to face.
(3 marks)
(c) What drives the warrior to face his foe without retreating? (2 marks)
(d) Discuss the relevance of the title "The Troubled Warrior", (3 marks)
(e) Describe two character traits of the persona in this poem. (4 marks)
(f) Explain the meaning of following lines: (4 marks)
(i) "Then I'll go and kneel down Before the heaps of stones"
(ii) The damp night air shall blanket me. (2 marks)
(a) Use the correct form of the word given in the brackets to fill in the gap in each
sentence .(3 marks)
(i) In some parts of our country, .......................... has not returned yet. (normal)
(ii) This man was arrested because his neighbour made a malicious ............ against
him. (allege)
(iii) Due to lack of a proper diet, that child is ................................... .(nourish)
(b) Rewrite the following sentences as instructed. (5 marks)
(i) "If you don't study hard," the form teacher warned the pupils, "you won't be successful in
life."(Rewrite beginning: The form teacher advised the pupils to...............)
(ii) As I listened to her story, I became sympathetic. (Rewrite beginning; The longer
(iii) He asked what it felt like being a student. (Rewrite the sentence ending; he asked me)
(iv) They worked hard, (add a question tag)
(v) This book was donated to our school. (Rewrite beginning: We received .........)
(c) The following sentences have grammatical errors. Rewrite them to correct
the errors. (3 marks)
(i) I think you are prettier than them.
(ii) I and my brother work in Nairobi.
(iii) The best team won the football match.
(d) Choose the correct alternative from the two words given to fill in the blank
in each of the following sentences. (4 marks)
(i) Wives value.................................... from their husbands (compliments/complements)
(ii) The farmer his new environment very well (adopted
(iii) This pair of trouser/ does not fit me. It is .................................... (lose/loose)
(iv) Mercy has .................................... her property against burglary. (ensured/insured)

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