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Laikipia District Mock - English Paper 2 Question Paper

Laikipia District Mock - English Paper 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2008

NAME:………………..…………………………………………………………INDEX NO:…………
(Comprehension, Literary Appreciation
and Grammar)
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) 2008
 Write your name and index in the spaces provided above.
 Answer ALL the questions in this question paper.
 ALL your answers must be written in the spaces provided in the question paper.
This paper consists of 12 printed pages. Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all the pages are printed as indicated and no questions are missing.
1. Read the passage below and the answer the questions that follow.
In physiology, a smile is a facial expression formed by flexing certain muscles, most
notably those near both ends of the mouth, as well as those around the eyes.
A smile is a universal expression of happiness and is recognized as such in all cultures. The smile is the most frequently used facial expression. It takes as few as five pairs of facial muscles and as many as all 53 to smile.
Compared to frowning, smiling causes far fewer muscles to expound regardless of the
precise number of muscles used. Smiling releases endorphins and makes us feel better such
that even “faking” a smile can lead to feeling happier.
People are born with the ability to smile and they do not copy the expression, even babies
who are born blind smile. However, it is noteworthy to mention that babies reserve special
smiles (Duchenne smiles of joy and happiness) for their loved ones. A newborn shows a
preference for a smiling face over a non-smiling one. In addition, it is a fact that women smile more than men. There are 18 different kinds of smiles used in a variety of social situations Human beings can differentiate between the “felt” ( Duchennes smile of happiness and joy)
and the social smile. A smiling person is judged to be more pleasant, attractive, sincere,
sociable and competent than a non- smiling person. A person who studies laughter is called a gelotologist. But there are also those who make people laugh.
Alvaro Neil a 39- year –old Self –proclaimed biciclown, who has cycled more than
31,000km and covered more than 28 countries, suffered four bouts of malaria and broken two
vim’s of his heavy mountain – bike just to put a smile on peoples’ faces with his “miles of
smiles around the word tour (MOSAW). And then Neil has managed more than 50 clown
performances to make more than 200,000 people smile. Like many things in life, you can not
buy a smile,” he says in his deep, accented Spanish baritone. “ It has to come out naturally and from within.”
In November 19, 2004, the Spaniard embarked on a journey that he hopes to finish in 2014,
for smiles sake, “I plan to take 80 months on my current MOSAW tour,” he says. Neil, a
professional lawyer who has since taken a break from his profession in order to see people’s facial muscles twitch in a smile, emphasizes that he does not raise money: he raises smiles!
Alvaro, as he prefers to be called, dropped by The standard offices and immediately started
baffling people around him with magic. “I like to make people smile and, while at it, watch
them,” he says His target audience has always been street children, refugees, internally
displaced people and the hospitalized sick.
“I believe I was born a clown even though at some point in my life, I want to law school
and have practised law for some five years” he says.
He is in the process of writing a book about his adventures and misadventures in the Dark
continent, which will be his second. “My first book Kilometers de Sonrisas, which is Spanish for “Miles for Smile” has 400 pages and has sold 500 copies already, he says adding that he sells one book every five days.
He intends to write books about Asia too when he completes his journey in 2014.
Before leaving, he makes a quote , straight from the heart: “I hope development does not
mean losing that smile”. (Sunday standard March 2nd 2008)
a) What do you understand by the term smile? (2mks)
b) What evidence is there from the passage to indicate that Alvaro does not smile?
c) In not more than 65 words summaries the personal achievements of Alvaro Neil as depicted in
the passage. (6mks)
Rough copy
Fair copy
d) Alvaro is described a being in the process of writing a book. Give a possible title of his book
which will be his second. (2mks)
e) Give the antonyms of the following terms (2mks)
f) ”Like many things in life, you can not buy a smile,” he says in his deep, accented Spanish
baritone. Rewrite this sentence in indirect speech. (1mk)
g) Identify one stylistic device used in this passage. (2mks)
h) Give the meaning of the following words and phrases a used in the passage. (3mks)
Non- smiling person
raises smiles
Read the excerpt below and then answer the question that follow:
She was free that evening after the children’s supper and when she had set martin’s food out and prepared tea for herself she began cautiously:
‘I met Amina today”
‘Amina? My goodness, she must be feeling her age a bit by now. What’s she up to
these days?’
‘she is opening a maternity home.’
‘well, good luck to her’
‘An all-female one’
‘Well, I suppose the other half has already discharged its duty. Let the women care for
the women. She has gone up in the world, hasn’t she?’
‘Yes, indeed. Do you remember when we stayed in her house in Pumwani? She was good to
me then.’
‘She was, and fair as landladies go. And do you want to tell me that no one else was ever good to you? Because I thought we’d decided to leave all that crap behind.’
‘Yes, I thought so too. It wasn’t that. I wasn’t throwing anything up to you. Only I couldn’t help remembering the first day I came to that house. It was all so strange to me, and I told you I was three months on and you didn’t believe me.’
“ Well, you were and then you weren’t. There’s no use bringing that up again.’
But I found it hard to tell you then, Martin, when we had been so little together. And if I were to tell you now again, Martin, that it was the third month, would you believe me this time?
‘Believe you- woman, what are you saying? It’s impossible. We are getting old. It is more than twenty years……….’
‘My husband, I am younger than your mother was when your last two sisters were born. I am
the same age as my brother’s wife, who is still bearing children. I would be old to have a first child,but you know it is not a first child. And though I hardly dare to hope, I must give you also this hope,after giving you disappointments so many years. Or do you no longer care?’
Martin was beside himself, half embracing her, half standing back to look at her.
‘I have no reason not to be happy. All has not been well with us. You know it. I know it. There were women and none of them gave me a child. You had another man and his child was lost to us. I thought you were only eager now to become a new woman –perhaps to go into parliament.’ They both burst out laughing. Or to get your photograph in the paper again waiting at one of Mrs. M’s parties.’ He swallowed “Do I understand what you are telling me, or have I got it wrong?’
‘You understand it, martin. This is your baby. Since I came to Nairobi – in fact since I was carrying Okeyo there has been no possibility of it not being yours, and I hope you will help me take good care, so that even if one of your safari wives gives you a dozen children, still you need not be ashamed of your home in Gem.’
‘That is not it. I want to be near the biggest hospital so that everything can be done. Even if they cut me up, I don’t care so long as it is all right.’
‘I’ll sell the shop if necessary. I’ll tell my people to take me off safari work. Anything. Do you want to move from here?’
‘No. No. Now you are getting excited. I keep house here as though it were my own house. The
work is not too hard. The family is always here- the car, the telephone. If you are away ,I can’t get sick without anyone knowing.’
a) “……….. It was all strange to me, and I told you I was three months on and you didn’t
believe me.” What does Paulina mean by this statement? (2mks)
b) Identify and illustrate two character traits of Paulina evident in the excerpt above
c) “……... There were women, and none of them gave me a child. You had another
man…...” Who were these characters being referred to by martin? (4mks)
d) Martin says that he thought that they had decided to leave all that crap behind. What
could be this crap? (3mks)
e) What do we learn about the relationship between Paulina and Martin in this excerpt?
Explain your answer. (4mks)
f) Identify and explain two themes evident in the above excerpt (4mks)
a) “Even if they Cut me up I don’t care so long as it is all right. “Rewrite this sentence
replacing the underlined words with a most suitable phrase (1mks)
b) What feature of style has been widely used in the excerpt above ?
How has the author effectively used it? (3mks)
3. Read the narrative below and then answer the questions that follow.
Long long time ago animals and Birds spoke just like men do. When God had to stop them
speaking, He made birds sing, like this chrrip! Chrrip ………..Lions to roar like this graagh! Graagh!And hyenas to howl like this huuu! Huuu!
And do you blame God? Listen to what naughty hyena who had gone two days without any
meat did. He had been wondering up and down the hills when he suddenly stopped, nose in the sir,one foot raised.
Do I smell, eh…..smell food? He slowly raised his head to the skies as if to say, “Please
God, let me find some food, even one rotting bone will do.”
Slowly, he followed the smell, sniffing hard, stopping now and again, over grinning wider
as the smell became stronger. “Here at last”, He said as he came in sight of a calf that seemed dead, flies buzzing over its excrement.
“God, no time to waste. Who knows the owner may be around. Oh, no, I see it is secured to
a tree with a ‘Mukwa” I’ll take my time.
Ha, I am tired too, come to think of it. God gave us pretty strong senses of smell, generous old……. Man. Still I do think some people tend to exaggerate, now who was it saying the other day ‘ati’ God is the giver of everything and that we should be grateful. O.K. Tell me, did God give this calf? Did you God? I found it myself, smelled my way there, all the way. Nice calf too, rather thin but it will do. I’ll take the head home and make soup with herbs. I especially like ‘muthathii’,
and I see one over there.
OK. Here we go, where shall I start, this lovely neck? No, I know, I will start with the
‘mukwa’ then I’ll get on to the soft stuff, the tail, the rump, ‘Mahu’………..”
After chewing up half of the ‘mukwa’ the hyena brushed his teeth with the twig of a
‘muthiga’ a tree to stimulate his appetite. He stepped on the calf’s tail, stuffed it in his mouth and ‘snap’ it went. The calf which was only very sick and tired shot up and bolted away in the twinkling of an eye.
The hyena rubbed his eyes, ambled after the disappearing calf and soon fell down in
exhaustion. He looked up again to the heaven, tried to speak but no words came. Hyenas have
never been able to speak ever since…………
a) Classify this narrative and give a reason for your answer. (2mks)
b) What two features of oral narrative are evident in this story? (4mks)
c) Identify one economic aspect of the community described in this narrative and give evidence of your answer. (2mks)
d) Describe two character traits of the hyena as portrayed in the narrative (4mks)
e) (i) What is the moral of this narrative? (2mks)
Join into sentence beginning with Not only…….
(ii) Write a proverb with the same moral as this narrative (1mk)
f) If you are asked to go and collect this story in the field, state:
i) Three things you would do before the actual field trip (3mks)
ii) Two difficulties you are likely to encounter. (2mks)
4. (a) Fill in the blacks in the most suitable way (3mks)
i) Joyce was so sick that she ……………………….. eat for a whole week.
ii) As you …………………………………. told may times, it is wrong to steal
iii) Everything but eggs ………………………….. in the same box.
(b) Rewrite the following sentence according to the instructions given after each. Do
not change the meaning (3mks)
(i) Jane is bright
Jane is enterprising
(ii) Please open the windows
Add a question tag
(iii)Edwardo would have lost his leg were it not for the doctor’s quick action.(Rewrite beginning:
(c) Fill in the blacks with correct alternative from the choice given(3mks)
(i) He gave my father and ………………… (they/them) a lot of trouble.
(ii) Josy and ……………………………….(me/I) are good.
(iii)Correct the following sentence
Us we don’t like people who talk as they eat.
(d) Explain the difference in meaning between the following pairs of sentences.
(i) (a) The boys who wanted to play football were disappointed when it rained
(b) The boys, who wanted to play football, were disappointed when it rained.
(ii) (a) This was the first time that only Susan was late.
(b) This was the only time that Susan was late.
(e) Fill in the blank spaces with the correct alternative given. (2mks)
(i) The man was ……………………………(disappointed with /disappointed in )
the way the selection was conducted
(ii) …………………………….. her disability, she runs a very successful business
enterprise. (In spite of , Despite of)

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